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Υιοθεσία από ομόφυλα ζευγάρια: Υπέρ;... κατά;...

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Σεξ και Σχέσεις' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος D. Alessandro, στις 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2015.

  1. Studies that appear to indicate neutral to favorable child outcomes from same-sex parenting have critical design flaws. These include non-longitudinal design, inadequate sample size, biased sample selection, lack of proper controls, failure to account for confounding variables, and perhaps most problematic – all claim to affirm the null hypothesis.14,15,16 Therefore, it is impossible for these studies to provide any support for the alleged safety or potential benefits to children from same-sex parenting.
    Data on the long-term outcomes of children placed in same-sex households is sparse and gives reason for concern.17 This research has revealed that children reared in same-sex households are more likely to experience sexual confusion, engage in risky sexual experimentation, and later adopt a same-sex identity.18-22 This is concerning since adolescents and young adults who adopt the homosexual lifestyle are at increased risk for mental health problems, including major depression, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, substance dependence, and especially suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.23 Recent studies confirm that children reared by same-sex couples fare worse in a multitude of outcome categories than those reared by heterosexual, married couples.24-27
  2. https://www.acpeds.org/the-college-...es/homosexual-parenting-is-it-time-for-change

    Violence between same-sex partners is two to three times more common than among married heterosexual couples.28-32 Same-sex partnerships are significantly more prone to dissolution than heterosexual marriages with the average same-sex relationship lasting only two to three years.33-36 Homosexual men and women are reported to be promiscuous, with serial sex partners, even within what are loosely-termed “committed relationships.37-41 Individuals who practice a homosexual lifestyle are more likely than heterosexuals to experience mental illness,42-44 substance abuse,45 suicidal tendencies46,47 and shortened life spans.48 Although some would claim that these dysfunctions are a result of societal pressures in America, the same dysfunctions exist at inordinately high levels among homosexuals in cultures where the practice is more widely accepted.49

    1. American Academy of Pediatrics, “Co-parent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents,” Pediatrics. 109(2002): 339-340.
    2. Heuveline P., et.al. “Shifting Childrearing to Single Mothers: Results from 17 Western Countries,” Population and Development Review 29, no.1 (March 2003) p. 48.
    3. Moore K., et.al. “Marriage from a Child’s Perspective: How Does Family Structure Affect Children and What Can We Do About It?” (Washington, D.C.: Child Trends, Research Brief, June 2002) pp.1-2.
    4. McLanahan S. and Sandfeur G., Growing Up with a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994), p. 45.
    5. Sarantakos S., “Children in Three Contexts: Family, Education, and Social Development,” Children Australia, vol. 21 (1996): 23-31.
    6. Hilton J. and Devall E., “Comparison of Parenting and Children’s Behavior in Single-Mother, Single-Father, and Intact Families,” Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 29 (1998): 23-54.
    7. Thomson E., et al., “Family Structure and Child Well-Being: Economic Resources vs. Parental Behaviors,” Social Forces 73 (1994): 221-42.
    8. Popenoe D., Life Without Father (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996), pp. 144, 146.
    9. Stanton G., Why Marriage Matters (Colorado Springs: Pinon Press, 1997) p. 97-153.
    10. Schneider B., Atteberry A., Owens A., Family Matters: Family Structure and Child Outcomes. Birmingham, AL: Alabama Policy Institute;2005:1-42.Available at www.alabamapolicyinstitute.org/PDFs/currentfamilystructure.pdf.
    11. Sax, L., Why Gender Matters: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know About the Emerging Science of Sex Differences (New York: Doubleday, 2005).
    12. Blankenhorn, D., Fatherless America. (New York: Basic books, 1995).
    13. Byrd, D., “Gender Complementarity and Child-rearing: Where Tradition and Science Agree,” Journal of Law & Family Studies, University of Utah, Vol. 6 no. 2, p. 213, 2004.
    14. Lerner, R., Althea Nagai, Ph.D. No Basis: What the Studies Don’t Tell Us About Same Sex Parenting, Washington DC;Marriage Law Project/Ethics and Public Policy Center, 2001.
    15. Morgan P., Children as Trophies? Examining the Evidence on Same-Sex Parenting, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; Christian Institute, 2002.
    16. Guiliani J. and Duncan D., “Brief of Amici Curiae Massachusetts Family Institute and National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality,” Appeal to the Supreme Court of Vermont, Docket No. S1009-97CnC.
    17. American Academy of Pediatrics, Perrin, EC, and the committee on psychosocial aspects of child and family health. “Technical report: Co parent or Second-Parent Adoption by Same-Sex Parents,” Pediatrics. 109(2002): 343. The Academy acknowledges that the “small, non-representative samples … and the relatively young age of the children suggest some reserve.”
    18. Schumm W., “Children of Homosexuals More Apt to Be Homosexuals? A Reply to Morrison and to Cameron Based on an Examination of Multiple Sources of Data,” J. Biosoc. Sci (2010) 42, 721-742.
    19. Marks L., “Same-sex parenting and children’s outcomes: A closer examination of the American psychological association’s brief of lesbian and gay parenting,” Social Science Research 41 (2012) 735-751.
    20. Regnerus M., “How different are the adult children of parents who have same-sex relationships? Findings from the New Family Structures Study,” Social Science Research 41 (2012) 752-770.
    21. Stacey J. and Biblarz, T., “(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter,” American Sociological Review 66 (2001): 174, 179.
    22. Gartrell N., Bos H., Goldberg, N., “Adolescents of the U.S. National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study: Sexual Orientation, Sexual Behavior, and Sexual Risk Exposure” Archive of Sexual Behavior, 40 (2011):1199-1209, p. 1205.
    23. Stacey J. and Biblarz T., “(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter,” American Sociological Review 66 (2001): 174, 179.
    24. Regnerus M., How Different are the Adult Children of Parents who have Same-Sex Relationships? Findings from the New Family Structures Study 41 Social Science Research 752 (2012)
    25. Potter D., Same-Sex Parent Families and Children’s Academic Achievement 74 Journal of Marriage & Family 556 (2012)
    26. Sullins, P., “Invisible Victims: Delayed Onset Depression Among Adults with Same-Sex Parents,” Depression Research and Treatment, Volume 2016, Article ID 2410392, 8 pages.
    27. Sullins, P., “Emotional Problems among Children with Same-Sex Parents: Difference by Definition,” British Journal of Education, Society and Behavioral Science 7(2):99-120, 2015, February 2015.
    28. Yong Lie G. and Gentlewarrier S., “Intimate Violence in Lesbian Relationships: Discussion of Survey Findings and Practice Implications,” Journal of Social Service Research 15 (1991): 41-59.
    29. Island D. and Letellier P., Men Who Beat the Men Who Love Them: Battered Gay Men and Domestic Violence (New York: Haworth Press, 1991), p. 14.
    30. Lockhart L., et al., “Letting out the Secret: Violence in Lesbian Relationships,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence 9 (1994): 469-492.
    31. “Violence Between Intimates,” Bureau of Justice Statistics Selected Findings, November 1994, p. 2.
    32. Health Implications Associated With Homosexuality (Austin: The Medical Institute for Sexual Health, 1999), p. 79.
    33. McWhirter D.and Mattison A., The Male Couple: How Relationships Develop (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1984), pp. 252-253.
    34. Saghir M. and Robins E., Male and Female Homosexuality (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1973), p. 225; L.A. Peplau and H. Amaro, “Understanding Lesbian Relationships,” in Homosexuality: Social, Psychological, and Biological Issues, ed. J. Weinrich and W. Paul (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1982).
    35. Schumm, W., (2010) ‘Comparative Relationship Stability of Lesbian Mother and Heterosexual Mother Families: A Review of Evidence’, Marriage & Family Review, 46:8,299-509.
    36. Pollak M., “Male Homosexuality,” in Western Sexuality: Practice and Precept in Past and Present Times, ed. P. Aries and A. Bejin, translated by Anthony Forster (New York, NY: B. Blackwell, 1985), pp. 40-61, cited by Joseph Nicolosi in Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality (Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson Inc., 1991), pp. 124, 125.
    37. Bell A. and Weinberg M., Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1978), pp. 308, 309; See also A. P. Bell, M. S. Weinberg, and S. K. Hammersmith, Sexual Preference (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1981).
    38. Van de Ven P. et al., “A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men,” Journal of Sex Research 34 (1997): 354.
    39. Deenen A., “Intimacy and Sexuality in Gay Male Couples,” Archives of Sexual Behavior, 23 (1994): 421-431.
    49. “Sex Survey Results,” Genre (October 1996), quoted in “Survey Finds 40 percent of Gay Men Have Had More Than 40 Sex Partners,” Lambda Report, January 1998, p. 20.
    41. Xiridoui M., et al., “The Contribution of Steady and Casual Partnerships to the Incidence of HIV infection among Homosexual Men in Amsterdam,” AIDS 17 (2003): 1029-1038. [Note: one of the findings of this recent study is that those classified as being in “steady relationships” reported an average of 8 casual partners a year in addition to their partner (p. 1032)]
    42. Bradford J., et al., “National Lesbian Health Care Survey: Implications for Mental Health Care,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 62 (1994): 239, cited in Health Implications Associated with Homosexuality, p. 81.
    43. Sandfort T., et al., “Same-sex Sexual Behavior and Psychiatric Disorders,” Archives of General Psychiatry 58 (January 2001): 85-91.
    44. Bailey, J., Commentary: Homosexuality and mental illness. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 56 (1999): 876-880. Author states, “These studies contain arguably the best published data on the association between homosexuality and psychopathology, and both converge on the same unhappy conclusion: homosexual people are at substantially higher risk for some form of emotional problems; including suicidality, major depression, and anxiety disorder, conduct disorder, and nicotine dependence…”
    45. Hall J., “Lesbians Recovering from Alcoholic Problems: An Ethnographic Study of Health Care Expectations,” Nursing Research 43 (1994): 238-244.
    46. Herrell H., et al., “Sexual Orientation and Suicidality, Co-twin Study in Adult Men,” Archives of General Psychiatry 56 (1999): 867-874.
    47. Mays V.,, et al., “Risk of Psychiatric Disorders among Individuals Reporting Same-sex Sexual Partners in the National Comorbidity Survey,” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 91 (June 2001): 933-939.
    48. Hogg R.,et al., “Modeling the Impact of HIV Disease on Mortality in Gay and Bisexual Men,” International Journal of Epidemiology 26 (1997): 657.
    49. Sandfort T., de Graaf, R., Bijl, R., Schnabel. Same-sex sexual behavior and psychiatric disorders. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry. 58 (2001): 85-91.

    Βλεπουμε λοιπον οτι τα ετεροφυλα ζευγαρια παρα τα προβληματα τους ειναι πολλες φορες περισσοτερο καταλληλα για αναδοχη και υιοθεσια. Δεν υπαρχει καν συγκριση. Τα στοιχεια ειναι συντριπτικα και διαλυουν τις ψευτικες ερευνες που λενε το αντιστροφο.
  3. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    Από περιέργεια, μπορείς σε παρακαλώ να μου εξηγήσεις τι καταλαβαίνεις από την παραπάνω πρόταση;
  4. Oτι δεν διαβασες τιποτα... Αυτο μου λεει. Διοτι η προταση αφορα σε αυτους που ειναι υπερ της υιοθεσιας απο ομοφυλα ζευγαρια και τους αφοπλιζει καθως οι ερευνες τους ειναι τουλαχιστον καλπικες. Δεν μπορουν να υποστηριξουν δηλαδη οτι ειναι εξισου καλοι με τα ετεροφυλα ζευγαρια.

    Επισης, ξεχασες πως ολα τα στοιχεια αναφορικα με βια, διαζυγια κτλ. συνηγορουν πως τα ομοφυλα ζευγαρια ειναι πολυ χειροτερα δυστυχως. Χωριζουν πιο συχνα, ειναι πιο βιαια, πιο επιρρεπη σε ψυχιατρικα προβληματα κτλ. Αυτο και μονο τελειωνει την οποιαδηποτε συζητηση αφου αφοπλιζει ολες τις "ερευνες" που απεγνωσμενα προσπαθουν να αποδειξουν το αντιθετο.

    Για αυτο σε 170 χωρες που επικρατει κοινη λογικη δεν εχει επιτραπει υιοθεσια απο ετεροφυλα ζευγαρια.
    Οι υπολοιπες που το επιτρεπουν ειναι κατα κυριο λογο προβληματικες και αυτοκτονικες με θανατηφορα υπογεννητικοτητα που θα τις σκοτωσει κυριολεκτικα. Επομενως ειναι ντε φακτο ψυχικα αρρωστες χωρες.
    Δεν τιθεται προς συζητηση αυτο, ειναι γεγονος αυταποδεικτο.
  5. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    Αυτό είναι μια απάντηση αλλά *όχι* σε αυτό που σε ρώτησα.

    Ξανακάνω λοιπόν την ερώτηση: τι καταλαβαίνεις από την παρακάτω πρόταση;
  6. ἀστράρχη

    ἀστράρχη an asteroid ☆•○•°¤●° Contributor

    Ε μετεφρασε το και εσυ, να τελειώνουμε
  7. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    Δεν το παρέθεσα εγώ.
  8. ἀστράρχη

    ἀστράρχη an asteroid ☆•○•°¤●° Contributor

    Κάνε ένα ψυχικό
  9. Αλλη φορα θα αντιγραφεις ολοκληρο το κειμενο, οκ? Την πατησες παλι.

