Απόκρυψη ανακοίνωσης

Καλώς ήρθατε στην Ελληνική BDSM Κοινότητα.
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Η εγγραφή σας στην Online Κοινότητά μας θα σας επιτρέψει να δημοσιεύσετε νέα μηνύματα στο forum, να στείλετε προσωπικά μηνύματα σε άλλους χρήστες, να δημιουργήσετε το προσωπικό σας profile και photo albums και πολλά άλλα.

Η εγγραφή σας είναι γρήγορη, εύκολη και δωρεάν.
Γίνετε μέλος στην Online Κοινότητα.

Αν συναντήσετε οποιοδήποτε πρόβλημα κατά την εγγραφή σας, παρακαλώ επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας.

με συγγραφική εντολή...

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM Art and Literature' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος gaby, στις 4 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011.

  1. llazouli

    llazouli Contributor

    Απάντηση: με συγγραφική εντολή...

    Χααχα ναι, όντως, διανύω περίοδο αντίστασης και πάλης στη λατρεμένη αφοσίωση και απόλυτη παράδοση.  

    Kitsch, ξεkitsch ξεκουράζει αν μη τι άλλο απ' την κλασική εμμονιακή ανδρική φαντασίωση για παιχνίδι f/f.. 
  2. gaby

    gaby Guest

    Απάντηση: με συγγραφική εντολή...

    Και οι δύο ήξεραν ότι τις πιο πολλές χρονιές ο Σεπτέμβρης έφερνε άκεφες και λίγο αγριεμένες ακροθαλασσιές. Περνούσε κανένα δεκαήμερο έτσι και μετά τα πράγματα γλύκαιναν, ήταν όμως φθινοπωριάτικα πια. Φέτος δεν ήταν έτσι. Από την αρχή αρχή ο Σεπτέμβρης έμοιαζε με έναν λιγότερο ζεστό Αύγουστο, το ίδιο ανέμελο, ακόμα πιο ήρεμο. Υπέροχα νερά, αγκαλιά και χάδι.

    Είχαν διάθεση για χάδια και σεξ στα νερά, προσδοκίες για το φθινόπωρο που ερχόταν, είναι τόσο υπέροχο πράγμα να αλλάζουν οι εποχές, να κυλάει ο χρόνος. Αυτή η μέρα αυτής της χρονιάς, μεσοβδόμαδη με τέλειο καιρό και όλα καλοφροντισμένα από τις ίδιες στο σπίτι, με την Κυρία ευχαριστημένη ήταν μοναδική, δεν θα επαναλαμβανόταν ποτέ. Θα υπήρχαν πολλές άλλες όμορφες μέρες, αυτό ήταν βέβαιο, δεν θα ήταν όμως ποτέ ακριβώς το ίδιο.

    Το θέμα ήταν το τώρα. Να μη χάσουν το τώρα, να το απολαύσουν μέχρι τέρμα.

    Οι δυό τους συνεννοούνταν μια χαρά, χωρίς πολλά λόγια. Καμιά φορά μιλούσαν μεταξύ τους με ελλειπτικές φράσεις, συμπληρώνοντας η μία την άλλη, με τα ελάχιστα αναγκαία.

    Έτσι και τώρα, όταν η Κυρία τις διέταξε να πάνε στην παραλία κάτω απ το σπίτι και να αλλάξουν την περίφραξη του κτήματος, δουλειά σκληρή για όλη την ημέρα, ενώ η Ίδια θα έλειπε στη δουλειά Της, ήξεραν ότι θα εκτελούσαν την εντολή Της.

    Με μια παραλλαγή όμως, που η Κυρία την είχε απαγορεύσει. Κάθε τόσο θα έκαναν μια βουτιά στην υπέροχη θάλασσα, μπορεί και άλλα πράγματα, αλλά μια βουτιά σίγουρα.

    Απαγορευόταν και στις δύο να ξεχύνονται στη θάλασσα που είχαν μπροστά τους όποτε τους έκανε κέφι. Αυτή ήταν μια ευχαρίστηση που τους έδινε η Κυρία μόνο. Με το σταγονόμετρο πάντα, όταν υπήρχε περιθώριο από τις σκληρές, χειρωνακτικές δουλειές με τις οποίες ασχολούνταν όλη μέρα. Σχεδόν ποτέ δεν υπήρχε, ιδίως το καλοκαίρι.

    Δεν μίλησαν μεταξύ τους, το λίγο γέλιο στα μάτια τους θα πρόδιδε τη σιωπηλή συμφωνία. Αλλά δεν το είδε κανείς.

    Αποχαιρέτησαν την Κυρία για την ημέρα, γονάτισαν και της φίλησαν τις γόβες, είδαν το αυτοκίνητο που έβγαινε από την πύλη και αυτό ήταν. Σήμερα θα ήταν η μέρα τους, μια μέρα όπως τους άρεσε δεν χάλαγε κανέναν, έτσι δεν είναι;

    Γεμάτες καλές προθέσεις, έβαλαν τα σκέτα, κοντά, μακό φορεματάκια τους, έπιασαν την αλογοουρά τους, τα καπελάκια τους από πάνω και κατέβηκαν τρεις ορόφους σκαλιά για την παραλία. Να κατεβαίνουν δεν ήταν τίποτα. Όταν τους ανέβαιναν φορτωμένες όμως... Το ασανσέρ ήταν για την Κυρία και για τους καλεσμένους της, όταν έρχονταν.

    Ήταν πολύ καλόκεφες, χαρούμενες, γλυκά ερεθισμένες από τον πρωινό αυνανισμό. Υποχρεωτικός ήταν, κάθε λίγες ώρες, τις άφηνε καυτές και ανοιχτές όλη μέρα.

    Πρώτα πρώτα έπρεπε να πάνε στην αποθήκη της παραλίας, εκεί υπήρχαν τα καινούργια πασαλάκια για την περίφραξη, είχαν έρθει προχθές και όλα τα εργαλεία για να κάνουν τη σκληρή δουλειά και ολόκληρες ρόδες από σύρμα περίφραξης.

    Την ήξεραν καλά αυτή την αποθήκη. Εκεί είχαν φτιάξει το κλουβί τους, για όποτε ήθελε η Κυρία, ένα για τις δύο. Ποτέ η Κυρία δεν έβαζε μία μόνη της στο κλουβί, όπως ποτέ δεν τιμωρούσε ή φρόντιζε ή απολάμβανε μια μόνον από τις δύο.

    Ήταν τόσο ερεθισμένες ήδη και η σκληρή δουλειά θα τις έκανε περισσότερο ακόμα.

    Άνοιξαν την αποθήκη, η μυρωδιά της τους άρεσε πολύ. Στεγνό χώμα, ξερές πευκοβελόνες, η θάλασσα κοντά και άλλες πιο έντονες. Κοίταξαν τη θάλασσα πίσω τους και λαχτάρησαν.

    Έβγαλαν τα φορεματάκια της δουλειάς, έβγαλαν και τα απλά πάνινα παπούτσια τους και έτρεξαν στη θάλασσα. Για λίγη ώρα, το πολύ ένα τέταρτο θα ήταν, μετά θα στέγνωναν και θα έπιαναν δουλειά, νωρίς ήταν ακόμα και είχαν καιρό.

    Ποτέ δεν σκέφτονταν έτσι και πάντα προηγούνταν όλα της Κυρίας, ας μην έμενε ποτέ χρόνος ή δύναμη για τίποτα άλλο και ήταν πολύ ευτυχισμένες έτσι. Τι τις είχε πιάσει σήμερα, δεν ήξεραν.

    Η θάλασσα τις αγκάλιασε με δύναμη. Βούτηξαν φωνάζοντας από χαρά, κολύμπησαν, έκαναν μακροβούτια και απολάμβαναν με την ψυχή τους. Ο χρόνος είχε ξεχαστεί.

    Πλησίασαν η μία την άλλη. Πάντα ξεκινούσαν να παίζουν τρίβοντας τις ρόγες τους μεταξύ τους. Βγήκαν στα πολύ ρηχά, γονάτισαν στην άμμο κοιτάζοντας η μια την άλλη. Φιλήθηκαν, έτριβαν τις ρόγες τους. Λίγο λίγο έγιναν πετραδάκια, αυτές βογγούσαν καλά ερεθισμένες, η διέγερση αντηχούσε στο βάθος του κόλπου τους, άρχισαν να πάλλονται.

    Κυλίστηκαν στην ακροθαλασσιά, φιλήθηκαν με πάθος, η μία πάνω στην άλλη. Χαϊδεύονταν και φιλιόντουσαν σαν εραστές που είχαν να βρεθούν χρόνια, η μοναχική παραλία είχε γεμίσει ηδονή και τρυφερότητα.

    Ξανά άρχισαν να παίζουν με τις ρόγες τους, τις έστριβαν, τις έγλυφαν, τις δάγκωναν και απολάμβαναν τρελά. Η Κυρία τις είχε μάθει να χύνουν από τις ρόγες και μόνον αν και δεν ήταν εύκολο πάντα. Η Κυρία τώρα έλειπε και αυτές έπαιζαν ευτυχισμένα και χωρίς έγνοια καμία. Ούτε δούλες, ούτε σκλάβες, ούτε εργάτριες. Τριβάδες του γιαλού, παθιασμένες για έρωτα.

    Κάποια στιγμή η μια παίρνει ένα λείο βότσαλο από λίγο πιο πέρα, δεν είναι μεγάλο, ακριβώς για τη δουλειά που το θέλει κάνει. Ψάχνει με τα μάτια και βρίσκει και άλλα, λεία μεγάλα βότσαλα.

    “Ξάπλωσε πίσω να δεις τι θα σου κάνω, ξάπλωσε και κλείσε τα μάτια, τώρα δα”. Η άλλη, άλλο που δεν ήθελε, υποκύπτει παθητικά, ξαπλώνει και κλείνει τα μάτια.

    Ξεπλένει τα βότσαλα στη θάλασσα, μαλακώνει την κάψα που έχουν μαζέψει. Όταν είναι απλά χλιαρά, ακουμπάει το μικρό πάνω στην κλειτορίδα της ξαπλωμένης, το πιέζει απαλά και σταθερά με το ηβικό οστό, να κάνει καλή επαφή. Πάνω του ακουμπάει το μεγαλύτερο, να πιέζει και να στερεώνει.

    “Άρχισε να κουνιέσαι απαλά, καθώς θα πιέζω, πολύ απαλά όμως, μη χύσεις ακόμα.”

