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Όταν μιλούν οι στίχοι

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Τέχνη' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος Marlen Daudaux, στις 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014.

  1. underherfeet

    underherfeet πέρα βρέχει Contributor

    When a man of my age shaves his face in the morning,
    Who is it that stares back and greets him?
    The ghost of his father long dead all these years?
    Or the boy that he was, still wet in the ears?
    Or the terrible sum of all of his fears,
    In the eyes of this stranger who meets him?

    So his glance rarely strays from his chin or his jawline,
    To face up to the truth of his soul,
    It's the eyes he avoids so afraid to acknowledge,
    Something strange, unexpected, out of control.

    There are times when a man needs to brave his reflection,
    And face what he sees without fear,
    It takes a man to accept his mortality,
    Or be surprised by the presence of a tear.

    It was only an arrangement, a practical arrangement,
    I forgot the first commandment of the realist's handbook,
    Don't be fooled by illusions you created yourself,
    And fall in love with someone, when she loves someone else.

    Like a covering of snow on a winter's night,
    It glistens and it sparkles in the moonlight,
    But it's gone by the morning, how quickly it melts,
    You still love her but she loves someone else.

    And where does that leave you?
    You self-styled man of vision.
    You feel stupid, you feel angry, are you losing your mind?
    To destroy the one she loves, does that become your mission?
    Like a pantomime villain with an axe to grind?
    To regain your self-respect, hold your head up like a man,
    Use the ice around your heart before it melts,

    But you're not fooling anybody, you're only fooling yourself.
    Like a covering of snow on a winter's night,
    It glistens and it sparkles in the moonlight,
    But it's gone by the morning, how quickly it melts,

    You still love her but she loves someone else.

  2. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Αρχικα ελεγα,πως δεν πρεπει να αφηνεις τους αλλους να βλεπουν μεσα σου, αλλαξα αποψη , οσο πιο νωρις το κανεις τοσο πιο γρηγορα θα δειξουν το πραγματικο τους προσωπο...
    -Δεν αλλάζει ο άνθρωπος. Απλά Γίνεται όλο και περισσότερο αυτό που στα αλήθεια είναι.-

  3. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    ...γουστάρω που είστε μαζεμένοι απέναντι όλοι οι γουάξ
    γιατί όσο πιάνετε πάτε πάτι ανεβάζετε εμάς
    συνεχίστε κατά πάνω μας να έρχεστε
    και στις καλές μας να μας πετύχετε να εύχεστε
    αλλιώς τη διαφορά του είναι και του φαίνεσθε
    θα διαπιστώσετε λίαν συντόμως, τετέλεσθαι.

  4. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Joyous, blissful moment, sitting on the porch, you and I
    Khonok a'n dam ke neshinim dar eyvan man(me) o(and) tow( u )

    two forms, two faces, yet one soul together, you and I
    be dow naqsho be dow sorat be yeki jan man o tow

    cast aside absurd stories and nonsense, you and I
    Khosh o fareq ze khorafate parishan man o tow

    You and I united as one in the ecstasy and delight
    Man o tow bee man o tow jam shavim az sare zogh

    spiritual legacy of Rumi....
  5. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    I've been sleeping for forty days and
    Yeah, I know that I'm sleeping cause this dream's too amazing
    She got gold doorknobs where her eyes used to be, yeah
    One turn and I learned what it really means to see, yeah
    It's the magical mystery kind
    Must be a lie
    Bye bye to the too good to be true kind of love
    Oooooh I could die
    Oooooh now, I could die
    Now I've been sleeping for sixty days and
    Nobody better pinch me
    Bitch I swear, go crazy
    She got jumper cable lips
    She got sunset on her breath
    I inhaled just a little bit
    Now I got no fear of death
    It's the magical mystery kind
    Must be a lie
    Bye bye to the too good to be true kind of love
    Oooooh I could die
    Oooooh now, I could die
    It's the magical mystery kind
    Must be a lie
    Bye bye to the too good to be true kind of love
    Oooooh I could die
    Oooooh now, I could die

