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Η Τέχνη

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Τέχνη' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος TRX, στις 24 Μαρτίου 2015.

  1. estelwen

    estelwen χρήσιμη Contributor


    À mon seul désir, mille-fleurs tapestry, 1500 ca. (Musée national du Moyen Âge, Paris)
  2. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...

    Η πτώση των γιγάντων


    ( Perin del Vaga ... 1531-1533 μ.χ. )
  3. SAP

    SAP η καλή νοικοκυρά είναι δούλα και κυρά Contributor


    All Day

    So this is reality too, come in
    and now you’re here, all swept
    up for you the floor shiny
    and our wonderful pal, the
    antelope clatters its little hooves
    on the floor to eat from your
    hand, all the pictures
    you love on the walls and
    your favorite books read
    themselves aloud, and you
    can leave if you want to, just
    turn the page or have the kids
    come over for cake, little Louie
    from downstairs, he likes you
    so much he brings his friends
    too, the twelve year old girl,
    She loves it here we give her
    shiny hair and crackling
    petticoats. It’s always
    just after school and
    just before supper. The
    flower in the flowerpot smiles
    all day in the sunshine
    and waves its little
    leaves when you come home. Such
    a bright yellow floor and
    such a big cozy bed
    It says Hey Get Up or
    You’ve got a temperature or
    Stay here with me
    let’s watch TV all day.
    Sometimes there’s a moon
    when we’re alone but
    like always the grinning
    kind that hangs from a
    thin wire. Oh yeah, the
    stars have five neat points
    The coffee pot giggles and
    the dishes wash themselves with
    their little rubber gloves
    squeaking and laughing.
    You have that effect on things
    and even the bathroom,
    so often left out of things,
    is happy, when you’re

    Oct 25
    1978 RR
    Sascha Schneider
  5. Νηρηίς

    Νηρηίς Guest


    El Greco - Mary Magdalen in Penitence
  6. brenda

    brenda FU very much

  7. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...

    Get people from the street


    ( Staudinger & Franke )
    Last edited: 27 Ιανουαρίου 2016
  8. _DaRkNiGhT_

    _DaRkNiGhT_ femdom art

    γιατί πρέπει απαραίτητα, στην τέχνη, να υπάρχει λύπη;
  9. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Γιατί αντανακλά η τέχνη την ψυχή? 
  10. Anastacia

    Anastacia New Member

  11. _DaRkNiGhT_

    _DaRkNiGhT_ femdom art

    α, κι εγώ νόμιζα ότι δεν ήταν σκοπός της η αποδοχή..