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Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Τέχνη' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος Incomplete_, στις 5 Μαϊου 2007.

  1. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

  2. lizard_

    lizard_ his only purpose is A's pleasure

  3. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Πόσο βαθιά είναι αλήθεια τα βαθιά?

    Μια βόλτα στα βαθιά

    στίχοι: Σωκράτης Μάλαμας
    μουσική: Σωκράτης Μάλαμας

    Μια βόλτα στα βαθιά μαζί σου
    στην άκρη αυτής της νύχτας που αγρυπνά
    στους άδειους κύκλους του καπνού τυλίξου
    στη μυρωδιά της μέρας που αρχινά.

    Ξοδεύτηκες στις αγορές και στα παζάρια τρέχεις
    τα παραμύθια σου φτηνά, τον εαυτό σου δεν αντέχεις.

    Περνάει καιρός και σύ 'σαι στο κλουβί σου
    μια παγωμένη ανάσα σ' ακουμπά
    ποιος σου χρωστάει και ποια είναι η αμοιβή σου
    τα ρέστα μη ζητάς κάθε φορά.

    Αυτοί που δραπετεύουν έμαθαν τι γυρεύουν
    οι άλλοι που ελπίζουν, μάτια μου, τρώνε καιρό και βρίζουν
    βρίζουν το διάολό τους, το άσχημο μυαλό τους, αιώνιο βάσανό τους.
  4. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    καλημέρα, σε αποσύνθεση...

  5. Dolce_vita

    Dolce_vita Regular Member

    σε Εκεινον κ ας ξερω οτι δε θα το δει ποτε!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Siren_Peisinoe

    Siren_Peisinoe Ανενεργή επί του παρόντος.

    μην ορκιζεσαι κιολας.
  7. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    This short selection appears on page 425 of Mike Makai's book, "Domination & Submission: The BDSM Relationship Handbook"

    As much as I detest 'Hanbooks' the story has a fine point to me...our potential for stupidity is truly infinite, exactly because we should understand the other person's limits apart from our own...
    The little poem is the bonus to that thought...

    As much as I hate to admit this, I didn’t learn what I know about these kinds of D/s blunders and catastrophes second hand. Many of these mistakes, I’ve made myself. Sometimes, I made the same mistakes again and again before coming to my senses. Sure, it’s easy to look back now, years or even decades later and think “Could I have been any stupider?” Unfortunately, the answer is, yes, I probably could have.

    There will always be limits to what we can know, but our potential for stupidity is infinite.

    Earlier in this book, I promised to end each chapter with a brief, yet intimate peek into my head as my way of giving you the only truly unique thing that I have to offer. For the most part, it’s been an enjoyable exercise. This installment, however, is personally painful to me. It’s often been said that a Dominant is never wrong. This, of course, is a myth. We’re wrong all the time; we just hate admitting that we are wrong. Mark this day on your calendar, because I am about to admit that I was once absolutely unclear on the concept of extreme masochism.

    Her name was Faithie and she was a chat room friend who seemed like the ideal submissive. She was an engaging, intelligent, spirited and beautiful woman who loved many of the same kinds of BDSM play that I did, so we seemed perfectly matched to one another. Sure, she’d mentioned that she was an extreme masochist, but the word extreme means different things to different people. I was swimming in a sea of new relationship energy, so I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention to that particular fin in the water.

    Eventually, our relationship progressed to the point where we believed we were deeply in love, and that she should be collared. To that end, we arranged to spend three days together at a posh resort in Santa Fe, New Mexico. We met for the first time in the hotel lobby and retired to our suite, where we spent the next 48 hours in fetish heaven. There was spanking, whipping, paddling, rope-play, and oodles of kinky sex. I was one happy Dom. But apparently, Faithie needed more. On the afternoon of the third day, she reached into her suitcase and pulled out a small block of wood, a hammer, and some ten-penny nails. Would you please drive these nails through my nipples? That would be lovely, Master. Thank you so much!

    I thought about it. I really did. And I politely declined. I realized in that moment that I’d just learned about a limit that, up to that point, I never even suspected that I had. Faithie, however, was undeterred. She put away her hammer and nails, and returned with a small pouch containing the biggest damn safety pins I’d ever seen. Master, would you be willing to use these safety pins to close up my pussy? Pretty please? Just this once? This time, I didn’t have to ponder it long at all. My answer was a polite but firm no.

    I will not pin your pussy once.

    I will not pin your pussy twice!

    Not with a needle.

    Not even with ice!

    Won’t close it with a safety,

    or other sharp pin.

    Won’t close it at all!

    Might want to get in!

    I don’t want to nail

    your pretty pink nipple.

    Not one of them, both of them,

    or even a triple!

    I will not do it

    on the table.

    And not on the floor.

    I’m just unable!


    I do understand.

    I’ll give them spankings

    with my hand.

    I’ll paddle, and whip

    and chain their asses.

    I’ll even dip them

    in molasses!

    But I never have,

    nor shall I start,

    Punch bloody holes

    in body parts.

    The closest I’ll get,

    is I’ll cut you loose...

    and send my regrets

    to Dr. Seuss."
  8. @brenda some times κλεβεις την παρασταση...you know that....  
  9. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

  10. Θρυαλλίς

    Θρυαλλίς Staff Member


  11. Paladin

    Paladin brattiness loading....

    στο άγγιγμα σου... η αφιέρωση που μου έκανες.


    You let me violate you, you let me desecrate you
    You let me penetrate you, you let me complicate you
    Help me I broke apart my insides, help me I’ve got no soul to sell
    Help me the only thing that works for me, help me get away from myself
    I want to fuck you like an animal
    I want to feel you from the inside
    I want to fuck you like an animal
    My whole existence is flawed
    You get me closer to god
    You can have my isolation, you can have the hate that it brings
    You can have my absence of faith, you can have my everything
    Help me tear down my reason, help me its' your sex I can smell
    Help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody else
    I want to fuck you like an animal
    I want to feel you from the inside
    I want to fuck you like an animal
    My whole existence is flawed
    You get me closer to god

    Through every forest, above the trees
    Within my stomach, scraped off my knees
    I drink the honey inside your hive
    You are the reason I stay alive