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Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Τέχνη' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος Marlen Daudaux, στις 1 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014.

  1. Then I looked into her young eyes
    From eighty years she looks back
    Into my young eyes
    And she is gone
    To where?
    Where has her soul gone?
    Body found yes
    But her very mark her sign
    Lost it seems to me now
    Though I feel that she is here still
    All around me windsouled
    To love is always to live somehow
    As long as our eyes are still this colourdull glass
    I will not know her still
    This parched scorched earth
    Endless wheel of suffering
    Great ocean of pain
    Bloodbucket of grief
    Roaring mouthgaped O
    Of disappointment and despair
    Will not then exist
    And we shall smile
    We shall smile as big
    As the big crescent moon
    Which lies on its arched back and dreams
    Of cats and stars and snow
    And as before we saw smiley shining stars
    And disreaching them
    Our arms would wave like a desperate windmill
    Hoping hoping to welcome them home
    Now we shall touch them close to our hearts
    And what we are
    And what we may be
    Why I have failed
    And all I could have been
    And am not
    And all I had hoped for
    And were not
    And everything I hoped
    And hoped and hoped and hoped for
    I prayed in the morning
    And I prayed in the evening
    And I got not
    From the rotgut god
    When all the world starts to shiver
    And shimmer and shake all around me
    And all the worldlight was piecemeal
    And peaceless
    This is the atomic pain of the worlds
    The molecular tears
    The final crystalline structure of misery
    That winds its way around the wooden snakejawed growing spine
    Of the worlds
    Listen: I was taken
    To be betrayed whenever is hate
    To be betrayed wherever is hate
    As the body is abused by man
    There in the Patrapassion edge of the world
    The hanging god is invaded
    In heart and soul
    I suffer you all suffer
    You suffer all I suffer
    Suffer suffer suffer suffer
    The tearblowing world creaks around
    And we are broken (Loss!)
    Light and darkness
    Light and darkness
    It seems to the little blue and green world
    That they do not know each other
    But they must finally
    (The Master says that Satan too shall be forgiven)
    And suffering before
    We suffer too
    Here's sixpence
    Here's sixpence
    Go and play and play
    In the flaky pale fields that still are somehow this land
    And spend oh spend your life away
    Spend your spend your night away
    And waste and waste your life away
    Under the brightstarlight
    Under your yewboned archlight body
    you are dead
    Under this shitstained sky
    you are dead
    Under the loveless muddy almoststars
    You are dead
    Under the sleeping closed eyes of the Bhagavan
    You are dead
    Under the road and the track and the path
    Along the green grass slipping way
    Along the snaking way
    you are deady deady
    Deady deady
    Deady deady
    The lights are dead and so are you
    The light is dead and so are you

    μουρλέ Tibet σε αγαπώ
  2. Elune

    Elune Priceless

  3. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...

    Goodnight, Travel Well ( The Killers )

    The unknown distance to the great beyond
    Stares back at my grieving frame
    To cast my shadow by the holy sun
    My spirit moans with a sacred pain
    And it's quiet now
    The universe is standing still

    There's nothing I can say
    There's nothing we can do now
    There's nothing I can say
    There's nothing we can do now

    And all that stands between the souls release ?
    This temporary flesh and bone
    We know that it's over now
    I feel my faded mind begin to roam

    Every time you fall
    And every time you try
    Every foolish dream
    And every compromise
    Every word you spoke
    And everything you said
    Everything you left me, rambles in my head

    There's nothing I can say
    There's nothing I can do now
    There's nothing I can say
    There's nothing I can do now

    Up above the world so high

    And everything you loved
    And every time you try
    Everybody's watching
    Everybody cry

    Stay, don't leave me
    The stars can wait for your sign
    Don't signal now

    And there's nothing I can say
    There's nothing I can do now
    There's nothing I can say
    There's nothing we can do now

    Goodnight, travel well
    Goodnight, travel well

    And there's nothing I can say
    There's nothing I can do now
  4. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Rare is this love, keep it covered
    I need you to run to me, run to me, lover
    Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

    Oh but the pharaoh knows
    Her hungry eye, her ancient soul
    It's carried by the sneer in the night rule[?]

