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Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM Art and Literature' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος loukfode, στις 3 Νοεμβρίου 2009.

  1. loukfode

    loukfode New Member

    The first inkling I had that my world was out of kilter was Her giggling. Well, let me start my decline story from the beginning.
    I had asked everyone at work if they wanted to join me for late lunch but everybody had other plans, so I went to the cafe at the corner of the office-road by myself. The food was decent, the place was very convenient and by the time I got there it was almost empty. I sat at my regular secluded table, waiting for the waitress, checking my messages on my palmtop, when Tina, the owner reluctantly approached me.
    She said, "Hi Nick, this lady at the register want to know if She can join you. She said She hates to eat by herself and offered to pay for your lunch if you agree."
    I looked over at the register and there She was, a middle-aged woman standing right there. Her skin was starting to wrinkle, Her hair were greasy and disheveled. She was chunky and had huge breasts. She wore a black shabby cape, a tight clumsy thick turtleneck pullover a long black pleated skirt and matching worn-out boots. A baggy black leather purse was hanging from Her left shoulder. She looked extremely garish and quite slatternly. Rather repulsive. She saw me looking and waved at me.
    I said to Tina halfheartedly, "Sure why not. But tell Her I'll pick up the tab since She is brave enough to ask" and waived Her back to come over. She quickly approached -something rather impressive for such a bulky woman - having a strange smirk on Her face, giggling mischievously. To my disappointment, She sat down on the couch right left to me, ignoring the empty seat across me.
    She tried to throw Her purse over Her shoulder but the strap was sitting directly between Her breasts, pulling Her sweater tightly across Her chest, stains forming under Her armpits, She was perspiring. When She finally got rid of it, it landed on the other side of the couch, while She said shuffling, "Hi I'm Miss Pimples. Thanks for letting me join you", a film of sweat gathering in tiny beads on her dirty gray moustache. Her mouth made a little moue, and Her jaws went right on chewing gum, looking at me.
    "Hi I am Nick, I understand. I also hate to eat alone."
    Miss Pimples said, "Actually I don't mind eating alone at all."
    I asked puzzled, "But the owner told me..."
    She cut me off, "That's what I told her so I could sit with you. I saw you through the window and thought you looked like a real sub."
    I asked astonished, "A real what?"
    "A real sub. You know, a really submissive man who needs to experience female authority."
    I nervously laughed and said, "I think you have the wrong guy. I don't have a submissive bone in my body."
    She announced matter of factly, "Don't fool yourself. All I did was wave to you and you offered to buy lunch. I am a pretty good judge of character and I know a submissive male when I see one."
    Just then the waitress came over and asked if she could take our order. I was just about to speak when Miss Pimples ordered firmly, "Yes, I'll have the club and a large red lager, while he's having a Caesars' with extra garlic ".
    I tried to protest, "Hey, wait a minute, that isn't what I was going to order."
    Miss Pimples turned to me and hissed, "Quiet. I don't want to hear another word unless given permission. Understood?" Then She authoritatively waived to the waitress that we were done with our order and to make haste because we were in a hurry.
    I was struck dumfounded, bursting with anger, but for some strange reason I remained silent, almost afraid to speak. I sat there immobile, speechless, humiliated in front of the waitress by an unknown obnoxious woman. I started wondering why had I allowed Her to join me in the first place but Miss Pimples briskly took in charge again:
    "See what I told you. You're a natural Nick. You did exactly as you were told. Tell me now, how does that make you feel?"
    I was about to start murmuring complaints when the frightened waitress reappeared currying Miss Pimple's delicious club and my tasteless salad. Pimples clapped Her hands by saying: "Well our lunch is here, why don't we quickly finish it and then leave?"
    Obviously a rhetorical question, no answer was expected. She meant leave together? What for? What a preposterous idea. Meanwhile She had already ordered the waitress in a firm, vehement tone not to intrude again unless SHE specifically called for Her.
