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Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Τέχνη' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος Ricardo, στις 22 Απριλίου 2006.

  1. Neeva

    Neeva Regular Member

    Personals Ad

    "I will send a picture too
    if you will send me one of you"

    Poet professor in autumn years
    seeks helpmate companion protector friend
    young lover w/empty compassionate soul
    exuberant spirit, straightforward handsome
    athletic physique & boundless mind, courageous
    warrior who may also like women & girls, no problem,
    to share bed meditation apartment Lower East Side,
    help inspire mankind conquer world anger & guilt,
    empowered by Whitman Blake Rimbaud Ma Rainey & Vivaldi,
    familiar respecting Art's primordial majesty, priapic carefree
    playful harmless slave or master, mortally tender passing swift time,
    photographer, musician, painter, poet, yuppie or scholar-
    Find me here in New York alone with the Alone
    going to lady psychiatrist who says Make time in your life
    for someone you can call darling, honey, who holds you dear
    can get excited & lay his head on you heart in peace.

    October 8, 1987
    Allen Ginsberg
  2. tinkerbelle

    tinkerbelle Regular Member

    Αιδώς Αργείε. Υπέροχο το άσμα ασμάτων, αλλά πρέπει να τα νιώθεις ή να τα υποστηρίζεις αυτά που λες για την αγάπη, αλλιώς κάνεις τα όμορφα λόγια κούφια...



    The Hollow Men

    T. S. Eliot

    Mistah Kurtz—he dead.

    A penny for the Old Guy


    We are the hollow men
    We are the stuffed men
    Leaning together
    Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
    Our dried voices, when
    We whisper together
    Are quiet and meaningless
    As wind in dry grass
    Or rats’ feet over broken glass
    In our dry cellar

    Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;

    Those who have crossed
    With direct eyes, to death’s other Kingdom
    Remember us—if at all—not as lost
    Violent souls, but only
    As the hollow men
    The stuffed men.


    Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
    In death’s dream kingdom
    These do not appear:
    There, the eyes are
    Sunlight on a broken column
    There, is a tree swinging
    And voices are
    In the wind’s singing
    More distant and more solemn
    Than a fading star.

    Let me be no nearer
    In death’s dream kingdom
    Let me also wear
    Such deliberate disguises
    Rat’s coat, crowskin, crossed staves
    In a field
    Behaving as the wind behaves
    No nearer—

    Not that final meeting
    In the twilight kingdom


    This is the dead land
    This is cactus land
    Here the stone images
    Are raised, here they receive
    The supplication of a dead man’s hand
    Under the twinkle of a fading star.

    Is it like this
    In death’s other kingdom
    Waking alone
    At the hour when we are
    Trembling with tenderness
    Lips that would kiss
    Form prayers to broken stone.


    The eyes are not here
    There are no eyes here
    In this valley of dying stars
    In this hollow valley
    This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms

    In this last of meeting places
    We grope together
    And avoid speech
    Gathered on this beach of the tumid river

    Sightless, unless
    The eyes reappear
    As the perpetual star
    Multifoliate rose
    Of death’s twilight kingdom
    The hope only
    Of empty men.


    Here we go round the prickly pear
    Prickly pear prickly pear
    Here we go round the prickly pear
    At five o’clock in the morning.

    Between the idea
    And the reality
    Between the motion
    And the act
    Falls the Shadow
    For Thine is the Kingdom

    Between the conception
    And the creation
    Between the emotion
    And the response
    Falls the Shadow
    Life is very long

    Between the desire
    And the spasm
    Between the potency
    And the existence
    Between the essence
    And the descent
    Falls the Shadow
    For Thine is the Kingdom

    For Thine is
    Life is
    For Thine is the

    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper.

    Αφιερωμένο στο "πάντα" και στο "ποτέ". This is the way the world ends.
  3. LordAini

    LordAini Regular Member

    William Shakespear's Sonett no 116

    Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments.
    Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds.
    Or bends with the remover to remove.
    Oh no! It is an ever fixed mark
    that looks on tempests and is never shaken;
    it is the star to every wandering bark,
    whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
    Love's not time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
    within his bending sickle's compass rome;
    love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
    but bears it out even to the edge of doom.
    If this be error, and upon me proved
    I never writ, nor no man ever loved..

