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And it's Time Time Time...

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Τέχνη' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος echo, στις 4 Μαρτίου 2010.

  1. Watt will not
    abate one jot
    but of what

    of the coming to
    of the being at
    of the going from
    Knott’s habitat

    of the long way
    of the short stay
    of the going back home
    the way he had come

    of the empty heart
    of the empty hands
    of the dim mind wayfaring
    through barren lands

    of a flame with dark winds
    hedged about
    going out
    gone out
    of the empty heart
    of the empty hands
    of the dark mind stumbling
    through barren lands

    that is of what
    Watt will not
    abate one jot

  2. dom321654

    dom321654 Regular Member

    Ω χρόνε, γοργέ άρπαγα των ποιημάτων! Πόσους βασιλιάδες, πόσους ανθρώπους αφάνισες! Πόσες και πόσες αλλαγές καταστάσεων και περιστάσεων δεν ακολούθησαν αφότου χάθηκε εδώ, μέσα σ' αυτή την κοίλη και ελικοειδή κόγχη, η θαυμαστή μορφή τούτου του ψαριού; Τώρα, αφανισμένο από τον χρόνο, κείτεσαι καρτερικά μέσα σ' αυτή τη στενή γωνιά και τα απογυμνωμένα κόκκαλά σου έγιναν αρματωσιά και στήριγμα για το βουνό που ορθώνεται πάνω σου.

    Leonardo da Vinci, Σημειωματάρια
  3. dom321654

    dom321654 Regular Member

    Και στο δρεπάνι του χρόνου τίποτα δεν μπορεί να αντισταθεί
    εξόν από μια γέννα, για να τον αψηφήσεις σαν έρθει να σε πάρει.

    William Shakespeare, Σοννέτα (XII)
  4. dom321654

    dom321654 Regular Member

    Όταν γεράσει ο χρόνος και ξεχάσει τον εαυτό του,
    όταν οι Βροχοστάλες θα έχουν φάει της Τροίας τις πέτρες,
    και λησμονιά τυφλή θα έχει ρουφήξει πολιτείες,
    μεγάλα κράτη αφανιστούν χωρίς σημάδι
    και γίνουν σκόνη...

    William Shakespeare, Τρωίλος και Χρυσίδα
  5. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...


    Θα ήμουν εκείνη την ημέρα συνεπής
    μα ένα κοράκι καταβρόχθισε το μονοπάτι
    και χάθηκα στο δάσος
    ύστερα κάποιος μετατόπισε τους δείκτες
    στο κουρδιστό ρολόι τοίχου στο σαλόνι
    κι άργησα είκοσι χρόνια.
    Θα σε ειδοποιούσα σίγουρα
    αλλά τα ταχυδρομικά περιστέρια
    καθηλώθηκαν υπέρβαρα στα σύρματα.
    Και όταν ερχόμουν
    θα σ’ αγκάλιαζα
    αν δεν υπήρχε το σιδερένιο τραπεζάκι ανάμεσα.
    Γι αυτό σου λέω. Μην λυπάσαι.
    Και στείλε αυτήν την τενεκεδένια απουσία
    για ανακύκλωση.

    ( Χλόη Κουτσουμπέλη )


    Να είσαι το παιδί που θα γινόσουν.
    Στις μύτες των ποδιών
    με ένα λευκό φόρεμα ποδιά
    σ' ένα τραπέζι ενηλίκων.
    Με άδειες θέσεις
    για τους συγγενείς που αποχωρούν
    με μαχαιροπήρουνα ερπετά
    πάνω στα πιάτα.
    Με καλοδιπλωμένες πετσέτες
    που κρύβουν ψίχουλα τα μυστικά.
    Γιατί ανάλογα με τον φακό
    αλλάζει το παρελθόν
    στις παλιές φωτογραφίες.

    ( Χλόη Κουτσουμπέλη )
  6. ataxia

    ataxia Regular Member

    ύστερη εφηβεία..

