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Είδα και μου άρεσε ... (ή όχι!)

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Off Topic Discussion' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος sk, στις 28 Μαρτίου 2010.

  1. seduced mind

    seduced mind Guest

    A ρε Yates αθάνατε.... Θεούλης.... η τέλεια επίδειξη με τη τέλεια μουσική....

  2. Siren_Peisinoe

    Siren_Peisinoe Ανενεργή επί του παρόντος.

  3. seduced mind

    seduced mind Guest

  4. lizard_

    lizard_ his only purpose is A's pleasure

  5. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Μουσείο Πίπης Φακιδομύτης
    στη Στοκχόλμη, Σουηδία






    Pippi Longstocking

    Pippi Longstocking (Swedish Pippi Långstrump) is the protagonist in the Pippi Longstocking series of children's books by Swedishauthor Astrid Lindgren. Pippi was named by Lindgren's then nine-year-old daughter, Karin, who requested a get-well story from her mother one day when she was home sick from school.

    Nine-year-old Pippi is unconventional, assertive, and has superhuman strength, being able to lift her horse one-handed. She is playful and unpredictable. She frequently makes fun of unreasonable adult attitudes, especially when displayed by pompous and condescending adults. Pippi's anger is reserved for the most extreme cases, such as when a man ill-treats her horse. Like Peter Pan, Pippi does not want to grow up. She is the daughter of a buccaneer captain and as such has adventurous stories to tell. She has four best friends: two animals (her horse and monkey) and two humans (the neighbor's children Tommy and Annika).

    After initial rejection from Bonnier Publishers in 1944, Lindgren's manuscript was accepted for publication by Swedish publisher Rabén and Sjögren. The first three Pippi chapter books were published in 1945–1948, with an additional series of six books published in 1969–1975. Two final stories were printed in 1979 and 2000. The books have been translated into 64 languages[1] and adapted into multiple films and television series.

    Villa Villekulla, the house used for the film and series, located on Gotland in the town of Vibble
    Pippi lives in a small Swedish village, sharing the house she styles "Villa Villekulla" with her monkey, Mr. Nilsson, and her horse (nameless in the books; the horse has names in adaptations, most notably "Lilla Gubben," Swedish for "little old man" - other names include Horatio and Alfonso) but no adults or relatives. She befriends the two children living next door: Tommy and Annika Settergren. The three have many adventures. Tommy and Annika's mother, Mrs. Settergren, often disapproves of Pippi's manners and lack of education, but Mrs. Settergren eventually comes to appreciate that Pippi would never put Tommy and Annika in danger, and that Pippi values her friendship with the pair above almost anything else in her life. Pippi's two main possessions are a suitcase full of gold coins (which she used to buy her horse) and a large chest of drawers containing various small treasures.

    Pippi is portrayed as being a friendly and kind and naughty girl, but one with no "proper" manners and having no training or experience in how to behave in normal society, that is, any society other than the very freewheeling and non-regimented one aboard her father's ship. Due to leading a life at sea, Pippi has received very limited conventional education. This is balanced by the fact that she seems to have a wide range of competency in housekeeping skills; she demonstrates that she can cook for herself, clean and repair her house, care for her pets, and otherwise manage her affairs despite her illiteracy and lack of mathematical knowledge. Her behavior is highly exasperating to many adults, but she enjoys sharing recollections of her memories of sailing across the world. Pippi tends to tell many "tall tales" about her travels but appears to do so for the purpose of entertainment and will admit to her untruths when questioned. Otherwise she seems trustworthy and loyal to her friends.


    Pippi Goes On Board in Swedish. In this edition she is described as "negerprincessa" and her father as "negerkung".
    Pippi is the daughter of a South Seas seafarer Ephraim Longstocking,[2] captain of the sailing ship Hoptoad (Hoppetossa in Swedish), from whom Pippi inherited her common sense and incredible strength. Captain Longstocking is the only person known to match Pippi in physical ability. He originally bought Villa Villekulla to give his daughter a more stable home life than that on board the ship, although Pippi loves the seafaring life and is a better sailor and helmsman than most of her father's crew.

    Pippi retired to the Villa Villekulla after her father was believed lost at sea, but Pippi was determined in her belief that her father was still alive, had rescued himself to an island, had been made a king of the natives, and was strolling around all day with a crown on his head. She believed her father would one day come to look for her at Villa Villekulla.

    As it turned out, Captain Longstocking had been washed ashore upon a South Sea island known as Kurrekurredutt Isle, where he was made the "fat white chief" by its native people. The Captain returned to Sweden to bring Pippi to his new home in the South Seas, but Pippi found herself attached to the Villa and her new friends Tommy and Annika, and decided to stay where she was, though the children sometimes took trips with her father aboard the Hoptoad, including a trip to Kurrekurredutt, where she was confirmed as the "fat white chief's" daughter, Princess Pippilotta. In the Swedish original, Pippi is described as "negerprinsessa" and her father as "negerkung", meaning "negro princess" and "negro king" respectively.