    Θα μου λείψεις kitty-face, ας είσαι τόσο χαρούμενη όσο σε έκανα κάποτε εγώ...
  4. Georgia

    Georgia Owned Contributor

    Burning the Letters - Sylvia Plath

    I made a fire: being tired
    Of the white fists of old
    Letters and their death rattle
    When I came too close to the wastebasket
    What did they know that I didn't?
    Grain by grain, they unrolled
    Sands where a dream of clear water
    Grinned like a getaway car.
    I am not subtle
    Love, love, and well, I was tired
    Of cardboard cartons the color of cement or a dog pack
    Holding in it's hate
    Dully, under a pack of men in red jackets,
    And the eyes and times of the postmarks.

    This fire may lick and fawn, but it is merciless:
    A glass case
    My fingers would enter although
    They melt and sag, they are told
    Do not touch.
    And here is an end to the writing,
    The spry hooks that bend and cringe and the smiles, the smiles
    And at least it will be a good place now, the attic.
    At least I won't be strung just under the surface,
    Dumb fish
    With one tin eye,
    Watching for glints,
    Riding my Arctic
    Between this wish and that wish.

    So, I poke at the carbon birds in my housedress.
    They are more beautiful than my bodiless owl,
    They console me--
    Rising and flying, but blinded.
    They would flutter off, black and glittering, they would be coal angels
    Only they have nothing to say but anybody.
    I have seen to that.
    With the butt of a rake
    I flake up papers that breathe like people,
    I fan them out
    Between the yellow lettuces and the German cabbage
    Involved in it's weird blue dreams
    Involved in a foetus.
    And a name with black edges

    Wilts at my foot,
    Sinuous orchis
    In a nest of root-hairs and boredom..
    Pale eyes, patent-leather gutturals!
    Warm rain greases my hair, extinguishes nothing.
    My veins glow like trees.
    The dogs are tearing a fox. This is what it is like
    A read burst and a cry
    That splits from it's ripped bag and does not stop
    With that dead eye
    And the stuffed expression, but goes on
    Dyeing the air,
    Telling the particles of the clouds, the leaves, the water
    What immortality is.
    That it is immortal.
    Last edited: 27 Φεβρουαρίου 2009
  5. Neeva

    Neeva Regular Member


    Κατ' αρχήν να μην αρχίζετε απο πάνω
    προς τα κάτω
    αλλά πάντοτε
    απο κάτω προς τ' απάνω
    απο δεξιά προς αριστερά
    απο το τέλος στην αρχή
    και μάλιστα βουστροφηδών
    το αλφάβητο έχει μόλις
    το μεταχειρίζονται
    οι έμποροι
    και όσοι φτειάχνουν
    αν σας έρχεται στο νού
    μια φράση
    ξεχάστε την
    θυμηθείτε κάτι
    που δεν μπορείτε
    να θυμηθείτε
    όπως την γέννηση σας
    αγαπήστε την αγάπη
    μόνο αλλά κανέναν
    να μασουλάτε την ρίμα
    σα νάταν τσίχλα
    να μετράτε τις συλλαβές
    με το χάρακα
    και τους στίχους
    με τον διαβήτη
    κι όταν απερνάτε κάτω
    απ' το παράθυρο της
    να κραυγάζετε
    ώσπου να βγεί
    απ' το παράθυρο
    το στρογγυλό
    σε κατάσταση

    Νάνος Βαλαωρίτης, αθήνα Οκτ. 2004
    (ΔΕΛΕΑΡ, Εγχειρίδιο Ελληνικής και Ξένης Ποίησης, τευχος 7ο)
  6. dora_salonica

    dora_salonica Contributor

    Θραύσματα γυναίκας ανασηκώνονται
    αποκτούν ξανά μορφή.
    Πιο όμορφη από πριν.

    (Για την Neeva)
  7. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Απάντηση: Ποιήματα

    If I could have just one wish,
    I would wish to wake up everyday
    to the sound of your breath on my neck,
    the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
    the touch of your fingers on my skin,
    and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
    Knowing that I could never find that feeling
    with anyone other than you.

    - Courtney Kuchta -
  8. DocHeart

    DocHeart Δυσνόητα Ευνόητος

    How to get on in Society

    Are the requisites all in the toilet?
    The frills round the cutlets can wait
    Till the girl has replenished the cruets
    And switched on the logs in the grate.

    It's ever so close in the lounge dear,
    But the vestibule's comfy for tea
    And Howard is riding on horseback
    So do come and take some with me.

