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Τι Νιωθεις Αυτη Τη Στιγμη...

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Off Topic Discussion' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος íɑʍ_Monkeץ, στις 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2009.

  1. Να το πάθω επιτέλους!!! Ευχαριστώ πολύ!  
  2. Ευχαριστώωω   
  3. Elune

    Elune Priceless

  4. margarita_nikolayevna

    margarita_nikolayevna Captain's property Contributor

  5. Brt

    Brt #ολαπολυ

    Δεν τρώω μανιτάρια. Ειδικά αυτά τα πλευρώτους μπλιαχ. Και όσοι λένε «είναι σαν να τρως μπριζόλα»...οκ πλοκ. Δηλαδή, πως είναι δυνατόν να έχω βγει για φαγητό με κάποιον που συγκρίνει το filet mignon με μύκητες...
  6. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    "It's dark but just a game"
    That's what he would say to me
    The faces aren't the same
    But their stories all end tragically

    Sweet, but whatever, baby
    And that's the price of fame
    A tale as old as time, you'd be
    Sweet, but whatever, baby
    A pretty little fool
    To think exceptions to the rule
    Just walk around
    Like you and me this way

    But life is sweet, but whatever, baby
    You gotta take them for what they've got
    And while the whole world is crazy
    We're getting high in the parking lot

    We keep changing all the time
    The best ones lost their minds
    So I'm not gonna change
    I'll stay the same
    No rose left on the vines
    Don't even want what's mine
    Much less the fame
    It's dark but just a game
    It's dark but just a game

    It's dark but just a game
    So play it like a symphony
    You know our love's the same
    They'll both go down in infamy

    I was a pretty little thing
    And got a lot to sing, but
    Nothing came from either one but pain
    But fuck it

    Life is sweet, but whatever, baby
    Don't ever think it's not
    While the whole world is crazy
    We're making out in the parking lot

    We keep changing all the time
    The best ones lost their minds
    So I'm not gonna change
    I'll stay the same
    No rose left on the vines
    Don't even want what's mine
    Much less the fame
    It's dark but just a game

    We keep changing all the time
    The best ones lost their minds
    So I'm not gonna change
    I'll stay the same
    No rose left on the vines
    Don't even want what's mine
    Much less the fame
    It's dark but just a game
    It's dark but just a game
    It's dark but just...
  7. Aliki

    Aliki airetiko

    Θέλω να το δω μαζί Σου...
  8. Libertine SD

    Libertine SD Contributor

    Εξαιρετική επιλογή!
  9. Aliki

    Aliki airetiko

  10. Seras Victoria

    Seras Victoria "Fire walk with me" Contributor

    "The horror.. the horror!"
  11. Aliki

    Aliki airetiko

  12. sapfw

    sapfw out of order Contributor

    νεύρα, πολλά νεύρα