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Τι σκέφτεσαι τώρα ?

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Off Topic Discussion' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος anasia, στις 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2005.

  1. ninahaze

    ninahaze Regular Member

    οτι είδα στον υπνο μου πως τα χέρια μου ηταν γεμάτα σπέρμα και έδινα σφαλιάρες στην κολλητη μου και την είχα κανει χάλια. τι αραγε θα έλεγε ο φρόιντ για αυτο..
  2. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Δεν ξέρω για τον Φρόϊντ πάντως... 
    Sperm – the symbol of masculinity and fertility. In dreams it is not necessarily the symbol of sexuality as it might also signify the development of your resources or ideas.

    One of the instincts human beings have is the sexuality. On the psychological level, the sexuality is dreamed of usually when it is suppressed in reality. There are many different reasons, why the sexuality is suppressed, as for example the childhood, where the dreamer interpreted the sexual act as a sin.
    On the positive note, the sexuality is the primal need for intimacy and the way to find the union with another person. Those who have no sexual partners in their lives have more of sexual dreams, than those who have the sexual partners in their lives, because of the mental state of their mind is occupied with the thoughts rather than feelings. The energy that is hidden deep in their mind is expressed through the dreams, therefore something must be done, as it is not healthy to suppress your needs.
    The negative aspects of your dream might indicate the ego of the dreamer. There is a possibility that the dreamer is overconfident by his ability to perform not only sexually, but in many various ways either. The overconfidence brings negativity in the life, when others starts to reject him. The dreamer must adapt himself in community being confident, but not too impudent. The other dream explanations can be interpreted depending on the tendency of the dream:

  3. ninahaze

    ninahaze Regular Member

    ευχαριστώ @brenda πολύ ενδιαφέρον  
  4. Amoreisa

    Amoreisa Regular Member

    Τα φαινόμενα απατούν...
  5. Dapom

    Dapom Contributor

    Διαβαζοντας το απο πανω...οτι τα φαινόμενα απαντούν κιόλας
  6. D Q Juls

    D Q Juls Αρχή...Διαδρομή...Ηδονή...

    Κρίμα να μη σε δέρνει κάποια....
  7. Αχχχ αγάπη μου αυτό το ροχαλητό σου         
  8. lizard_

    lizard_ his only purpose is A's pleasure

    κι όμως...


    ΥΠΑΡΧΟΥΝ !!!!!!!
  9. ἀστράρχη

    ἀστράρχη an asteroid ☆•○•°¤●° Contributor

    Τι είναι??? ?
  10. lizard_

    lizard_ his only purpose is A's pleasure

  11. ἀστράρχη

    ἀστράρχη an asteroid ☆•○•°¤●° Contributor

    Και εγω τετοιοοο!
  12. -Volt-

    -Volt- Contributor

    όσα δε θα κάνω