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Music challenge

Discussion in 'Τέχνη' started by brenda, 1 April 2015.

  1. Xarhs

    Xarhs Hard limits: Μπουζούκια, Δράκοι και Μονόκεροι


    While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand
    While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land
    While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow
    Till the mountains crumble into the plain
    Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
    Tread that fine line
    Oh we'll keep on tryin' yeah
    Just passing our time
    While we live according to race, color or creed
    While we rule by blind madness and pure greed
    Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion
    Through the eons, and on and on

    Oh yes we'll keep on tryin'
    We'll tread that fine line
    Oh we'll keep on tryin'
    Till the end of time
    Till the end of time

    Through the sorrow all through our splendor
    Don't take offence at my innuendo

    You can be anything you want to be
    Just turn yourself into anything you think that you could ever be
    Be free with your tempo, be free be free
    Surrender your ego - be free, be free to yourself

    Oooh, ooh -
    If there's a God or any kind of justice under the sky
    If there's a point, if there's a reason to live or die
    If there's an answer to the questions we feel bound to ask
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask
    Oh yes we'll keep on trying

    Hey tread that fine line
    Yeah we'll keep on smiling yeah
    And whatever will be - will be
    We'll just keep on trying
    We'll just keep on trying
    Till the end of time
    Till the end of time
    Till the end of time
  2. Xarhs

    Xarhs Hard limits: Μπουζούκια, Δράκοι και Μονόκεροι

  3. Elune

    Elune Priceless

    Ένας κόσμος που δεν ανήκω, η άποψη μου μαθημένη από πολύ μικρή να μην μετρά φτιάχνω τελειώνω και εγκαταλείπω,
    τα βήματα δεν φτάνουν να φτάσω μπροστά μονίμως πίσω, πίσω από τα θέλω μου να γυρίζω,
    στην πόρτα τρέχω βιαστικά μα από μέσα χτυπά φόβος με τον χρόνο κολλητοί με ξεγελούν,
    και διασκεδάζουν τον άνεμο βάζουν με όλα να φυσά γκρεμίζει αντάρτες, όνειρα λίμνες και μάνες,
    το λίγο από το περισσότερο, τον θόρυβο ακούω απ ότι γελά το ταξίδι της όποιας θετικής σκέψης,
    την ασφάλεια του αισθάνομαι, το πριν και το μετά...

  4. _DaRkNiGhT_

    _DaRkNiGhT_ femdom art

  5. _DaRkNiGhT_

    _DaRkNiGhT_ femdom art

  6. sleeper

    sleeper ...urban dreaming... Contributor

    Παλι καλα δεν λες; Φαντασου να ημουν κοντα και να με εβλεπες συχνα.
    απαπαπαπα! Γι αυτο :
  7. _DaRkNiGhT_

    _DaRkNiGhT_ femdom art

  8. sleeper

    sleeper ...urban dreaming... Contributor

  9. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    27Aπριλίου στο Βουκουρέστι. Θα με παααααααααααααααααας? 
  10. _DaRkNiGhT_

    _DaRkNiGhT_ femdom art

  11. open_mind

    open_mind Regular Member

    @thief αν και άργησα.....

  12. open_mind

    open_mind Regular Member