    Η άλλη αρχίζει να τεντώνει προς τα πάνω τη λεκάνη. Η απλή αυτή πίεση την διεγείρει πάρα πολύ, θέλει περισσότερα, πολύ περισσότερα. Θέλει μια γροθιά να μπει στο μουνί της και να μείνει εκεί, να στριφογυρίζει και να μπαινοβγαίνει απαλά και να την καβλώνει για ώρες.

    Τώρα όμως υπάρχει αυτή η ήρεμη και ζεστή πίεση και είναι τρομερά ερεθιστική.

    Φιλιούνται πάλι, με πάθος. Η πέτρα αρχίζει να τρίβεται. Απόλαυση. Η πέτρα κατεβαίνει ελάχιστα πιο χαμηλά, προς την τρύπα, βρίσκει άλλα νεύρα ερεθίζει περισσότερο. Είναι μια απόλαυση, σχεδόν χύνει.

    Σηκώνεται καθιστή, παίρνει την άλλη αγκαλιά, της βάζει χέρι, είναι καυτή και υγρή και αυτή.

    Ξαναπέφτουν στη θάλασσα, αγκαλιάζονται, βάζουν χέρι η μία στην άλλη.

    Ένα μικρό ψαράκι κολυμπούσε αργά εκεί γύρω. Το αρπάζει στη χούφτα της η μία.

    “Έλα, ξάπλωσε, σου έχω μια έκπληξη, λέει στην άλλη.”

    Αυτή ξαπλώνει, η άλλη της ανοίγει τα πόδια και αρχίζει να την γλύφει. Σπρώχνει το μικρό ψαράκι στο μουνί και συνεχίζει να γλύφει την ξετρελαμένη από τα σπαρταρίσματα μέσα της. Για λίγο. Μετά η πρώτη γυρνάει, πέφτει στα τέσσερα, σπρώχνει το ψαράκι έξω.

    Ξανά θάλασσα, κολύμπι, φιλιά, fisting στην ακροθαλασσιά, τι απόλαυση οι λεπτές γροθιές που μπαινόβγαιναν ήρεμα. Οι μικρές είναι κατακαβλωμένες.

    “Σκοτείνιασε λίγο;”
    “Δε νομίζω, γιατί;”
    “Δεν είχαμε κάτι να κάνουμε;”
    “Πάει πια.”
    “Να το ξεκινήσουμε τώρα;”
    “Δεν θα προλάβουμε”
    “Ναι αλλά θα φανεί ότι προσπαθήσαμε τουλάχιστον.”
    “Δε βαριέσαι.”
    “Λες να...;”
    “Δεν ξέρω, ό,τι είναι να γίνει θα γίνει, ας μη χύσουμε τουλάχιστον, αυτό θα είναι τρομερά κακό.”
    “Ναι, σωστά, οι δουλειές γίνονται και αύριο, όμως αν χύσουμε ...”
    “... θα θυμώσει πολύ.”
    “Θα μας δώσει σε άλλους τότε, λες;”
    “Στους χειρότερους που υπάρχουν.”

    Κολυμπούν ξανά, χωρίς το παλιό τους κέφι.

    Το σπίτι σκιάζει τη θάλασσα. Η μέρα φεύγει λίγο λίγο.

    Γυρνούν προς τα εκεί, βλέπουν την Κυρία να τις κοιτάζει από το μπαλκόνι της κάμαράς της.
    Σιωπηλά, περνούν από την αποθήκη, παίρνουν το ρούχο και τα παπούτσια της η καθεμία και ανεβαίνουν τα καυτά σκαλοπάτια, σβέλτα και ξυπόλυτες. Ξέρουν τι πρέπει να κάνουν.

    Πηγαίνουν έξω απ την κάμαρα της Κυρίας, γονατίζουν με τα χέρια πίσω απ το σβέρκο και Την περιμένουν.

    Σε δέκα λεπτά η πόρτα ανοίγει και βγαίνει η Κυρία.

    Τις περιεργάζεται.

    “Κουραστήκατε πολύ σήμερα, βλέπω”

    Τσιμουδιά οι μικρές.

    “Η φροντίδα για την Κυρία σας με συγκινεί.”


    “Αυτό ακριβώς που είχα στο νου μου όταν σας ανέλαβα, τις υψηλότητές σας.”

    Μιλιά δεν βγάζουν.

    “Εγώ να δουλεύω κι εσείς να περνάτε τις μέρες σας στην παραλία.”

    Νιώθουν ουτιδανές. Δεν το είχαν δει έτσι. Δύο βάρβαρα παιδιά ήταν όλο το πρωί, χωρίς αρχές, χωρίς συνείδηση, μόνο με ψυχή και αισθήσεις. Τώρα που ακούνε ότι η Κυρία τους πέρασε χειρότερα από αυτές, για χάρη τους, νιώθουν ότι θέλουν να ανοίξει η γη να τις καταπιεί.

    Η Κυρία γελάει περιφρονητικά.

    “Καριολίτσες! Δεν ξέρω τι κάνατε η μια με την άλλη, ούτε θέλω να μάθω.”

    Η Κυρία γνωρίζει ότι οι μικρές δεν έχυσαν. Δεν έχουν τη δύναμη αντίστασης που θα χρειαζόταν για να φτάσουν ως εκεί. Οι μικρές πονούν στη στάση που βρίσκονται. Τα χέρια τρέμουν, σφίγγονται πίσω απ το σβέρκο, τα μάτια βουρκώνουν.