    Since our food was there I tried to repress my anger and attempt to pick up my fork and knife, when Miss Pimples decisively grabbed each one of my hands, nailed them to the table with unbelievable force and said with exuberant mockery:
    "No, no, my pets are not allowed to use cutlery. If you really need to feed yourself, if you feel really hungry, do it like the little kitten you are!" and by bursting to laughter She grabbed a large piece of Her club with Her free hand - such filthy fingernails with half black moons and raggedy bleeding cuticles - and started eating.
    I was furious. I just wanted to make Her leave my table, ditch out on Her as soon as I had my chance. But a part of me was also trying to figure out what She was talking about. Was She suggesting eating my salad by the ball only by using my mouth like an animal?
    She must be joking! That woman wasn't even remotely attractive, She was detestable, She wore the clumsiest clothes on earth, She was sweating, smelling and eating like a sow and SHE had the nerve to give me orders!
    She was smiling arrogantly, I became red like a mullet.
    Having little bits of crumbs on Her lips She disgustingly approached to my ear and said:
    "Perhaps I should leave right now and avoid wasting more of my precious time with a reserved stupid sub like you." and all of the sudden She started maneuvering Her curvaceous body and "accidentally" stepped with Her boots over my feet. "Shall I go now?" She concluded and stayed rooted on the spot, spearing my feet, piercing my mind with Her black-as-hell penetrating eyes. I felt so surprised by Her audacity I couldn't articulate a word.
    She took the baton from my inertia and went for the kill. My kill.
    She lowered Her tone of voice even more and murmured:
    "Nick at least hand me my bag." and by that She swiftly moved again Her impressive figure right next to me, "trying" to sit up, practically blocking my entire view with Her ample bosom, inevitably filling my nostrils with Her mixture of heavy perfume and body sweat, overbearing me in full dominance. She finally stretched up Her left hand to the direction of Her bag, in a way that She almost entrapped me with Her cloak, squeezing me between Her body, the table and the couch.
    She had just started segregating me from the rest of the world, dissolving me, resolving me, absorbing me.
    For a minute or two I stayed motionless, bedazzled by Her dominating presence. Miss Pimples, on the other hand became bolder and bolder, stepping, feeling, caressing, pinching, squeezing, probing, acquiring. When She finally decided it was high time She grabbed Her purse and suddenly retreated, easing Her pressure over my body, mind and soul, only leaving me a split second to straighten myself a bit before She addressed me again more an more authoritatively:
    "Eat up. Now!" and pushed my head towards the salad bowl.
    My hands were freed. I didn't dare to use them. Trembling with fear and excitement at the possibility of being caught exposing myself like this in PUBLIC, I passively lowered my already wide opened mouth and tried to grab and chew the extra spicy lettuce. Like a kit. She wore that cocky grin of triumph. Then She praised me, like a master praises his domestic:
    "Well done my little pet, now don't forget to lick your plate in the end!"
    I argued with myself. What was I doing? How could I let this woman rule over my acts and thoughts? She was not even the least appealing female. I should quickly break that stupid spell. I sign of revolt started sparkling inside me. She noticed it on the spot.
    And reacted instantly.
    "I'll need to look at you proper," She said peevishly, as though put upon, "come on, let's be havin' you." She looked directly into my eyes, my blood started to run cold and I felt chilled, Her look, so filled with loathing, contempt and menace was as hypnotic as the stare on a basilisk.
    "She's doing something to me," I thought panicked, "some kind of control, some, some, some thing, she's doing something, I know she's doing something to me. Why am I standing here like this? Why?"
    "And I haven't seen you yet have I?" she continued, "So take your shirt off, and step out here in front of me where I can have a good look at you."
    Her eyes had me pinned. I couldn't think of what to say, it never even occurred to me to say, "I don't want to." I hypnotically, inexplicably, started to undo my buttons, hoping all the while the waitress or Tina would come back and save me from this exposure.
    "C'mon, pet, hurry up." I was rigid with terror as that Pimples woman pawed at me with her fingernails and blew gum bubbles in my face, and I was half naked in front of Her. I shivered, with goose bumps go over my whole body.

    Without notice, She had Her chubby arms wrapped around my neck pulling me towards Her, while Her legs made a toehold around mine like an octopus. Obviously She had practiced that nelson many times before. She was stuck to my body like glue, and kept pulling me towards Her giant torso. I tried my best to remove Her, but could not get Her off. Slowly, after a few minutes of this tug-o-war, I began to bend forward, while each and every tug my body was getting tired and weaker from the force being exerted on my neck and legs. Miss Pimples tightened Her grip more and squeezed harder with Her legs and thighs. She began to cramp up my waist and hips. Finally when She felt my legs were almost paralyzed, She released them, as by then She got able to pull me forward enough to allow Her arms to apply a strong headlock. I tried desperately to remove it but to no avail. Finally my head was almost buried between Her enormous breasts. She webbed it there; I was starting to loose senses by the fight, the smell, the suffocation. Then, always cackling naughtily, obnoxiously, repulsively, by leveraging Her full weight She bent forwards and made me slowly but inevitably recline on my back on the couch. She laid down flat on me covering my body with hers, concealing my head in Her torso. Next She shifted Her arms out into a pinned position. I was listening to myself surrendering and capitulating and giving away my power, and moaning and shrieking silently. "Stop it." I told myself, "Stick up for yourself."
    She made me gaze into Her face and I crumpled. Miss Pimples giggled again.
    Her filthy hands went ruffling through my hair, my newly cut and washed brown hair. She yanked it and pulled it and parted it the middle like a nerds' haircut. I hung my head in shame wishing the floor would open up beneath me, or the waitress would come and save me from Her, when I suddenly felt the seeping, miniature trickling feeling I get in the top of my prick when my girlfriend is messing with my hair. I looked up just in time to see Her pulling some kind of sticky glue out of Her horrible purse. The clasp clicked as She closed the bag and then gaped open wide as the broken clasp gave way. My mouth must have been gaping wide open, because She noticed it and said.
    "I didn't forget your mouth, cunt, don't worry." I gulped and snapped my mouth shut, smelling that horrible, sweet cryocyanogenic smell of the superglue in my hair.
    Then She quickly gyrated Her body to straddle me with Her knees, while resting Her enormous butt on my face. I was effectively immobilized on the couch. I felt breathless, worn out, completely spent.
    She knew it.

    Without even rising up She grabbed my belt both hands, unlocked it, unzipped my trousers and lowered my pants. I tried once more to struggle feigningly. She was bigger, stronger, swifter, bolder, experienced. So there I laid in a public place, half naked, exposed to a bizarre woman, humiliated to the bone. To the bone? Not yet.
    She lifted up Her rears a little just to enable me to see what would happen next and started to fumble in Her purse, then produced a small jar. Deftly She took off the lid and dipped Her fat thumb deeply into a short of smelling lard. Suddenly, She quickly pressed Her greasy thick thumb on my most private entrance, and by using Her weight again, She slowly entered the target zone.
    It felt like I was shitting backwards and I tried to back off, but Her suffocating me again with Her buttocks convinced me to lie in petrified stillness. Miss Pimple's thumb was slowly inserted.
    One inch "the rim of my anus groaned"
    Two inches "my insides heaved to expel Her"
    Three inches "the pressure became intense"
    Four inches "I begged Her to stop"
    Five inches - She hit my prostate gland. My cock strained in a full erection.
    "Ok, mission accomplished. Let's test the results", Miss Pimples announced with the most satisfied air and swiftly dismounted. Using Her thumb like a joystick, She made me to sit up and face Her.
    "Let's see if we can make you hard-soft". She chose a chunk of garlic from my salad put it in Her mouth, grabbed my head and started French kissing me probing my mouth with Her full-of-garlic tongue. My genitals were on fire as my teeth bit into the garlic and the fresh stench of it filled my nostrils. Juice dribbled out of my mouth and trickled down my chin. She wiped my face with it all, and bits clung to my cheeks. Sickened, I deflated instantly. Immediately She scratched my prostate with Her thumbnail. My member inflated back right away. I squirmed as I chewed and Miss Pimples giggled again.
