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The tenant

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM Art and Literature' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος loukfode, στις 27 Οκτωβρίου 2009.

  1. loukfode

    loukfode New Member

    It was the monthly assemply of the flat owners of the appartment block, at the caretakers house.
    After the usual issues beeing discussed, it came up from several owners the complain about
    the new woman tenant staying in appartment 2b. It was argued that several different kinds of sounds
    disturb the neighbors tranquility. These noises differ from loud yells and cries to moans and sighs .
    The caretaker, sworn bachelor and rather masculine in appearence,
    who also happened to be the owner of the womans flat,
    was authorised by the assemply to pay a visit to her and ask for explanations.

    He thought it would be more polite at first to invite her to his appartment.
    He telephoned her late that aftrernoon.
    "Hello Miss Caplan, this is George P. from upstairs. I wonder if you could pay me a visit
    tomorrow some time after 17.00 to discuss some matters that occur at todays assemply.
    Is it convinient for you or..."
    "I am coming up right now" she sharply replied and hung up the phone at no time.
    He was a little annoyed by her behavior but what the hell, it would be better to clear things out by that evening.
    No sooner had he finished his thoughts and the doorbell rang. She was allright her, standing at the
    doorway, blocking the entire entrance with her grandiose figure.
    She was all dressed in black standing over her high heels that made her even bigger.
    He invite her in, offered a cup of tea and start to express the complaints already mentioned.
    She was listening without saying a word, not even making a wince. He only noticed that her eyes
    were changing color from green-brown to ebony black.
    He was trying to be as polite as possible and by finishing his speech he smiled and ask for her opinion.
    "You people are right" she answered "my slaves are spoiled and noisy as they shouldn't be. I 'll see to it the soonest"
    she paused her phrase and stared at him with her penetrating eyes.
    "Her what ?" he thought with astonishment and got able to reply:
    "When you say slaves you mean your servants at house works?"
    "No I mean the creatures that I train to be submissive to any womans wills and then sell them at slave bargains
    to wealthy females..."she paused once more to enjoy his upset.
    "Well Miss Caplan this is outrageous and cannot be tolerated. I demand you to stop this activities at once
    or leave this building the soonest. Slavery is barbaric and antiquated. I don't even think it is legal! "
    "It is legal if both parties agree to it. And before judging someones attitude you must first at least try it once.
    And please call me Donna..." said is a soothing voice.
    "What is it that you mean, Donna? Try to feel what is like to be a slave to another person in year 2003? This is preposterous!"
    "Why Mr. P, all my slaves are happy with the arrangement. I think somebody from the building should come once to a session
    to see what is like and even participate in it. You, for instance since you are the caretaker for this period should volunteer.
    And who knows George, you might even find you like beeing a slave..." she added with a smirk all over her face.
    And by seeing Georges blush, she stood up, walked towards the exit and slammed the door behind her.
    No sooner had his blood pressure reached its normal levels than the phone rang. She was her allright.
    "I will be in my appartment for another couple of hours and I happen to have a vacancy. Feel free to descend and join
    me for tea and biscuits" she said with a mocking voice.
    That was it. He grabbed his coat in frenzy and by descending the stairs three by three he was at her doorway.
    Before beeing able to knock with all his fierce, the door opened and she quickly stepped aside for him to rush in. He didn't
    even notice in his fury that she calmly locked and bolted her entrance. Only then he got able to notice her.
    She was in her purple dressing gown, the two top buttons unbuttonned, revealing a peace of her magnificent pale white
    enormous breasts. For a minute he could not lift his eyes from there. She was enjoying it in full pleasure.
    Then he broke the silence:
    "I demand you leave the premises by tommorrow afternoon!" he yowled all red like a mullet. He turned around
    and start walking towards the door, then noticing a 1,5 littre empty jar on the kitchen table. "she drinks a lot" he thought.
    "Fine", she then replied in complete sobriety "but since I have to pack all my things in such a short notice, I could
    use a helping hand" she said with a pretentious coy look.
    His well breed manners did not let him continue his way to the exit. With a sigh of despair threw his coat on a chair
    and followed her steps to the inner of the flat. She was already opening all her closets revealing her plentiful wardrobe.
    No signs of peculiar "instruments" so far, he felt a little more relaxed, yet a little chilly in that room. Wish he took his coat with him.
    But as she had already start to pile her clothes on the bed and the chairs in her bedroom, he gird up his loins.
    She then took down 3 enormous suitcases from the top self of the closet and asked him
    if he could hand to her the clothing little by little in order for her to dispose it in the cases properly.
    He began to feel a little guilty. He start passing different kinds of clothing to her. She had her back turned to him, kneeled down,