    “Μπροστά τα χέρια!”

    Οι μικρές τεντώνουν τα χέρια σιωπηλές, νιώθουν τη στιγμιαία ανακούφιση της αλλαγής στάσης, όμως γνωρίζουν τι θα επακολουθήσει.

    Η Κυρία φέρνει τις δύο βαριές ξύλινες ράβδους και δίνει από μια στην κάθε γονατιστή σκλάβα. Πρέπει να τις κρατήσουν με τα χέρια τεντωμένα, οι παλάμες να κλείνουν προς τα πάνω, είναι λίγο πιο δύσκολο έτσι, πονάει λίγο περισσότερο.

    Στην κάθε άκρη είναι στερεωμένο με κορδόνι ένα γυάλινο κυπελάκι. Η Κυρία γεμίζει τα κυπελάκια ξέχειλα με νερό. Δεν πρέπει να στάξει έξω σταγόνα. Δεν πρέπει να τρεμουλιάσει στιγμή, καμία τους.

    “Μισή ώρα, παλιοκόριτσα. Μισή ώρα με τις ράβδους, για αρχή. Για να μάθετε να σκέπτεστε τις κάβλες σας μόνον.”

    Οι μικρές υποφέρουν, κάθε δευτερόλεπτο που περνάει και περισσότερο. Μισή ώρα! Χίλια οκτακόσια δευτερόλεπτα. Αρχίζουν να μετρούν. Τα χέρια πονούν αφόρητα. “Μη σφίγγεσαι”, σκέπτονται οι μικρές “χαλαρά για να αντέξεις.” Έχουν τα μάτια χαμηλωμένα, δεν σπαταλούν δυνάμεις για να κοιτάξουν γύρω γύρω. Σα να τα τρυπούν βελόνες νιώθουν. Σε λίγο θα αρχίσουν οι αθέλητοι σπασμοί. Θα τρέξει το νερό, σίγουρα, και μετά, όσες οι σταγόνες το νερό, τόσες οι σταγόνες το αίμα...

    Τα δευτερόλεπτα που φεύγουν γίνονται σαν λαστιχένια. Όσο περνάει ο χρόνος, όλο και πιο αργά χάνονται. Οι μικρές ζαλίζονται, θέλουν να λιποθυμήσουν, να πάψουν να νιώθουν. Είναι τόσο σκουπίδια, δεν είχαν πρώτη την Κυρία τους σήμερα, που τους αξίζουν τα πάντα. Η τιμωρία τους είναι το λιγότερο και τη δέχονται σχεδόν με ευγνωμοσύνη. Να πάψουν να νιώθουν, να πάψουν να σκέπτονται και να διορθώσουν τα λάθη που έκαναν, αυτό θέλουν. Να ξεχαστούν όσο γίνεται γρηγορότερα.

    Οι μικρές αρχίζουν να βογκούν δυνατά. Χίλια εξακόσια δευτερόλεπτα. Να μην αρχίσουν οι σπασμοί μόνο.

    Ο χρόνος τελειώνει.

    “Σηκωθείτε πάνω, ζωντόβολα!”

    Σηκώνονται σιωπηλές. Τρέμουν από τη λύπη.

    “Έχετε να πείτε κάτι;”

    “Συγνώμη, Κυρία”

    Έχουν μάθει να είναι λιτές στα λόγια, σε τέτοιες περιπτώσεις.

    “Δεν έχει ύπνο για σας απόψε, ούτε φαϊ, φυσικά. Θα δώσετε η μια στην άλλη από πενήντα με τη βίτσα. Τώρα δα, μπροστά μου. Μετά θα πάτε να κάνετε όλες τις δουλειές του σπιτιού, που δεν κάνατε σήμερα. Στο τέλος της ημέρας, άλλες πενήντα με τη βίτσα. Αύριο, αξημέρωτα, αφού δώσετε άλλες πενήντα, θα πάτε γυμνές και ξυπόλυτες να φτιάξετε την περίφραξη. Και μετά θα έρθετε σ εμένα. Θα έχω νέα για σας, πολύ δύσκολα. Ελπίζω να τα αντέξετε, αλλά δεν είμαι διόλου σίγουρη.”

    Τόσο δύσκολα τελείωνε μια μέρα που είχε αρχίσει υπέροχα, όμως αυτό που είχαν ζήσει στην παραλία, το ακριβοπληρωμένο, που δεν θα το ξανάβρισκαν, θα το αγαπούσαν πάντα.
  3. Astrovroxi

    Astrovroxi Το κοπρογατο Contributor

    Απάντηση: με συγγραφική εντολή...

    Κατ'αρχην σε ευχαριστω που με κατακαυλωσες τοσο πολυ απογευματιατικ και θα εχω μια πολυ ερεθιστικα τρυφερη φαντασιωση συντροφια μου για να χυσω!
    Και φυσικα να επαναλαβω οτι για αλλη μια φορα η περιγραφη σου ηταν τοσο ζωντανη, που ενοιωθα την δροσια της θαλασσας στο κορμι μου και την ανεμελια κα την χαρα τους μεσα μου.....
  4. Paralax

    Paralax Regular Member

    Απάντηση: με συγγραφική εντολή...

    Σε διαβάζω.

    Κι ας χάθηκε στ' άχυρα σαν βελόνι.
    Λείπουν τα χρειώδη για ακροαματικότητα.
    Σπέρμα attention freak εξαρτημένων
    και αίμα αλληλομισουμένων.

