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Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Νέοι στον χώρο του BDSM' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος MasterJp, στις 6 Οκτωβρίου 2007.

  1. margarita_nikolayevna

    margarita_nikolayevna Captain's property Contributor

    Ναι αλλά δεν είμαστε σάκοι του μποξ. Ούτε οι υποτακτικοί, ούτε οι Κυρίαρχοι. Γιατί και αυτούς συχνά τους ξεσπάμε την οργή μας...
  2. astarti

    astarti Love beyond Reason

    Μεταφορικα το ειπα.. 
  3. margarita_nikolayevna

    margarita_nikolayevna Captain's property Contributor

    Οκ τότε  
  4. whisperer

    whisperer Regular Member

    Yes, I will hurt you.

    "Will you still be able to hurt me, the more serious our relationship becomes and the more your feelings grow?"

    She asked me with slight concern, because she had read essays from other Doms on here that were unable to hurt the women they emotionally cared for.

    That won't be me I assured her and it won't. For the simple reason, I know how to process the emotional fallout of an intense impact scene and more importantly, it's a foundation we're building upon. The physical play coincides with the exchange of power and it's something we both need in order to operate a functioning, thriving D/s relationship. To put it point blank, a vanilla romantic relationship would not work for us.

    We need consensual impact play for both fun and punishment. When it's fun it will be for both our pleasure, since we are a sensual Sadist and a masochist dancing to a tune of our own creation. When it's punishment, it will be to strengthen the D/s relationship and allow both of us to naturally assume our roles and to benefit us as a whole.

    The power you bestow on me is something I treasure and hold in high regards. Even when I'm disciplining you in a manner that might not look beautiful, it will be, because it's fulfilling a need within us both and because we won't allow our sensitive and caring nature to block our needs for the intensity and structure that we derive from our bdsm interactions.

    When I hurt you, it doesn't take away from my ability to show I care, rather it's a direct reflection of those feelings. I won't stop hurting you because of my feelings, I'll hurt you because of them and the distinct knowledge we have of one another and knowing this is a form of communication between us, one we need to speak to be who and what we want to be, as a couple and as the two individuals we truly are.

    So yes, I will hurt you. I will continue to hurt you and I'll be honored with that privilege and the right to do so. Because it's more than an act, it's a way of being and something that is intimately ours, and as long as we both want it, it shall always be that way.

    I need to fucking hurt you.
    Erotica | 324 Comments · 3,085 Love It | 3 months ago

    We were tangled up on her bed in a puddle of passion. Sweating hard, much like our breathing. I was manipulating her pussy with my tenuous touch. Whimpers and gasp of breathes were lining my ears with the sounds of her succulent, wanton pleasure being had.

    I was pulling at her trying to bring her closer than what was physically possible.
    It was all fun and games until her hand found its way to my cock and my hand found her throat. Each stroke against my cock made the Sadistic fucking animal that lives within me growl, it was clawing inside of me and I'll be damned if she wasn't going to feel the brunt of my needy beast.

    "I need to fucking hurt you, " I said in an earnest tone that spoke as if it was critical this took place. Right....... Fucking..... Now!!

    "You can hurt me Sir," she replied quickly, feeling excited at the prospect of both being smacked and the feeling of being needed.

    With my hand on her throat and me laying next to her. I flipped her on her stomach and quickly started to spank her, warming her up with light to medium blows against that beautiful, luscious ass of hers, until she was ready for the heavier ones. Those fucking whimpers she cried with each strike against her, as my still exposed cock rubbed against her upper outer thigh , was music to my ears.
    As much as I was enjoying beating her beautiful bottom, I needed her to see how much I was loving it.

    My hand went from her neck to the back of her head to grab a fistful of hair in order to get her full attention. She looked over at me with a blank expression, that spoke of not being absent, but rather being right where she needed to be. I made her keep her eyes open and told her to keep them on mine.

    She looked into my soul as I smacked her. I was watching her, watch me and it was an intense connected moment of an unspoken language being heard loud and clear.

    "I want you to look at me as I beat you, I want you to see how much I am enjoying this. I want you to understand this isn't a want, rather I need to fucking hurt you. "

    I don't know what she found more sexy, my kisses, my smacks against her exposed, soft and incredibly round buttocks or seeing my beastly side being fed.

    I do know my favorite part was the fact I was able to tell her I needed to hurt her and she felt safe enough to offer up her body, for me to do just that.

  5. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Eίναι πολύ ευαίσθητες.  
  6. είμαι ψηλότερη απ' όσο περίμενα!
  7. astarti

    astarti Love beyond Reason

    Αυτό ακριβώς εννοώ..! Γουστα είναι αυτα ρε παιδια..  
  8. Dark_Explorer

    Dark_Explorer Κλωθώ: ἄτρακτον στρέφειν Contributor

    Αυθεντικότητα. Ορισμένα πράγματα φτάνουν στο κατώφλι τόσο πηγαία που δεν προφταίνεις καν ν'αναρωτηθείς...
  9. yannouli

    yannouli busy mind

  10. Justmeandme

    Justmeandme Status astatus

    Οι ερωτήσεις του MasterJp γενικότερα, μου αφήνουν την γεύση ενός τασκ.

    Λοιπόν, μου αρέσει που δεν ακολουθώ κανένα πρωτόκολλο, κανενός καθολική αλήθεια.
    Την αλήθεια μου την αλληλοσυμπληρωνω, την μαθαίνω, την δημιουργώ με βάση την αλήθεια του ανθρώπου που επιλέγω να με συντροφεύσει.
    Μου αρέσει να τολμώ, να ρισκάρω, να έχω πρωτοβουλία όταν μπορώ.
    Να μην περιορίζομαι, γιατι έτσι μπορώ κι ανθιζω.
  11. Guruni

    Guruni aohuhzp lpzhp

  12. Soraya

    Soraya Guest

    πως ότι κι αν είμαι δεν ξεχνώ τις αρχές μου