    When the moon child is crying
    And silence has broken the darkest truth
    The things she remembered had never been her own
    Replicant or human, I know the way to show you

    What do I see? What will I find?
    Know the answer inside, it's your last step

    Time what is time, I wish I knew how to tell you why
    It hurts to know, are we machines
    Time what is time unlock the door
    And see the truth, then time is time again

    Whispering these dreams were never mine, it's cold inside
    It's gone forever the things he saw
    Who can say what's wrong or right, the vision of a free life
    His eyes had seen it all for what he's asking
    The vision, I know it's all a lie

    I'll remember his past life
    And I'll remember time

    What did I see? What have I done?
    God I knew the answers when he felt so tired

    Time what is time, come lock the door don't let me in
    I am the one, your destiny
    Time what is time, reality it hurts me so
    When time is time again

    Look into my eyes, feel the fear just for a while
    I'm a replicant and I love to live
    Is it all over now, only these years
    I'll leave but I'm singing

    Time what is time, he saw it clearly it's too late
    It does not heal, it let's us forget
    Time what is time, we'll never know, so don't take care
    Then time is time again

    Should I forget the way I feel
    God he knows how long I've tried
    Feel there is no reason to cry
    I live my life in fortune dreams forever

  7. Mind'n'Flesh

    Mind'n'Flesh Ναι, εγώ είμαι.

    Υπάρχει κάτι συγκεκριμένο στον χρόνο που μπορεί να αποβεί μοιραίο και είναι το 'περίμενε'.
    Αλλά ανεξέλεγκτα μοιραίο είναι το τέλος του χρόνου.

  9. The Timeweaver's abode is deep under ground
    As interweaving history he us creates
    He weaves in eternity not to be found
    The Elder's legend that braids our fates

    Hoary and hollow-eyed, older than sun
    Abiding his destiny to reverberate time
    There's no one to remember how it began
    In rooms filled with candles he reverberates time

    Timeweaver, tell me my history that I've been searching so
    Timeweaver, reveal the mystery that I've been letting grow

    He once was given his mission by three...
    The Holy, The Sacred and The Ancient Dream
    He doesn't exist for those who don't believe
    He's nothing but stories for those who don't deem

    Hoary and hollow-eyed, older than sun
    Abiding his destiny to reverberate time
    There's no one to remember how it began
    In rooms filled with candles he reverberates time

    Timeweaver, tell me my history that I've been searching so
    Timeweaver, reveal the mystery that I've been letting grow

    Spider's webs decorate dusty shelves lightened by old candles glow
    Ancient prescriptions from times that don't even exist
    In memories

    Guarded by spells he reincarnates time
    Gives birth once again to a century's child

    Hoary and hollow-eyed, older than sun
    Abiding his destiny to reverberate time
    And now I can remember how it began
    In rooms filled with candles I reverberate time

    Timeweaver told me a history I didn't want to know
    Timeweaver revealed the mystery - two became one to grow!


  10. dom321654

    dom321654 Regular Member

    Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore,
    So do our minutes hasten to their end;
    Each changing place with that which goes before.
    In sequent toil all forwards do contend.
    Nativity, once in the main of light,
    Crawls to maturity, wherewith being crown'd,
    Crooked eclipses 'gainst his glory fight,
    And Time, that gave, doth now his gift confound.
    Time doth transfix the flourish set on youth,
    And delves the parallels in beauty's brow;
    Feeds on the rarities of nature's truth,
    And nothing stands but for his scythe to mow.
    And yet, to times in hope, my verse shall stand,
    Praising thy worth, despite his cruel hand.

    William Shakespeare, Σοννέτα (LX)
  11. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...

    Life, death, time


    ( Philippe de Champaigne )
  12. dom321654

    dom321654 Regular Member

    Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea,
    But sad mortality o'ersways their power,
    How with this rage shall beauty hold a plea,
    Whose action is no stronger than a flower?
    O, how shall summer's honey breath hold out
    Against the wreckful siege of battering days,
    When rocks impregnable are not so stout,
    Nor gates of steel so strong, but time decays?
    O fearful meditation! where, alack!
    Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid?
    Or what strong hand can hold his swift foot back?
    Or who his spoil of beauty can forbid?
    O none, unless this miracle have might,
    That in black ink my love may still shine bright.

    William Shakespeare, Σοννέτα (LXV)