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Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Ειδήσεις' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος Ricardo, στις 24 Οκτωβρίου 2006.

  1. Seras Victoria

    Seras Victoria "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" Contributor

  2. ChrisZab11

    ChrisZab11 Regular Member

  3. ChrisZab11

    ChrisZab11 Regular Member

  4. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    Το ιερό πτολίεθρο ήταν αυτό της Τροίας...

    Αν δεν έχω ξεχάσει κάτι, η ΑΘηνά απλά χάρισε στους Αθηναίους την ελιά, δεν έχτισε τα τείχη της Αθήνας ώστε να μπορεί η τελευταία να ονομαστεί ως ιερό πτολίεθρο.
  5. Iagos

    Iagos Contributor

    Parvin A was severely beaten, secretly detained and forcibly returned from Greece six times in 2020. Now she's filed a complaint with the support of ECCHR, the Greek NGO HumanRights 360 and Forensic Architecture. In this video Parvin A starts to tell her story and shows some of the video and photo evidence she gathered. It also includes excerpts of a Forensic Architecture investigation into her case.

    Owing to the digital evidence she was able to preserve from inside detention and at the border, her story exposes the systematic Greek practice of pushbacks.
    Parvin A fled Iran due to gender-based persecution in 2017. She was recognized as a refugee in Turkey by UNHCR, but this was not acknowledged by Turkish authorities, who denied her asylum. During her quest for a safe place, she was unlawfully detained and violently pushed back six times by Greek officers across the Evros river and the Aegean Sea from February to June 2020.

    Greek officers subjected her to multiple human rights violations, intentionally denying her any rights or legal safeguards. She was unlawfully detained in incommunicado detention in filthy conditions, subjected to gratuitous physical violence, and summarily expelled without a chance to challenge her expulsion. Her complaint was filed against Greece to the UN Human Rights Committee for multiple violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

    Η Ιρανή Parvin A που διώκεται στο Ιράν βασανίστηκε στην Ελλάδα.

    και αυτή και όλες οι γυναίκες από το Ιράν που σηκώνουν ανάστημα και κακοποιούνται είτε από Ιρανούς είτε από Έλληνες.
  6. Apocryphos

    Apocryphos Γένεσις 4:9-15