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Discussion in 'Ερωτικές φωτογραφίες & videos' started by íɑʍ_Monkeץ, 19 January 2015.

  1. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

  2. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

  3. GCHL

    GCHL Hijo de la Luna

  4. GCHL

    GCHL Hijo de la Luna

  5. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

  6. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    "I already said too much. I already shared too much, and I want all my secrets back. I hate getting close to people these days, I always regret sharing too much, caring too much, doing too much, feeling too much."
  7. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    if i wanted to fuck you
    i would wake up buried in your collarbones
    i would sit on the edge of my bed
    spine ridges arched pointing directly into my closet
    of skeletons
    if i wanted to fuck you
    i would make home in your lap
    undress you like your mother did
    kissing your rib cage wishing i could sink into every inch of you
    if i wanted to fuck you
    i would bite holes through your neck into your throat
    i would unbury you like a corpse
    i would give you reason to breathe
    if i wanted to fuck you
    i would glide myself like sound waves bouncing off of you
    make you memorize my name like i was born for you to whimper it

    if i wanted to fuck you
    there would be miles of shredded skin
    there would be scars on your back where for once in my life i wanted someone to be
    but if i wanted to make love to you
    i would buy you a train ticket
    i would sound proof my room
    i would border up my windows
    if i wanted to make love to you
    you should be nothing less
    than terrified
  8. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    “Every flower must grow through dirt.”

    “I wanted to see where beauty comes from
    without you in the world, hauling my heart
    across sixty acres of northeast meadow,
    my pockets filling with flowers.
    Then I remembered,
    it’s you I miss in the brightness
    and body of every living name:
    rattlebox, yarrow, wild vetch.
    You are the green wonder of June,
    root and quasar, the thirst for salt.
    When I finally understand that people fail
    at love, what is left but cinquefoil, thistle,
    the paper wings of the dragonfly
    aeroplaning the soul with a sudden blue hilarity?
    If I get the story right, desire is continuous,
    equatorial. There is still so much
    I want to know: what you believe
    can never be removed from us,
    what you dreamed on Walnut Street
    in the unanswerable dark of your childhood,
    learning pleasure on your own.
    Tell me our story: are we impetuous,
    are we kind to each other, do we surrender
    to what the mind cannot think past?
    Where is the evidence I will learn
    to be good at loving?
    The black dog orbits the horseshoe pond
    for treefrogs in their plangent emergencies.
    There are violet hills,
    there is the covenant of duskbirds.
    The moon comes over the mountain
    like a big peach, and I want to tell you
    what I couldn’t say the night we rushed
    North, how I love the seriousness of your fingers
    and the way you go into yourself,
    calling my half-name like a secret.
    I stand between taproot and treespire.
    Here is the compass rose
    to help me live through this.
    Here are twelve ways of knowing
    what blooms even in the blindness
    of such longing. Yellow oxeye,
    viper’s bugloss with its set of pink arms
    pleading do not forget me.
    We hunger for eloquence.
    We measure the isopleths.
    I am visiting my life with reckless plenitude.
    The air is fragrant with tiny strawberries.
    Fireflies turn on their electric wills:
    an effulgence. Let me come back
    whole, let me remember how to touch you
    before it is too late.”

    — Stacie Cassarino, Summer Solstice
  9. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    "I want to hate you
    and I cannot.
    But I cannot
    love you either."
    _Erica Jong

  10. Xarhs

    Xarhs Hard limits: Μπουζούκια, Δράκοι και Μονόκεροι

    Last meal...  
  11. Xarhs

    Xarhs Hard limits: Μπουζούκια, Δράκοι και Μονόκεροι

    Tier 10 γυναικείο Armor  
  12. Koproskylo

    Koproskylo Regular Member