    completely devoted to her work. That gave him the time to feel the fabric of clothes and smell the fragrance coming
    out of their folds. He was becoming ifluenced. He approached the next thing (an ancora woolen scarf) more close to his face.
    The textrure and the scent dazzled him. He left it there for at least 5 minutes. A bulk was becoming to rise under his trousers.
    He had forgotten he was not handing clothes to Donna for sometime now. Then he gazed at something else and found hard to
    swallow. There, lying on the bed, there was a long line black woolie cardigan with flokati-like trim around the neck and buttons.
    It was lying there expecting him to pick it up and give it to Donna. But for a strange reason he kept standing still, paralyzed.
    He didn't even hear Donna standing up, passing right next to him and lifting the cardigan in her hands. She then turned
    towards him and said in a soft silky voice:
    "I better put this thing on it's getting cold, don't you think?" undressing herself in front of him and with
    quick subtle moves she put the cardigan on, nothing under it just her beautiful skin.
    But for a strange reason she left all buttons unbuttoned. She then began to move towards him, all her beauties revealed to his eyes.
    "This thing is too big even for me" she said with pretentious discontent "I think that another one can fit in here, don't you think?"
    He couldn' t even nod. He felt his feet trembling.
    By then she was standing right in front of him. If he was lifting his hand he could reach her fairy breasts. But he couldn' t move a muscle.
    Then, with a theatrical move, she grabbed the two sides of the cardigan with her glove wearing hands and spread them wide open
    in front of him. He was facing now her beautiful body, just a breath away. Then she just ordered in an arrogant tone:
    "Get in" and as if he were a robot he annexed his body to hers. His face was burried between her breasts, smelling that perfect
    mixture of fragrance and body odours. He then felt the cardigan getting buttoned behind him, entrapping inside it his shivering
    body. The light was dim in there, but he didn' t seem to mind about it at all. She left him in there for at least 10 minutes.
    She then decided it was high time to proceed.
    "I hate to disturb you, but I have to use the bathroom urgently" she said with a giggle, opening her cardigan .
    "You must get out of here and wait for me to return, or leave if got bored" teased him. She already knew he was unable
    of leaving the room. He took his sweaty body off her and crumpled on the bed.
    She then moved towards the door, but stopping suddenly she turned around, pick up a fancy dress and said:
    "It might take me long there and I hate to leave you all alone and quivering like that!
    What if we put you on this beautiful knitwear long dress and try to work a solution with my bladder?"
    He was paralyzed. A womans dress on him! What the neighbors would think about him?
    Though this thought was so repulsing, yet something more powerfull nudged him towards her.
    She was already putting the dress on him, straigthening the edges, admiring the result of her work.
    He was like a schoolish girl. "Oh my, if only you could wear a pair of my shoes, you would look just perfect!" she mocked.
    "But seriously now, we must take care of my urge too.." continued by grabbing him by the hand.
    "Common silly tart, I have just the right stuff next door!" She rushed him into a compeltely dark room even colder than the previous,
    by unlocking a chain on the door. By then he was a human mass in her hands. " Human"?
    Not for long. By lighting 4-5 candles, she was able to lead him to an iron bed having attached different equipment on it.
    After securing his wrists behind his head and his ankles from two chains hanging from the bed ceiling, he was left with his
    buttocks wide open and exposed to her wills. Then he saw the jar on the stool next to the bed, in which she started pissing
    with little cries of relief.
    She undressed herself once more and changed her outfit with a heavy warm robe hanging from a nail
    behind the door. She then threw her cardigan on his face double- folded leaving him with no chances of eye vision.
    The last thing he got able to see was her filling a kind of bottle hanging from the bed ceiling and leading to a long probe
    with the content of the jar.
    He then felt "his" dress lifting up, as a gelly dense liquid was caressing his asshole.
    He was penetrated ten to twenty times by her handy fingers until he started moaning from lust.
    Then the probe violated his sphincter. The liquid start filling his intakes, swelling his belly, making his need to shit
    more and more urgent. She was laughing with his predicament, giving him orders of how to strech his ass and bow his body
    in order to intake all her urines. His erection was so tense that his penis had lift and streched all the dresses wrinkles.
    Then she suddenly stopped, by pulling out the probe.
    He was begging her with shrieks to continue fucking him, filling his holes in every possible way.
    "HUSH" she whispered in his ears, "the neighbors might hear us!" and she left the room locking the door behind her,
    leaving him alone, dressed like a silly girl, all tied up, filled up with her liquid products, ready to burst from his shit,
    in full erection, unable to help himself in any possible way, moaning and crying so that everybody could hear him at least 3 blocks away...
  2. miror

    miror New Member

    ...και μετά