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29 MAY.London's Femdom Fetish Club "PEDESTAL"

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM / Fetish Parties' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος e-timos, στις 8 Μαϊου 2008.

  1. thelma

    thelma Regular Member

    Απάντηση: 29 MAY.London's Femdom Fetish Club "PEDESTAL"

    Εγω αλλο δεν καταλαβα.
    Γιατι ειδικα στον 50αρη? Αμα ειναι ορθιος θα ξερουν? Και τι πρεπει να ξερουν δλδ?
  2. e-timos

    e-timos Regular Member

    το λέω για να δώσω εικόνα..ότι είναι δύσκολο να φτάσουμε σε τέτοια απελευθέρωση.. αν και οι συγκρίσεις είναι ανομίες pisteuw.px δεν μπορώ να φανταστώ στο κέντρο της αθηνας το μεσημέρι κοπέλες να είναι fetish ντυμένες k με μια βέργα στο χέρι! .
  3. Guest05

    Guest05 Guest

    Και καλά στο κέντρο πάει κι έρχεται, για Αγιά Βαρβάρα, Μπραχάμι, Νέα Λιόσα, Κορυδαλλό, Ταμπούρια, Νίκαια, Κοκκινιά τι λες; Μπορείς να μας δώσεις μια εικόνα;
  4. zinnia

    zinnia Contributor

    αμαν κι εσυ πια!!! Τίποτα δεν καταλαβαίνεις!!!

    Σημαίνει να έχουν απόκριες και σε άλλες εποχές του χρόνου.
  5. Guest05

    Guest05 Guest

    Για άλλη μια φορά αποδεικνύεται ότι τα κορίτσια του λάιφ στάιλ είναι τα πιο καλά. Με κέφι, με γέλιο, με ανεμελιά, χαλαρά! Σκάει το χειλάκι σου .
    Πόσο λάθος ήμουν που δεν τα συμπαθούσα.
  6. e-timos

    e-timos Regular Member

  7. e-timos

    e-timos Regular Member

    molis anevikan oi photos sto site tou pedestal!


    βεβαια είναι οι επίσημες photo του club αν η διαχείριση του community κρίνει ότι πρέπει να διαγραφουν ας το πράξει.
    "Photos of party goers at Pedestal March(May..kai ta kalutera magazia kanoun lathh.) 2008. All photos taken with the permission of those appearing in them.
    Last edited: 5 Ιουνίου 2008
  8. Mirella_trans_Domme

    Mirella_trans_Domme Contributor

    Κατι σαν να ανοιξε και παλι το τριωδιο! 
  9. Tropical_Storm

    Tropical_Storm Regular Member

    @ atimoulis
    Αυτο απο την αγαπημενη μου Bitchy Jones και το blog της. (Δεν ασπαζομαι τις αποψεις της περι Pro Dommes, νομιζω πως το εχω ξαναπει).
    Εχει δικιο για το event?

    June 2, 2008

    What I Didn’t See Enough of at Club Pedestal

    ‘Cause it was all ass-spanking. And you know, ass-spanking, that’s not so much brutey, brave stoic sacrifice and more who’s been a naughty boy, then. Oh, I know, I know, different people like different things, it’s all a big continuum. But on Thursday night it felt like I was on one end of the bell curve and everyone else was in the room next door with a completely different ass-shaped diagram.
    As I walked in, two men got on their knees and gave me a rose. Thing was, I had just spent £5.50 putting all my stuff in the cloakroom. The last thing I wanted was some *plant* to carry around when I had just deliberately got shot of my stuff to carry around.
    Course they were doing this so every woman who came up the stairs making it all *slightly* female supremacy icky.
    Only slightly, I guess, ’cause it was a club for dominant women, but even so, how special did I feel? Why vagina-special. (I was actually the least special looking woman there by a long long way. I’m sure people thought I was there to fix the plumbing as none of my clothes were either skin-tight or teetering or shiny, shiny, SHINY. (Or equestrian themed for some other bloody faux-posh reason. God. Why do dominant women weakly pretend to be members of the upper classes all the time? *Sigh* class-rage: [OFF]))
    So I left the flower on the bar. And felt bad about that. Like when you take a flyer to be nice but then drop it in a bin.
    The kneeling-rose-doormen also called me mistress. I did think the case had been closed on dominant women not liking being called ‘mistress’ by random strangers. Jack sometimes calls me mistress if he thinks I might be in a coma and he wants to rouse me fast.
    But look, it is the ick and I really thought you *knew*.
    But you can’t really blame those rose guys. Not after the chavinatrix taking tickets on the door kept me waiting in line while she gave the man in front of me an erection by screetching at him for *not* calling *her* mistress. Anyone’d think prodoms *like* making femdom uncomfy for women like me. Anyone’d think they had a financial vested interest in that.
    Here’s the thing. I didn’t fit in. I didn’t fit in at ass-spanky, rose-givy, prodom-screetchy Club Pedestal. But when I complained to Jack that I wanted to see some punching in the face, and he said why didn’t I punch him in the face, and I did, and I did until my knuckles hurt and he was bruised, I thought about how many other nightclubs I had ever sat in where I would have felt happy punching my boyfriend in the face over and over.
  10. lewnis

    lewnis New Member

    Φαίνεται απίστευτα ωραία....μακάρι κάποια στιγμή να γίνουν και στην Έλλαδα τετοια party και όχι μονο στην Αθήνα αλλα και στη Θεσ/νικη....