    That tricky play went on and on, my prick bobbing away, from my alternating waves of smell and taste disgust against prostate hyper stimulation. I finally started to ignore the repulsion and began swaying my hips back and forth adjusting more and more to Her handy maneuvers. Like a mere whore being fucked up.
    "How do you feel?" She made a pause to Her possessive kiss and looked at me, smugly. Her question threw me. This wasn't supposed to be about how I felt! I was trying to shut off my feelings!!! I felt more invaded by this personal question than the little bouncy-hip-show I was being forced to perform!
    "I.... I feel..."
    "C'mon, be a good little slut, sway your hips and tell me your deepest feelings".
    My lust was building invincible inside me, overwhelming my disgusted sensations as well as my last moral reserves. I was starting to moan, pant, plea Her to accelerate Her both-ways-entering me, that detestable, fat, sweaty, smelly, repulsive, wrinkled, rude woman.
    "I.... I feel...I need to cum"
    "For whom to you need to come my little whore?" She exclaimed triumphantly.
    "I need to come for You Miss Pimples!" I stuttered, tears mixed with dribble spilling onto my shirt, as I continued moving faster, back and forth my hips, back and forth, hoping desperately for Her approval.
    The chubby filthy woman said with an evil grin on Her face.
    "First I want you to purr for me slut!" and increased Her penetration speed.
    "No, Nahhh, awwww..."
    "That's it just like a kitten."
    Ple...ase, sthaaaap, nawww..."
    "Do it or I won't let you cum." She said looking right into my beaten eyes.
    "Pweeease, miaw, miaaw, miaaaw." I purred the sounds out. I was made to sound like a cat right there in a public place.
    "That's it, louder, louder bitch, you can do it." Miss Pimples giggled.
    " Miaw, miaaaaw, miaaaaaaw..."
    "Such a good little kitten."
    As abruptly as She started it, She suddenly retrieved Her lubricated filthy finger from my anus and thrived it in my mouth.
    "Lick it clear slut, or there is no more pleasure for you today" She ordered firmly. I licked and licked it to the bone in frantic agony.

    With Her free hand, She fumbled again in Her purse and presented a dog collar with a leash in front of my astonished eyes.
    "This is to certify that from now on you are considered to be my pet, my toy, my maid, my slut, my property."
    With an arrogant laughter She quickly locked the collar around my neck.
    "Get down on your knees." She snapped. Completely used up, I submissively crumpled. "Sit on my foot, slut." I rocked on her foot. I was in the dark. She worked her filthy boots on my prick. Brushing, pressing, caressing my penis head. I was so slick. I hovered near orgasm. She expertly withdrew Her foot, keeping me on the very edge. My hips kept rocking on the air. She abruptly tugged the leash. My leash.
    She started holding me around the table, giving instructions of how I should rub myself against Her legs, like Her new obedient kitten. When feeling satisfied by my performance, She unleashed me, leaving just the collar on, straitened herself in seconds, combed Her mousy and stringy hair, pasted to Her head with sweat, quickly gathered Her staff and ordered: "Pay the bill slut. I'll be outside."
    I gathered my ruins, quickly paid the bill under the puzzling looks of Tina and without saying a word I hurried trembling outside.
    She was standing there in full dominance and plain scorn. She said, "Hand over the keys to your car. From now on I'm the one who's driving."
    I handed Her the keys to my convertible, my last pride. She took them with contempt and spat on my face: "Oh wow, are we now easy. By the way, I must confide you a secret: I forgot to bathe this morning. And yesterday too. Well, I didn't really forget; I just don't see the point in spending so much time in the shower. Especially, since I now possess my own personal pussy cleaning service maid. I cannot wait to make you eat my thick furry grubby stinky pussy, slut, if I am so permitted of course", she sneered and started the engine as I were already drooling with anticipation.