    "Studies that appear to indicate neutral to favorable child outcomes from same-sex parenting have critical design flaws. These include non-longitudinal design, inadequate sample size, biased sample selection, lack of proper controls, failure to account for confounding variables, and perhaps most problematic – all claim to affirm the null hypothesis.14,15,16 Therefore, it is impossible for these studies to provide any support for the alleged safety or potential benefits to children from same-sex parenting."

    Οι μελετες που ειναι υπερ της γκει υιοθεσιας (λεει ο αρθρογραφος) ειναι προβληματικες απο ολες τις αποψεις. Ετσι λοιπον (λεει η επιμαχη παραγραφος που αντεγραψες) ειναι αδυνατον για αυτες τις μελετες (εννοει αυτες υπερ της γκει υιοθεσιας) να παραθεσουν καποια υποστηρικτικα δεδομενα για την ισχυριζομενη ασφαλεια ή για τα δυνητικα πλεονεκτηματα των παιδιων που υιοθετηθηκαν απο γκει.
    Δοκιμασε ξανα...
  10. Over thirty years of research confirms that children fare best when reared by their two biological parents in a loving low conflict marriage. Children navigate developmental stages more easily, are more solid in their gender identity, perform better academically, have fewer emotional disorders, and become better functioning adults when reared within their natural family.2,3,4,5,6,7,8

    2. Heuveline P., et.al. “Shifting Childrearing to Single Mothers: Results from 17 Western Countries,” Population and Development Review 29, no.1 (March 2003) p. 48.
    3. Moore K., et.al. “Marriage from a Child’s Perspective: How Does Family Structure Affect Children and What Can We Do About It?” (Washington, D.C.: Child Trends, Research Brief, June 2002) pp.1-2.
    4. McLanahan S. and Sandfeur G., Growing Up with a Single Parent: What Hurts, What Helps (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1994), p. 45.
    5. Sarantakos S., “Children in Three Contexts: Family, Education, and Social Development,” Children Australia, vol. 21 (1996): 23-31.
    6. Hilton J. and Devall E., “Comparison of Parenting and Children’s Behavior in Single-Mother, Single-Father, and Intact Families,” Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 29 (1998): 23-54.
    7. Thomson E., et al., “Family Structure and Child Well-Being: Economic Resources vs. Parental Behaviors,” Social Forces 73 (1994): 221-42.
    8. Popenoe D., Life Without Father (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996), pp. 144, 146.

    Μονο οι αναθεωρητικες ψευδο-μελετες προσπαθουν να φερουν τα πανω κατω γιατι δεν τους συμφερει το αποτελεσμα των μελετων που εγιναν απο σοβαρα πανεπιστημια στο παρελθον. Τι δεν καταλαβαινεις;
  11. _voltage_

    _voltage_ Ιδιόκτητη. Contributor

    Θα μου επιτρέψεις να είμαι brutally honest:
    a) Αρχικά δεν θεωρώ ότι αυτή είναι μία συζήτηση που μπορούμε να κάνουμε εδώ, όσο ενδιαφέρουσα και να είναι, για πάρα μα πάρα πολλούς λόγους.
    β) Για να κάνουμε αυτή τη συζήτηση πρέπει να κατανοήσουμε πως χρησιμοποιούμε (εγώ και εσύ) τις λέξεις έθνος και οικογένεια και εντος ποιου context πράγμα που κάνει το α ακόμα πιο δύσκολο
    γ) Για να καταλάβουμε πως χρησιμοποιούμε τις λέξεις έθνος και οικογένεια θα πρέπει να ξέρουμε κάποια πράγματα ο ένας για τον άλλο κυρίως όσον αφορα τις παραδοχές μας, τα biases και μία σειρά από άλλα πράγματα.

    Δηλαδή, δεν υπάρχει κανένας τρόπος να γίνει αυτή η συζήτηση σωστά σε ένα τέτοιο μέσο (χωρίς να εννοώ ότι φταίει κάπως το μέσο - απλά είναι αυτό που είναι)

    Οπότε θα μου επιτρέψεις να μην συνεχίσω  
  12. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    Όταν αποφασίσεις να μου απαντήσεις αυτό που σε ρώτησα, το συνεχίζουμε.