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Bratty slave contract

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM Discussion' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος kardy_, στις 23 Αυγούστου 2010.

  1. kardy_

    kardy_ Regular Member

    Αυτό πιστεύω θα φανεί χρήσιμο σε πολλους/ες....

    Bratty Slave Contract:
    1. Master is always right, except when He isn't. When He isn't the slave has
    the obligation to bring to Master's attention His incorrect perceptions and
    false notions.

    2. The slave has the right the hide any of Master's toys she does not like.
    Master then has the right to use the toy on the slave if He can find them.

    3. The Master may be under the impression the slave has done something she
    should not have been doing. The slave may then point out that not only did she
    not do such a thing, but also is under strict obligation to tell Master who did
    it, and Master is to believe her.

    4. The Master owns the slave totally and has all rights to her body and
    complete say over how she behaves. The slave has the right to respectfully and
    politely request things of her Master, over and over again if need be.

    5. The slave is to please her Master with every deed and thought she has and is
    to bring to Master's attention that this does indeed please Him, even if He
    says it doesn't.

    6. The slave has the right to sign this contract on Master's behalf, so as not
    to bother Him

    7. The slave has the right to add to and amend any of these points, upon
    consultation with Master, even if He is not present for the consultation.

    8. Master has the right to use the " Just because I want to" reason for His
    actions at any time The slave then has the right to try and talk Master out of

    9. The Master is to remember that His slave is a sweet innocent angel at all

    10. The slave has the right to remind Master that she is totally guileless and
    above reproach. Everything she does she is to do for Him and she can also
    remind Him of that fact.
  2. devine_sub

    devine_sub Contributor

    Απάντηση: Bratty slave contract

    {Από το ***, για να αναφέρονται και οι πηγές.}

  3. Ninevi

    Ninevi Regular Member

    Απάντηση: Bratty slave contract

  4. devine_sub

    devine_sub Contributor

    Απάντηση: Bratty slave contract

    6. The slave has the right to sign this contract on Master's behalf, so as not
    to bother Him

    *Αυτό* δεν το εντοπίσατε;  
  5. beltedgirl

    beltedgirl Regular Member

    Απάντηση: Bratty slave contract

    9. The Master is to remember that His slave is a sweet innocent angel at all

    Είμαι σίγουρη πως αυτό γράφτηκε για μένα... :nod:
  6. Ninevi

    Ninevi Regular Member

    Απάντηση: Bratty slave contract

    Ναι, αλλά το 9 είναι αφού πλέον έχουν προηγηθεί και όλα τα άλλα  
  7. Ωκεανός

    Ωκεανός Flüggåэnk∂€čhiœßøl∫ên

      Ένα πράγμα έχω να πω μόνο:

  8. devine_sub

    devine_sub Contributor

    Απάντηση: Re: Bratty slave contract

    Αααα, δεν αρκεί! Διότι, τι ξύλο;

    Αντιλαμβάνεστε, πρέπει να διευκρινιστεί!
  9. Ωκεανός

    Ωκεανός Flüggåэnk∂€čhiœßøl∫ên

    Ξύλο, ξύλο... πολύ ξύλο...  
  10. beltedgirl

    beltedgirl Regular Member

    Απάντηση: Re: Bratty slave contract

    ντειρ'το ντειρ'το που λέει και μια ψυχήηη:rollinglaugh:
  11. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    Απάντηση: Re: Bratty slave contract

    Άλλωστε είναι γνωστό τοις πάσοι ότι οι subs κρύβουν ένα τερμίτη μέσα τους  
  12. Ninevi

    Ninevi Regular Member

    Απάντηση: Bratty slave contract
