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pets on leash

Discussion in 'BDSM Discussion' started by Martin, 29 January 2008.

  1. Martin

    Martin New Member

    Hi all,

    found this the other day going through the news of the uk, not sure if it has been around this forum also...


    Quite funny how he explains himself, without saying I AM BDSM FREAK...  

    In particular this passage:
    "Mr Graves said: "She's very animal like, she's kind of like a pet, as well as a partner."

    He said he "does everything" for his girlfriend, including laying out clothes for her, feeding her and cleaning their house. "

    In any case, anybody see someone like this walking down Ermou in Athens?  

  2. Apollyon

    Apollyon God's Demon Contributor

    I've walked this way in the past...not in ermou though.It was at Stadiou as far as i can recall
  3. Martin

    Martin New Member

    Fair enough  
    Just thought the article was worth a giggle...

  4. Apollyon

    Apollyon God's Demon Contributor

    at least  
    Fair enough is commonly used as far as i know isn't it ?Like an expression i mean
  5. Martin

    Martin New Member


    Fair enough is used as you said widely, and means generally as approvementl/agreement to a statement. I.E. you walked someone on a leash and I approvement in that case  

    An other example is would be: We are meeting later tonight.
    Fair enough!.

  6. DocHeart

    DocHeart Δυσνόητα Ευνόητος


    "I'm a BDSM freak."
    "Fair enough."
  7. Martin

    Martin New Member

    LOL now why didn't I think of that one...  
  8. Konstantinos

    Konstantinos Staff Member

    so the bus driver didnt let them in for passenger safety ?  
  9. Lady_in_Red

    Lady_in_Red Regular Member

    well i liked them.... i don't know if i could do that to someone but it' s a devotion from both parts (my english suck i guess)
  10. Emma

    Emma Contributor

    Yes. They justify it as follows:

    ... but what they're really worried about is getting sued in case that did happen and there was an injury as a result.

    However, what I do not understand is this:

    HE does all those and SHE wears the collar?! Now, I like that deal!!!    
  11. MasterJp

    MasterJp Advisor Staff Member In Loving Memory

    @Demoness: I think you should watch this movie <s>
  12. Emma

    Emma Contributor

    Hmmm... maybe I will