  6. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    "Violently Happy"

    since i met you
    this small town hasn't got room
    for my big feelings

    violently happy
    'cause i love you

    violently happy
    but you're not here

    violently happy
    come calm me down
    before i get into trouble

    i tip-toe down to the shore
    stand by the ocean
    make it roar at me
    and i roar back

    violently happy
    'cause i love you

    violently happy
    but you're not here

    violently happy

    violently happy
    i'll get into trouble
    real soon
    if you don't get here

    violently happy
    'cause i love you

    violently happy
    i'm aiming too high

    violently happy
    it will get me into trouble
    violently happy
    i'm driving my car
    too fast
    with ecstatic music on

    violently happy
    i'm getting too drunk

    violently happy
    i'm daring people
    to jump off roofs with me

    only you
    can calm me down
    i'm aiming too high

    soothe me

  7. sweet_release

    sweet_release ~she looks like the moon~

    ~Limb by limb and tooth by tooth
    Tearing up inside of me.
    Everyday, every hour, wish that I was..
    Was bullet proof

    Wax me, mold me
    Heat the pins and stab them in.
    You have turned me into this, just wish that it..
    Was bullet proof

    So pay me money, and take a shot
    Lead fill the hole in me.
    I could burst a million bubbles, all surrogate..
    & bullet proof (slowdown, slowdown, slowdown)
    Bullet proof (slowdown, slowdown, slowdown)~
  8. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    If you ever get close to a human
    And human behavior
    Be ready, be ready to get confused
    And be in my head after
    There's definitely, definitely, definitely no logic
    To human behavior
    But yet so, yet so irresistible
    And me and my fear can
    And there is no map uncertain

    They're terribly, terribly, terribly moody
    Of human behavior
    Then all of a sudden, turn happy
    And they and my here after
    But oh, to get involved in the exchange
    Of human emotions
    Is ever so, ever so satisfying
    And they and my here on
    And there is no map and chair too

    Human behavior, human behavior
    Human, human behavior, human behavior

    And there is no map
    And a compass wouldn't help at all
    Yeah, uncertain

    Human behavior, human behavior
    Human behavior, human behavior
    Human behavior, human behavior
    Human behavior

    There's definitely, definitely, definitely no logic
    To human, to human, to human, to human

    There's definitely, definitely, definitely no logic
    To human, to human, to human, to human

  9. Gangrel

    Gangrel Καλύτερα να καώ πάρα να σβήσω

    Να σου θυμισω ακομα ενα αγαπημενο αφου μιλανε οι στοιχοι
    ΣΤΗΝ αγνωστη Ψ

  10. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...

    Cuncti simus concanentes ( Elfenthal )

    Cuncti simus concanentes: Ave Maria.

    Virgo sola existente en affuit angelus;
    Gabriel est appellatus atque missus celitus.
    Clara facieque dixit: Ave Maria.

    Cuncti simus concanentes: Ave Maria.

    Clara facieque dixit, audite, karissimi.
    En concipies, Maria, Ave Maria.

    Cuncti simus concanentes: Ave Maria

    En concipies, Maria, audite karissimi.
    Pariesque filium, Ave Maria.

    Cuncti simus concanentes: Ave Maria.

    Pariesque filium, audite, karissimi.
    Vocabis eum Ihesum, Ave Maria.

    Cuncti simus concanentes: Ave Maria.
  11. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...

    Lágrimas De Oro ( Manu Ciao )

    Tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
    Que el mundo sea tan feo
    Tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
    De tanto tiroteo
    Va por la calle llorando
    Lagrimas de oro
    Vas por la calle brotando
    Lagrimas de oro

    Tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
    De tanto cachondeo
    Tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
    Vamonos de jaleo
    Va por la calle llorando
    Lagrimas de oro
    Va por la calle brotando
    Lagrimas de oro

    Llega el cocodrilo y Super Chango
    Y toda la vaina de Maracaibo
    En este mundo hay mucha confusion
    Suenan los tambores de la rebelion

    Suena mi pueblo suena la razon
    Suena el guaguancon
    tu no tienes la culpa mi amor
    Lagrimas de oro.
  12. Chamy

    Chamy New Member

    -If I were a good man, I'd understand the spaces between friends.

    -Strangers passing in the street, by chance two separate glances meet. And I am you and what I see is me... And do I take you by the hand? And lead you to the land? And help me understand the best I can?