    Pippi has been described as "the strongest girl in the world", but no explanation is given for her strength. Pippi's strength amazes and confounds people, including the children, though they eventually begin to take it in stride. Pippi herself makes no mention of her extraordinary strength, though she is obviously aware of it. She is not at all violent, and when circumstances require her to protect herself or others, she usually takes great care not to hurt anyone. This is seen in the first book, when she neutralizes five large bullies singlehandedly, and also when she engages two policemen, who were determined to take her to an orphanage against her will, in a game of tag.

    She is also seen in the various Pippi Longstocking movies picking up a horse (the books often mention Pippi moving her horse Old Man by carrying him from one place to another), a car, and weights/barbells weighing over 1,000 pounds; she also pulls bars out of a jail window and throws pirates across a room.

    The 1969 television series[edit]
    Main article: Pippi Longstocking (1969 TV series)
    A Swedish Pippi Longstocking television series was created based on the books in 1968. The first episode was broadcast on Sveriges Radio TV in February 1969. The production was a Swedish-West German co-production and several German actors had roles in the series.

    As Astrid Lindgren was unhappy with the 1949 adaptation, she wrote the script herself for this version. The series was directed by Olle Hellbom who also directed several other Astrid Lindgren adaptations. Inger Nilsson gave a confident, oddball performance that was uncommonly consistent and eccentric for a child actress.[citation needed]

    This version is the most well-known version in Sweden and has been repeated numerous times by SR/SVT. In other European countries this is the most favored version of Pippi Longstocking.

    The Swedish series was re-edited as two dubbed feature films for United States distribution:

    Another two feature film spin-offs were also shown in the United States:

    They became weekend television staples in several cities in the United States throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The first 6 episodes of the original TV series, newly dubbed using British actors, became available on DVD in 2002.


    ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pippi_Longstocking )
  6. seduced mind

    seduced mind Guest

    9 Mάη ραντεβού στο Σύνταγμα....

  7. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    γλαύτωμα?????????? έλεος!!!!!!!!! 
  8. lexy

    lexy .ti.va.


    Wisteria Maiden του Αντώνη Φωνιαδάκη

    Ένα κορίτσι κατοικεί σε ένα πίνακα ζωγραφικής. Ερωτεύεται και με στόχο να διεκδικήσει τον έρωτα( ; ), τον άνδρα( ; ) δραπετεύει από τον πίνακα. Ο χωρίς ανταπόκριση έρωτάς της τήν αναγκάζει να επιστρέψει στην ασφάλεια της φυλακής του πίνακα.

    Εξαιρετική παράσταση, απίθανη χορογραφία, σώματα σχεδόν ασύλλυπτα. Ένα σύμπαν μεταμορφωτικής ιεροτελεστίας.

    Όλοι οι ρόλοι ερμηνεύονται από άνδρες, όπως στο Ιαπωνικό θέατρο που αποτελεί και έμπνευση του δημιουργού.
  9. bumblebee

    bumblebee Contributor

  10. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Dr. Derek Shepherd: Πέθανε ο πιο αγαπημένος γιατρός του «Grey’s Anatomy»


    Ο Dr. Derek Shpherd, ο πιο αγαπημένος γιατρός του «Grey’s Anatomy», μιας από τις πιο αγαπημένες σειρές του πλανήτη –και στην Ελλάδα έχει χιλιάδες φανατικούς οπαδούς- πέθανε ύστερα από αυτοκινητιστικό ατύχημα.

    Αν και ο ίδιος μεταφέρθηκε άμεσα στο νοσοκομείο, οι γιατροί δεν κατάφεραν να τον κρατήσουν στη ζωή, σκορπίζοντας τη θλίψη και τη στενοχώρια όχι μόνο στους κοντινούς ανθρώπους αλλά και σε ολόκληρη τον πλανήτη.

    Το επεισόδιο αυτό γράφτηκε αποκλειστικά από τη δημιουργό του «Grey’s Anatomy», Shonda Rhimes και ξεκινάει με τον ίδιο να κάνει το καθήκον του, να σώζει δηλαδή ανθρώπους. Το φινάλε όμως τον βρίσκει νεκρό στο κρεβάτι του νοσοκομείου.

    Αυτός ήταν ο τρόπος που βρήκε η δημιουργός της σειράς, να «σβήσει», ύστερα από επιθυμία του ηθοποιούPatrick Dempsey που τον ενσάρκωσε με απόλυτη επιτυχία τα τελευταία χρόνια.

    Δείτε το τραγικό του τέλος στο χτεσινό επεισόδιο:

    ( http://www.peoplegreece.com/article...e-o-pio-agapimenos-giatros-tou-greys-anatomy/)

    Δεν μου άρεσε , στεναχωρήθηκα, γαμώ...  

  11. Siren_Peisinoe

    Siren_Peisinoe Ανενεργή επί του παρόντος.


  12. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor