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On the Rocks [Strictly The Classics]

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Τέχνη' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος nýchta, στις 25 Ιουνίου 2010.

  1. Ανάρτηση -μόνο- Rock/ Blues κομματιών, γράφοντας όμως γιατί επιλέξατε το συγκεκριμένο, στην συγκεκριμένη χρονική φάση.

    Κάνω την αρχή με το ακόλουθο, γιατί αισθάνομαι ότι σε λίγο καιρό θα χάσω τα πάντα, και δεν θα έχω ούτε ένα κορίτσι δίπλα μου! χα χα χα
    Εις υγείαν!

    P.s. Rory is hot. 
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  2. Ninevi

    Ninevi Regular Member

    Απάντηση: On the Rocks [Strictly The Classics]

    Γιατί καλύτερα να μην έχεις κανένα κορίτσι δίπλα σου, παρά μία τέτοια  

    p.s. Robert Plant was hotter!
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  3. Galatas

    Galatas New Member

    Απάντηση: On the Rocks [Strictly The Classics]

    Σκηνή απο την ταινία Crossroads (1986) που είδα πριν από μερικές ημέρες.H ταινία για μένα είναι το καλύτερο αφιέρωμα στα blues.

    Όλα τα blues / slide μέρη είναι από τον Ry Cooder και στη μονομαχία και τα δύο μέρη από τον Steve Vai.Το κομμάτι στο βίντεο είναι το Eugene's trick bag.

    Ελπίζω να το απολαύσετε όσο εγώ(εδώ και τρεις μέρες δε μπορώ να σταματήσω να το βλέπω  )
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  4. vautrin

    vautrin Contributor

    Για να μην εξηγώ τ' αυτονόητα...


    I am just a new boy
    Stranger in this town
    Where are all the good times?
    Who's gonna show this stranger around?

    Ooooo I need a dirty woman
    Ooooo I need a dirty gal

    Will some woman in this desert land
    Make me feel like a real man?
    Take this rock n roll refugee
    Ooo Babe, set me free

    Ooooo I need a dirty woman
    Ooooo I need a dirty gal

    Ooooo I need a dirty woman
    Ooooo I need a dirty gal

    (Phone Ringing)
    [Man:] "Hello?"
    [Operator:] "Yes, a collect call for Mrs. Floyd from Mr. Floyd.
    Will you accept the charges from the United States"
    (Phone is Hung Up)
    "He hung up. Is this your residence, sir?"
    "I wonder why he hung up..."
    "There must be someone else there
    besides your wife to answer."
    (Phone Ringing)
    [Man:] "Hello?"
    [Operator:] "This is the United States calling."
    "Are we reaching?"
    (Phone is Hung Up)
    "See he keeps hanging up."
    "But it's a man answering."
    (Operator cuts connection)
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  5. zoyzoy_

    zoyzoy_ Contributor

    Γιατι οταν ειμαι χαλια, με κανει να ξεσπαω, να καθαριζω και μετα ξανα προς τη δοξα να τραβω 

    ΥΓ. ωραιο νημα Eygenie 
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  6. echo

    echo ***

    I'm only flesh and blood
    But I can be anything that you demand
    I could be president of General Motors baby, heh
    or just a tiny little grain of sand


    If I ever leave you
    You can say I told you so
    And if I ever hurt you baby
    You know I hurt myself as well

    Love is hard to explain
    I know my loss is someone else's gain
    Sometime's love is like a bitter pill
    But we just have to take it like it is
    Sometimes life is the sweetest thing
    and sometimes it's just naked pain
    Oh, it's so hard to explain

    I've been down since I began to crawl.
    If it wasn't for bad luck,
    I wouldn't have no luck at all.
    Bad luck and trouble's my only friend.
    I've been down ever since I was ten.
    Born under a bad sign.

    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  7. SadalMelik

    SadalMelik Regular Member

    Έτσι για να εγκαινιάσω το παρών νήμα με κάτι κλασσικό.

    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  8. vautrin

    vautrin Contributor

    Ένα αρχετυπικό μπλουζ με την μεγάλη Μπέσι Σμιθ. Αφιερωμένο στην νηματοθέτρια.

    I woke up this morning with a awful aching head
    I woke up this morning with a awful aching head
    My new man had left me, just a room and a empty bed

    Bought me a coffee grinder that's the best one I could find
    Bought me a coffee grinder that's the best one I could find
    Oh he could grind my coffee, cause he had a brand new grind

    He's a deep sea diver with a stroke that can't go wrong
    He's a deep sea diver with a stroke that can't go wrong
    He can stay at the bottom and his wind holds out so long

    He knows how to thrill me and he thrills me night and day
    Oh he knows how to thrill me, he thrills me night and day
    He's got a new way of loving, almost takes my breath away

    Lord he's got that sweet somethin' and I told my girlfriend Lou
    He's got that sweet somethin' and I told my girlfriend Lou
    From the way she's raving, she must have gone and tried it too

    When my bed get empty make me feel awful mean and blue
    When my bed get empty make me feel awful mean and blue
    My springs are getting rusty, sleeping single like I do

    Bought him a blanket, pillow for his head at night
    Bought him a blanket, pillow for his head at night
    Then I bought him a mattress so he could lay just right

    He came home one evening with his beret way up high
    He came home one evening with his beret way up high
    What he had to give me, make me wring my hands and cry

    He give me a lesson that I never had before
    He give me a lesson that I never had before
    When he got to teachin' me, from my elbow down was sore

    He poured my first cabbage and he made it awful hot
    He poured my first cabbage and he made it awful hot
    When he put in the bacon, it overflowed the pot
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  9. Απάντηση: On the Rocks [Strictly The Classics]

    Επειδή απολαμβάνω τον "διάλογο" των αναστεναγμών.

    Στρατή είναι υπέροχο, σ' ευχαριστώ!
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  10. dora_salonica

    dora_salonica Contributor

    Because I can...
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  11. llazouli

    llazouli Contributor

    Απάντηση: On the Rocks [Strictly The Classics]

    Στρατή, μου άνοιξες την όρεξη με τις μεγάλες Κύριες!

    I don't want you to be no slave;
    I don't want you to work all day;
    But I want you to be true,
    And I just wanna make love to you.
    ...Love to you...
    ...Love to you...
    ...Love to you...

    All I want to do is wash your clothes;
    I don't want to keep you indoors.
    There is nothing for you to do
    But keep me makin' love to you.
    ...Love to you...
    ...Love to you...
    ...Love to you...​

    And I can tell by the way you walk that walk;
    I can hear by the way you talk that talk;
    I can know by the way you treat your girl
    That I can give you all the lovin' in the whole wide world!
    All I want you to do is make your bread!
    Just to make sure you're well-fed!
    I don't want you sad and blue!
    And I just wanna make love to you.
    ...Love to you...
    ...Love to you...
    ...Love to you...Ooooh

    'cause it makes my day..
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  12. Απάντηση: On the Rocks [Strictly The Classics]

    Γι' αυτό....

    Squeeze me, babe, 'till the juice runs down my leg
    Do, squeeze, squeeze me, baby, until the juice runs down my leg
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014