    (Του John Betjetman. Απόσπασμα. Για τη φίλη Ντόρα.)
  9. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Απάντηση: Ποιήματα

    At Your Feet

    Where are you tonight my love?
    What is it that you do?
    It's true my heart is torn apart
    When I'm not with you
    What enchanted thoughts swim through your head?
    Are any of them of me?
    When, my dear, you go to bed
    Is it my face you see?

    Who is honoured with your presence now?
    And do they even care?
    The thought of you not being admired
    Fills me with despair
    Do they appreciate your loveliness?
    Do they marvel at your splendor?
    Do they love to hear your velvet voice?
    Do they adore your smile so tender?

    If they do not
    Then they all are fools
    and had you been with me
    Every day, my love, you'd be a king
    because that's what you are to me

    I'm at your feet
    and I come with gifts
    my body, heart, and soul
    They're yours to do with as you please
    to command and to control

    I give myself with all my heart
    I'm yours for all of time
    Your slave, your queen, your anything
    only say that you are mine

    - Taryn Grace -
  10. dora_salonica

    dora_salonica Contributor

    For DocHeart

    The Space Heater

    On the then-below-zero day, it was on,
    near the patients' chair, the old heater
    kept by the analyst's couch, at the end,
    like the infant's headstone that was added near the foot
    of my father's grave. And it was hot, with the almost
    laughing satire of a fire's heat,
    the little coils like hairs in Hell.
    And it was making a group of sick noises-
    I wanted the doctor to turn it off
    but I couldn't seem to ask, so I just
    stared, but it did not budge. The doctor
    turned his heavy, soft palm
    outward, toward me, inviting me to speak, I
    said, "If you're cold-are you cold? But if it's on
    for me..." He held his palm out toward me,
    I tried to ask, but I only muttered,
    but he said, "Of course," as if I had asked,
    and he stood up and approached the heater, and then
    stood on one foot, and threw himself
    toward the wall with one hand, and with the other hand
    reached down, behind the couch, to pull
    the plug out. I looked away,
    I had not known he would have to bend
    like that. And I was so moved, that he
    would act undignified, to help me,
    that I cried, not trying to stop, but as if
    the moans made sentences which bore
    some human message. If he would cast himself toward the
    outlet for me, as if bending with me in my old
    shame and horror, then I would rest
    on his art-and the heater purred, like a creature
    or the familiar of a creature, or the child of a familiar,
    the father of a child, the spirit of a father,
    the healing of a spirit, the vision of healing,
    the heat of vision, the power of heat,
    the pleasure of power.

    Sharon Olds
  11. Neeva

    Neeva Regular Member

    Ένα χάικου για την Dora.

    kuraki yori kuraki ni iru ya neko no koi

    In from the dark
    and out into the dark-
    that's a cat in love!

    Issa (1762-1826 Kobayashi Issa. His pseudonym means "one cup of tea". Born in a farm, he was raised by a harsh stepmother and dogged by misfortune and poverty, yet found comfort in the companionship of the smallest living creatures with whom he empathised.)
    The British Museum Haiku, 2002, edited by David Cobb)

    και απο την Plath αν και δεν την αγαπώ πολύ, σου διαλέγω αυτό το μελωδικό τελείωμα που το χει πετύχει όμορφα στο Lady Lazarus.

    Out of the ash
    I rise with my red hair
    And I eat men like air.
  12. Ζωγραφισμένα- Κ.Π. Καβάφης

    Την εργασία μου την προσέχω και την αγαπώ.
    Μα της συνθέσεως μ’ αποθαρρύνει σήμερα η βραδύτης.
    Η μέρα μ’ επηρέασε. Η μορφή της
    όλο και σκοτεινιάζει. Όλο φυσά και βρέχει.
    Πιότερο επιθυμώ να δω παρά να πω.
    Στη ζωγραφιάν αυτή κυττάζω τώρα
    ένα ωραίο αγόρι που σιμά στη βρύσι
    επλάγιασεν, αφού θ’ απέκαμε να τρέχει.
    Τι ωραίο παιδί· τι θείο μεσημέρι το έχει
    παρμένο πια για να το αποκοιμίσει. —
    Κάθομαι και κυττάζω έτσι πολλήν ώρα.
    Και μες στην τέχνη πάλι, ξεκουράζομαι απ’ την δούλεψή της.