    Περιμένω το πιο σπάταλο.

    Χάρη θα μας κάνεις.
    Μια όαση.
    Στων ψυχικών διαταραχών την πύρινη τη λαίλαπα.
  5. Uther

    Uther Contributor

    Απάντηση: με συγγραφική εντολή...

    Μ'αρέσει η γρήγορη ροή του. Δυσκολεύομαι να παρακολουθήσω ή να εντοπίσω τα αισθήματα των ηρώων. Αναρωτιέμαι αν έχουν, και αν έχουν καμία σημασία, ή αν θες να μας μεταδώσεις τις εικόνες της ίδιας της ροής...
  6. gaby

    gaby Guest

    Απάντηση: με συγγραφική εντολή...


    Αλλά ποτέ δεν ένιωσα ότι νομιμοποιούμαι να μπω κάτω απ το πετσί Κυρίαρχων, ακόμα κι όταν είναι ήρωες διηγημάτων μου και όταν υπηρετώ εγώ τα αισθήματά μου μπαίνουν σε δεύτερη μοίρα. Ουσιαστικά, αυτή η αίσθηση αυτοελέγχου και η ταπείνωση που τη συνοδεύει είναι που με βάζει στο γνωστό τριπάκι.

    Επειδή την ώρα που έγραφα υπηρετούσα, πιο πολλά αισθήματα ήταν αδύνατο να βάλω.

    @ Paralax,
    ευχαριστώ   Και τώρα σπάταλη είμαι, αλλά τα κρύβω εδώ κι εκεί...
  7. gaby

    gaby Guest

    The duties and the days of two little servant - slaves

    There are two little female servants, slaves to Mistress, both of them.

    Their age does not matter, however they are young enough to sustain the life of the servant – slave and mature enough to know their place in the life of their Mistress. They can also tell good from bad. Bad is whatever makes Mistress feel bad. Bad was getting sexual satisfaction from each other, as well.

    These female servant – slaves do not have any name given to them. One could very well label them the pink and the orange servant - slave, just for reasons of distinction, however this would be a rather peculiar choice. A more conventional approach would be to distinguish them by hair color, so there is the brunette servant – slave and the blond servant – slave. They both have long hair, always worn in simple ponytails.

    Once, their hair was extra long. Even so, part of their manes was cut to become a tail butt plug, which they were to don each morning, by dawn and doff at night, just before getting to sleep.

    These servant – slaves are human beings without any right, very happy to be owned by Mistress. They have a strong sense that they belong and they love to abide by the Law of Mistress. They adore the strictness of Mistress combined with Her cruelty and they live to please Her.

    The servant – slaves, being human, need to interact emotionally. It does good to them, helps them to remain focused. For this need of theirs they have each other. Sometimes they sleep cuddling in the floor.

    They are very obedient, given to their tasks, in submission to Mistress.

    Mistress uses them well. The servant – slaves are at Her service all day long, doing all house chores and more, such as secretarial jobs, simple repairs and running the household. They take care of the garden with the organic products and the very limited livestock, for the well being of Mistress.

    Everyday, usually early afternoon or, sometimes, just before dusk, Mistress is using them sexually. Sometimes servant - slaves are objects of art, to Her amusement. Other times they may have to inflict serious pain to each other, to Her quiet, obscure joy, for Mistress never comes in front of Her servant – slaves. Mistress, indeed, mixes exclusively with Her equals. Servant – slaves are a very great distance, not Her equals, therefore the jouissance they derive from each other, albeit strong and unique, is never shared.

    Later on, the servant – slaves are back to their duties and after dinner, Mistress may have a play party. Then, the servant – slaves are displayed, humiliated and used by the guests of both sexes. Mistress insists that, aside from the pain they have to inflict to each other while acting to Her orders, in any other sexual use Her slaves have to be malleable, docile and unassertive. Mistress considers that being allowed to become sexually bold is a forbidden fruit for Her properties. In contrast to other Dominants that seek and encourage sluttiness in slaves, Mistress has not place for sluts in Her household.

    servant – slaves have been trained and re-trained as sexual objects for use, to have no limits, to the possible extent. Still, while encouraged to enjoy the extremities being done to them, they are to enjoy out of submission, not because it is their own kinks that happen to materialize.

    As for how the day of servant – slaves goes, they have, first of all, to get up by dawn. As soon as they open their eyes, they shall have a wash and shave and flush themselves in no more than twenty minutes. They are to insert the full tail butt plug up their assholes quickly and in one movement.

    Now it is masturbation time. servant - slaves shall turn their backs to each other and slowly masturbate to edge. This has to take twenty minutes, so if they edge early they shall keep themselves there for a long time. Orgasm is allowed only in special occasions, just for the amusement of Mistress. servant – slaves are obliged to edge six times daily, one of them in the middle of the night.

    Following morning masturbation, they comb their hair, do their ponytails and put on the simple and very short dress they wear all day long.

    In summer, this dress is from organic linen in a neutral color. In winter, it is usually grey wool. slave – servants share three pieces each session, so that one of them can be washed and the slave – servants would still be able to get dressed.

    Sometimes, especially when they are working in the garden during summer, slave – servants are to be naked, except for shoes and hat.