    Know what it is to grow
    Beneath her sky, a punishing cold
    To sow the light of her ancient misery

    To be twisted by something
    A shame without a sin
    Like how she twisted the bug man
    After she married him

    Rare is this love, keep it covered
    I need you to run to me, run to me, lover
    Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

    But in all the world
    There is one lover worthy of her
    With as many souls claimed as she

    But for all he's worth
    He still shatters always on her earth
    The cause of every tear she'd ever weep

    Rushing ashore to meet her
    Foaming with loneliness
    White ends to follow and meet her
    Give her his loneliness

    Rare is this love, keep it covered
    I need you to run to me, run to me, lover
    Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

    Rare is this love, keep it covered
    I need you to run to me, run to me, lover
    Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding

    Rare is this love, keep it covered
    I need you to run to me, run to me, lover
    Run 'til you feel your lungs bleeding
  5. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    "Pretty When You Cry"

    All the pretty stars shine for you, my love.
    Am I that girl that you dream of?
    All those little times you said that I'm your girl.
    You make me feel like your whole world.

    I'll wait for you, babe,
    It's all I do, babe,
    Don't come through, babe,
    You never do.

    Because I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.

    All those special times I spent with you, my love,
    They don't mean shit compared to all your drugs.
    But I don't really mind I've got much more than that.
    Like my memories, I don't need that.

    I'll wait for you, babe,
    You don't come through, babe,
    You never do, babe,
    That's just what you do.

    Because I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.

    Don't say you need me when
    You leave and you leave again.
    I'm stronger than all my men,
    Except for you.

    Don't say you need me here,
    You leave us, you're leaving,
    I can't do it, I can't do it,
    But you do it well.

    'Cause I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.
    Pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.

    Pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.
    I'm pretty when I cry.
  6. Elune

    Elune Priceless

    Και όταν τα χρόνια θα περάσουνε
    Γρήγορα όπως περνάει μια στιγμή
    Και όταν πια οι μορφές μας πια γεράσουνε
    Δεν θέλω να ψάχνω τότε το πώς και το γιατί

    Και όταν τα πράγματα αλλάξουνε
    Όπως δεν περίμενες ποτέ
    Και όσα μπροστά μου θα περάσουν
    Κάποτε και αυτά θα ανήκουν στο χτες

    Και αν είναι να χαθώ
    Ας χαθώ πάλι μες στο όνειρο
    Σε ότι αξίζει να μένει ζωντανό
    Σε ότι αντέξει στο καιρό
    Σε ότι αγάπησα σε ότι ξέχασα
    Σε ότι νοστάλγησα μα το έχασα
    Σε ότι θυμήθηκα μα δεν γέλασα
    Σε όσα σε εμένα χρέωσα

    Πόσα την ζωή μας την σημάδεψαν
    Όπως την γη οι εποχές
    Και σαν τα πλοία μες στη θάλασσα
    Πολλές οι τρικυμίες και λίγες οι στεριές

    Και όσο θα γράφω στοίχους τα χαράματα
    Τόσο θα απαλύνουν τις πληγές
    Και όσο παλεύουν οι λέξεις με τα πράγματα
    Τόσο θα ψάχνω νόημα στου ονείρου τις σχισμές

    Και αν είναι να χαθώ
    Ας χαθώ πάλι μες στο όνειρο
    Σε ότι αξίζει να μένει ζωντανό
    Σε ότι αντέξει στο καιρό
    Σε ότι αγάπησα σε ότι ξέχασα
    Σε ότι νοστάλγησα μα το έχασα
    Σε ότι θυμήθηκα μα δεν γέλασα
    Σε όσα εμένα χρέωσα

    Λεωφορείο η ζωή θα ήταν ένας ωραίος τίτλος
    Στο έργο που όλοι παίζουμε ανεξαρτήτως
    Εκεί που η αλήθεια και ο μύθος έχουν την τάση να μπερδεύονται
    Εκεί που οι ψυχές των ανθρώπων με τον καιρό σμιλεύονται
    Γνωρίζονται συγκρούονται σπρώχνονται για μια θέση
    Πόσο αυτή η μάχη ακόμα θα διαρκέσει
    Ίσως για πάντα ίσως μέχρι τη επόμενη στάση
    Εκεί που άλλοι θα κατέβουν και θα μπούνε σε άλλη φάση
    Και άλλοι θα συνεχίσουν την διαδρομή
    Μήπως βρούνε κάποιο γνωστό κάποιο νέο να τους πει
    Να τους θυμίσει τα παλιά ή απλώς να πούνε ένα γεια
    Μοιάζει απόμακρο και χάνονται στο πουθενά

  7. underherfeet

    underherfeet πέρα βρέχει Contributor

    Γέρικος λύκος και τυφλός
    Η μνήμη όταν πεινάσει
    Με τρώει σαν άγριος πυρετός
    Με πίνει όταν διψάσει

    Και δεν τολμάω να θυμηθώ
    Χωρίς να χάσω αίμα
    Χωρίς να μείνω ο μισός
    Χωρίς ν’ αλλάξω δέρμα

    Έρχεται πάνω στο κρασί
    Ξέρει τα λάθη μου φαρσί
    Ανίκητη γυναίκα

    Ψάχνω να δικαιολογηθώ
    Μία κουβέντα θα της πω
    Θα μου γυρίσει δέκα

    Δείχνει τα δόντια το θεριό
    Αν με πετύχει μόνο
    Και πριν στο στόμα του να μπω
    Μ’ αφήνει και γλιτώνω.