    It is forbidden for servant – slaves to put any underwear, except for humiliation purposes, when they may be ordered to dress themselves in corsets. they have undergone corset training, as well as stilettos training, both of them painful, humiliating, arousing.

    servant – slaves are to take three meals daily, either standing or in all fours. Breakfast is usually standing.

    After breakfast it is time for house chores. servant – slaves work hard for several hours, to make sure that everything in the household of Mistress is clean, beautifully cozy and well arranged. As servant – slaves cook, they are not allowed to taste anything. It was a skill the servant - slaves had been trained to, when, in their early training they were cooking gaged, with a penis – shaped gag, to work a little on their gag reflexes at the same time.

    Every four hours servant – slaves have to stop whatever they are doing and masturbate to edge, this time as soon as possible. Each minute, up to the upper limit of twenty counts for one stroke with the cane. So, if edging takes just five minutes, then it is only five with the cane. And so on. For more than twenty minutes, the rate doubles, because it is obvious that the tardy servant - slave deeply needs to refocus.

    Caning is to be given at the same moment, unceremoniously, by the overseer of the manor. The little servant – slaves have to appear to the overseer immediately and whisper to him, with lowered eyes, just one figure, the number of strokes they deserve. Then, they are taking position and the overseer does what he has been ordered to do by Mistress.

    If this ordeal makes any of the servant – slaves feel that she is punished, that means that there is a morsel of guilt somewhere inside her, for any moment that she may have not done her best to obey, or even for a silent resistance to an order given, that of course, was not expressed and neither should it had been.

    This kind of reinforcement, according to Mistress, does good to the servant – slaves, so the First has no reason to tell them what it really is, after all the servant – slaves seldom wish to ask about anything.

    The overseer has also undertaken to take care of any additional training that each little servant – slave may need from time to time to keep focused and in prefect condition to serve. Sometimes the overseer puts the little servant – slaves in various ordeals, designed to teach them a new skill, although the properties themselves have no idea about its purpose.

    Once they were surprised to be ordered to tiptoe around the manor barefoot, for hours, day in, day out. It was so difficult a task that it deserved to be thought as an ordeal. When, a few days later, they had been harnessed to the plough to prepare the land for the sowing of the year, the reason for the previous task had become obvious, that is, to everybody except the little servant – slaves themselves.

    It was the most humiliating thing ever done to them for it had made them feel like sexual animals. Suddenly there was almost no need for the cane after the day edgings as they were edging instantly for days. Unfortunately, there was a need for the horrible level-three enema punishment, because they proved incapable of keeping themselves in edge for twenty minutes morning and night. they had to stop masturbating in one minute and a half, otherwise orgasm, with capital “o” was inevitable. their cunts were leaking like faucets these days and their assholes were twitching, inviting the tail butt plug as they had never done in the past. their nipples hurt out of arousal.

    In four and a half o’clock the servant – slaves are to stop doing house chores and become presentable for Mistress. Then, they quietly march to the sitting room and present themselves to Mistress, naked, barefoot and collared, with the play collar. It is the important part of the day, when Mistress inspects Her pieces of property, outside and inside, for She is very capable of knowing what is going on inside Her property.

    servant – slaves are always doing their best to be in a perfect condition for this time of the day, they cherish it as a gift and they are afraid of it, at the same time. they do respect Mistress, so pleasing Her is of utmost importance.

    If Mistress has to say anything about the services of the servant – slaves, to order something new or change an old order or rule, this is the time She usually does so.

    Mistress is fond of objectification. servant – slaves have been trained to be objects of art of various types.

    As human sculptures, they have been ordered to take a 69 position and then to place their tongue to the cunt of each other. Then, they had to stay still, inflicting the minimum arousal to each other, for more than one hour. The very slight movements of the tongue, even because of the breathing of the servant – slaves, were more that adequate to make them edge.

    So, Mistress could amuse Herself with the trembling stillness of their buttocks that Her pieces of property couldn’t even realize.

    Sometimes they are to be an ass-to-ass “statute vivant”.

    The overseer is then summoned upon to dilate a little their anuses. This may take some time as the back entrance of pieces of property shall not be damaged and therefore has to be handled with care. For the general training of this area the overseer had made use of method of the old French brothels. Every day there was static stretching, dynamic stretching and then conditioning of the muscle to keep inside something very thin and lubricated, for a lot of time. This was the care taken, so that the muscle, albeit abused to gape, won’t actually lose its tone.

    For the needs of the afternoon play, a repeated deep fingering with no more than three fingers is enough. As soon as the gape starts to remain for a while after fingers have left the hole, then it is the duty of the overseer to slowly push the lubricated snake – dildo to the assholes of the servant – slaves. their asses are vis – a – vis each other as the servant – slaves are in all fours, facing away. The snake dildo goes inside for no more than twenty - two centimeters in each anus. The task of the servant – slaves is not to keep the monster from falling outside, just with their internal muscles.

    Usually, the servant – slaves are not allowed to move when doing the ass-to-ass statute vivant. However, there are sometimes, when the servant – slaves are ordered to move rhythmically and very sensually, as a form of minimal dance, putting the monster further inside them. This was difficult to learn how to achieve. At first they were always loosing the dildo. they were nevertheless been given a strong motive. Each time one of them was loosing the dildo both had to receive it again, this time coated with a hot material instead that was causing a burning inside them. Motivation worked. servant – slaves did not found necessary more than three times of training.

    At those moments of doing “statute vivant” the servant – slaves feel so humiliated that they are more than aroused and thus, extremely eager to please Mistress. This is how they know to express what they feel towards Her. Pleading is there, as well as joy, gratitude, excitement, acceptance, trust, submission, respect and fear.

    Sometimes, doing “statute vivant” comes along with a lot of pain, the latter being either feet torture or breast torture. Binder clips in the nipples, with flashy jewels hanging from them, for half an hour, while very painful, leaves the nipples aroused and asking for more for a few days. It depends on the mood of Mistress, if she is going to let the servant – slaves inflict pain to themselves, each standing alone in front of Her, or to each other.

    Happy hour lasts for about two hours. Then, at seven o’clock the servant – slaves are to serve dinner to Mistress, and later to do their evening tasks, usually of secretarial nature. Mistress believes that the best way for Her pieces of property to sleep in peace of mind is to be exhausted, by that time. So, day is usually concluded by hard menial chores, as to rub the kitchen floor or other, of similar nature.

    servant – slaves go to sleep at around midnight or even later when there is a party going on. they feel soft inside them, quiet and well used. What more do they need to be happy?
  8. gaby

    gaby Guest

    It all had started because of an application in the iMac of this submissive, or at least it had seemed so. It was a particular inclination of this submissive towards forced exhibitionism, a special form of humiliation that, if applied correctly, could make her drip for days and nights, feeling humiliated every single moment, focused on giving service, totally submissive.

    Mistress was into humiliation Herself. She enjoyed very much giving the maximum of humiliation to her properties, making it last, integrating the lessons out of all these sessions well into the soul of Her owned ones. A total mind fuck. This submissive didn’t know a lot about the whole spectrum of the fancies and inclinations of Mistress. What this submissive knew was to obey Her, to behave well, as an owned person should do anyway, and most important of all, to mind her own business which was to serve and please Mistress.

    This submissive could recall in vivid colors how it was the first time Mistress had used her sexually. It could have been wonderful. It could have left this submissive fully in love with Mistress. But no. Mistress had made this submissive Hers in the most painful, vicious and degrading manner. It was purely a matter of acquisition of a slave, clandestine as a sexual act. This submissive was gaged, so that her screams wouldn’t weaken the pleasure Mistress was taking out of her.

    At some point during this event, Mistress unlocked the gag and put it away, as she continued harshly sodomising her new property. Deep inside Her, Mistress was a little worried, that this new property would not make it up to Her expectations, that it would start calling Her names, even demanding a renegotiation of the terms of her consent, or would simply ask to be unleashed immediately. Mistress was pleased when She heard the soft cries and the girly whimpers of Her property. Then She knew this submissive was Hers, to do as She liked.

    “It means that you need strong and often humiliation to feel complete in life”, Mistress had told this submissive, when the latter had asked why she was rather happy after the almost rape scene.

    In the beginning, this submissive couldn’t accept that this was her nature. Little by little, under the guidance of Mistress, she did. This submissive learned that humiliation was not a simple airy feeling that comes and goes depending on random events that she, alone could interpret as slightly humiliating. This submissive used to become aroused this simple way since when she was twelve years old, or even younger, however nobody had to know about this. It was a secret and it was so light a feeling that this submissive was sure everybody had it. This submissive learned that this was not so.

    Now it was different. Mistress wanted to maintain Her properties in a constant and controled state of humiliation. This was making them docile, soft yet enduring, aroused, willing and focused. Her properties had to be well aware of what was going on, as well as of their lower status, as Her slaves. They were not equals and properties had to feel this well.

    So, there was this application, called “iWeb”. This submissive was curious about it. she looked at it, took the tutorials and realised that it was a software enabling users to create their own website. Nothing special with this. Nowdays everybody could built and maintain a website or a blog and everybody and the cousins and brothers and friends of everybody did.

    However, this submissive was not after that. This submissive, unlike many others, disliked to be the center of the attention and even more an attraction. she was always careful not to be a colorful presence. she was the least likely submissive to do something just to grasp the attention of Mistress or of any other Dominant person. No matter how needy she was feeling, she was keen to keep quiet, letting Mistress approach her, when this was the right time for Her. So, it was not for her to maintain a website even anonymously.

    What this submissive loved about this app was that one could create and maintain a website like diary of his everyday life and keep it in the hard disc of the computer, without having to share with anybody. Except if one wanted to do so, for a limited time and for a limited number of guests.

    This had made this submissive dream new forms of exposure, disgrace and humiliation. This submissive was always keen to be made to carry with her a little black book with compromising photos of her and the comments of Mistress in top of every one of them. The little black book would have to be with her anytime. This submissive had to show it to others and humbly ask for a review of it, according to Mistresses orders.

    There could be three types of such orders.

    Order of type one was to show the little black book to people of the choise of Mistress, that knew what to expect out of this submissive and how to get it. These people would later evaluate for Mistress the content of the little black book and her whore performance and standing. If the evaluation was not satisfactory, then this submissive would have to face the consequences of her ineptness.

    Order of type two was to that this submissive had to approach a total stranger, on a specific time and place and find a way to show him the content of the little black book. This submissive had to make the stranger scornful towards her, she should listen to any reprimanding lecture given to her, pretend to carefully think about any solution that the stranger had to offer, probably including him that was certainly capable of bringing the girl in the right order again.