  8. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...

    This old death ( Ben Nichols )

    Old death, where are you now?
    You've left me behind somehow
    Drank deeply from your cup
    Now see what I've become

    What's left but ash and burn?
    No last pale light to follow
    Along here, to find my way
    I'll catch up with you One day

    And this old death is crooked in the truth
    I played your game but now I think I'm through
    I know what you look like
    And I'll see you before long

    And this old death is crooked in the truth
    I played your game but now I think I'm through
    I know what you look like
    And I'll see you before long
    Last edited: 2 Οκτωβρίου 2015
  9. sleeper

    sleeper ...urban dreaming... Contributor

    Thunder in the air,
    Before a storm that rips,
    Anger in my heart,
    A finger on my lips,

    You showed me that silence,
    That haunts this troubled world,
    You showed me that silence
    Can speak louder than words

    Words end in disaster
    On the rocks, in pieces,
    I know something lives on there,
    But I can't say what it is,

    You showed me that silence,
    That haunts this troubled world,
    You showed me that silence
    Can speak louder than words.

  10. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    "One More"
    (feat. MO)

    [Verse 1 - Elliphant:]
    Come on na sugar, come
    I really don't wanna go home
    Stay with me, be a friend
    These streets so cold and my money full of ghost
    Come up na we take your car
    I own sleazy bar
    Now far downtown you can tackle slow free
    And it's open all night, come on hang with me
    I got money [x4]
    (I play for you, I play for you)
    (I play for you, you play for me)

    [Chorus - Elliphant & MØ:]
    Stay with me tonight
    We can count the street lights
    Stay with me alright
    Let's bring it all back to life
    Don't fade away

    [Verse 2 - Elliphant & MØ:]
    I like it here, fuck work
    Plus you said your boss is a jerk
    I need you tight, don't bang on me
    Imma break your shit, let's do what we
    Always used to do
    Stupid around like two fools
    Nights alone, I'm feel alone
    You look after me, it hurts
    I got money [x4]
    (I play for you, I play for you)
    (I play for you, you play for me)
    (Won't you play for me, oh)

    [Chorus - Elliphant & MØ:]
    Stay with me tonight
    We can count the street lights
    Stay with me alright
    Let's bring it all back to life
    Don't fade away

    [Bridge - Elliphant & MØ:]
    One more
    Come on
    It's not a big deal
    One more (one more, girl)
    On me (come on)
    Let we go on
    It's not a big deal (it's not a big deal)
    One more (one more)
    On me (come on)
    It's not a big deal (it's not a big deal)
    One more (one more)
    On me (on me)
    Let we go on (et we go on)
    It's not a big deal (it's not a big deal)

    [Chorus - Elliphant & MØ:]
    Stay with me tonight
    We can count the street lights
    Don't fade away
    Stay with me alright
    Let's bring it all back to life
    Don't fade away
  11. underherfeet

    underherfeet πέρα βρέχει Contributor

    Για το χαμόγελό σου τραγουδώ
    γιατί μου δείχνει πως το κλάμα έχεις γνωρίσει
    και για το βάδισμά σου το γλυκό
    που μόνο όποιος σκόνταψε μπορεί να εκτιμήσει

    αυτό το χάδι που 'ναι τόσο τρυφερό
    είναι από χέρια που σκληρά έχουν παλέψει
    κι αυτά τα χείλη που με αγάπη με φιλούν
    δεν τ' άκουσα ποτέ πικρή να πούνε λέξη

    Για το χαμόγελό σου τραγουδώ
    που όσο κι αν πόνεσες δεν το εγκαταλείπεις
    που με κουράγιο με γεμίζει αν το δω
    και χάνονται με μιας τα σύννεφα της λύπης

    Είμαι στ' αλήθεια τυχερός που σ' έχω εδώ
    όταν τα πράγματα ζορίζουνε τριγύρω
    και ξέρω αν τύχει και ποτέ εξαντληθώ
    θα 'σαι στο πλάι μου επάνω σου να γύρω