    Order of type three was that this submissive had to accidentally forget the little black book somewhere that it could be accessible by friends and acquaintances, except business contacts. Then she was to wait till some of them wanted to check it and find a way to take it back without being exposed much. That is, the other person could see just some of the first pages, that were not really painful or overly compromising.

    The next pages were to escalate from bold to extreme. This submissive wanted to be depicted in distress, in agony, while carrying out difficult, humiliating and painful tasks.

    However, this submissive could achieve all these even better, through a website. The website would be fed with photos and videos, where her distress would be more pronounced.

    Mistress would be in total control of the website, ordering her to show it off, as described above. People known to Mistress could pass by, after having been invited and leave their comments directly on the site. Strangers would have the chance to meet this submissive online and sermon her, and the situation would be less dangerous but much more humiliating. Because nothing could stop such a kind of people from becoming as vulgar as they always were but never allowed themselves to show. Then, of course, the close ones would follow and the task of this submissive would be not to let them become too shocked.

    To the joy of this submissive, Mistress decided to impose this humiliation in a different way. Other submissives would participate in this website too, so that humiliating competitions among them were to take place for the pleasure of specifically invited connoisseurs.

    As soon as Mistress imposed this idea on Her property, preparations begun. This submissive had to be trained in various ways in order for the almost punishing showoffs. she had to learn to maintain a lot of difficult positions.

    Objectification become a daily routine for this submissive, with sessions that lasted from forty five minutes to one hour. This submissive would become a coffe table, in all fours, with the feet of Mistress on her.

    The next day this submissive would be a chair, lying on her back but far from being comfortable because she would raise her legs from the ground and then she would bend them so that her calves would become the sitting surface. Easy, till one comes to sit there for a while.

    Another day this submissive would become an object of lewd art, displaying her dripping genitals, as she would be standing in one leg and the other would be raised and supported by the wall. If somebody wanted to hang something from the raised leg, he was welcome as long as the material was short enough not to obstruct view to the cunt.

    Too often this submissive would be pegged on an black ebony peg, about five centimeters thick and one metre high. The peg, which had notches on the top part of it, signifying every two centimetres, would be fastened vertically in special sockets in the floor, usually covered by caps and then hidden by the carpets. Then, the upper part of the peg would be in the cunt or up the ass of this submissive. In order to have the peg penetrate her in a bearable or not dangerous depth this submissive had to wear her stilettos. These stilettos had been given to her by Mistress and she had to wear them a lot of time, daily. They were pure torture, however, of utmost importance to Mistress. this submissive had to wear them earnestly and a lot, to please Mistress. When on the peg, the stilettos were a gift for this submissive. Sometimes, when Mistress was in a punishing mood, this submissive was deprived from the comfort of the stilettos and had to stay in the tiptoes. These times, the only thing she could do was to plead humbly that the peg would go up her ass. The rectum could accept more depth than her vagina.

    It was always amazing for Mistress, how this submissive would gladly give ass to save her cunt. Mistress had early realised that her cunt was precious for this submissive, the seat of her humiliation. Mistress could humiliate this submissive in a much more deep and extended way by using her cunt than by using her anus. Anal treatments were perceived by this submissive as an almost simple form of joy or joy and discipline together.

    There were other times, where this submissive was made to stay in all fours, with a big and rough stone on her back wearing a metal collar connected with a metal chain that was pulling a heavy, full of water bucket, placed in front of her, about fifty centimeters away. this submissive had then to move backwards, in order to meet a very nice dildo connected to the wall. this submissive had then to fuck herself on the dildo and achieve orgasm. Given that she had been without orgasm for a while, her effort to overcome the obstacles and reach back was overwhelming. There was the risk that the bucket would fall and so the water would spill in the floor. If this happened, this submissive would be punished because of her eagerness to reach orgasm. This position was so designed as to allow strange voyeurs bet on her endurance and her determination to reach the humiliating orgasm. Or on her clumsiness, that would eventually result to spilling the water.

    Sometimes, this submissive had to casually show off her dilated back hole. Strangers were prompted to bet on how long it took Mistress to make it this way. In order for the correct reply to be confirmed, there were piles of very short videos, showing everyday progress of the dilation regime.

    There were a lot of photos, showing this submissive sleeping in a cage. In order to be allowed to leave the cage, this submissive had to perform various lewd acts for the amusement of Mistress.

    This submissive was happy. she had to maintain this site and keep it in good condition. Sometimes she knew in advance when she was to be displayed there, in order to feel it well and juice out of humiliation. Other times she would deliberately be caught in surprise. Depending on a variety of factors, this surprise could be an instant orgasm for her.

    This submissive admired Mistress for this idea of Her, that have been the backbone of her joy and her suffering for months now.

    This submissive would have never done this had she not been owned by Mistress. Nor had this submissive used toys when unleashed and alone. She would thrive using them, however, when she was a property.
  9. Πολύ ωραίο λεξιλόγιο έχεις αγαπητή gaby! Εχεις κανει πολυ καλη δουλεια!! Συνεχισε ετσι  
  10. gaby

    gaby Guest

    Ευχαριστώ @libens volens potens   Μια διόρθωση μόνο   είχα κάνει καλή δουλειά, το καλοκαίρι του 2011 τις έγραψα αυτές τις ιστορίες.
  11. ναι αλλα το τελευταιο ποστ το εβαλες σημερα   Οπως και να χει ειναι πολυ καλα!!