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Οι συχνότεροι μύθοι του BDSM

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Νέοι στον χώρο του BDSM' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος margarita_nikolayevna, στις 19 Αυγούστου 2016.

  1. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Ανά την έξοδο σας, παρακαλώ κλείστε τα φώτα...

    Το ξέρω ότι δεν απευθυνόσουν μόνο σε μένα.
    Αλλά προτίμησα να "μιλήσουμε" οι δυο μας, για να μην σηκωθεί καμία "μύγα".
    Ως προς τα υπόλοιπα που έγραψες, απλά συντάσσομαι   - εκτός απ' το στα έλεγα στη @didina, εγώ δεν της έχω πει ποτέ, τίποτε χαχα   -
  2. margarita_nikolayevna

    margarita_nikolayevna Captain's property Contributor

    Κάποιοι αχρείοι...μην ασχολείστε, πεταμένα λεφτά...χαχαχα  
  3. Μυθοπλαστης

    Μυθοπλαστης τώρα που οι λέξεις παλεύουν να με βλάψουν.

    αμα δεν γλείψεις εεεεε παινέψεις το σπίτι σου, θα πέσει να σε πλακώσει ..
  4. DeSade

    DeSade Owner of evelin

    The BDSM Lies

    Author: Jay Wiseman, Lady Green, Glen the Paramedic and Dale the Actress. (This "sanitized" version by GlitterOne) ©

    Used With The Permission Of The Authors

    The Great Lies of BDSM (and a few others)...

    ...that we tell straight people:
    It's a fashion statement
    It's for a crafts project
    I fell off my bicycle

    ...that we tell each other:
    I've never even fantasized about doing that
    I just do this for fun. I don't need it
    Mistress, I'll do anything you want

    ...that we tell ourselves:
    I'm normal
    I always stop when I feel genuine anger
    I only play with people I respect
    I'm doing this for healthy reasons

    ...that dominant men tell submissive women:
    I think of women as equals
    I have a healty relationship with my mother
    I truly believe that it takes a strong woman to submit

    ...that submissive women tell dominant men:
    I don't have any unresolved issues regarding my father
    It's enough to serve you, Master. I don't need to get off
    I really want you to be in charge
    I love it when you ejaculate in my mouth
    Licking your feet and bottom really turns me on
    I like your pot belly
    You own me body and soul

    ...that submissive men tell dominant women:
    I'll do anything you want
    I exist only to serve you
    I don't care about getting off
    I regard women as superior beings
    You're beautiful to me
    I really get off on doing housework for you
    My wife knows that I do this

    ...that dominant women tell submissive men:
    I basically like men
    Wearing high heels makes me feel more powerful
    I can't top anybody who doesn't turn me on
    I never switch
    I love giving golden showers

    ...that we tell vanilla prospective play partners:
    It's not pain. It's just strong sensation
    This is fundamentally a nurturing activity
    Submission is empowering
    You need to explore this side of yourself

    ...that dominant women tell each other:
    I have the perfect slave
    I feel that you and I are part of a Sisterhood
    I can stay in top space while I'm "receiving"

    ...that submissive women tell each other:
    My Master takes good care of me
    I'm not really an exhibitionist
    I don't feel competitive towards other submissives
    It's OK with me if you play with my Master

    ...that dominant, heterosexual men tell each other:
    My slave never says no to me
    Some of my best friends are submissive men
    When I watch you play at a party, I don't secretly hope that you'll screw up and everyone will notice
    I can still be dominant after I've had an orgasm

    ...that submissive, heterosexual men tell each other:
    The most important thing is to serve the Mistress
    I never tell her what to do
    I've never gone to a professional Mistress
    I love it when my Mistress won't let me come for days
    I don't think my Mistress is fat
    I don't mind that you can take more pain than I can
    I really believe that my mission in life is to serve women
    I really like going down on my Mistress during her period

    ...that bi switches tell each other:
    I truly don't care which gender I play with
    I'm not at all homophobic
    I separate sex from SM
    Being bi is the best of both worlds
    I only play with people I feel intimate with
    I only play with other switches

    ...that professional Mistresses tell each other:
    Business is good
    I never have sex with a client
    Business is bad
    I always stick to my specialty and refer out clients who want other things
    I'd do this even if I wasn't getting paid
    I never need to bottom
    I'm always in control of the session
    I'm a good businesswoman
    My lover doesn't mind that I do this
    It was my choice to leave my last straight job

    And, finally, the three great lies that vanilla people tell SM people:
    Hearing about this doesn't shock me
    I know other people who are into this
    We negotiate everything too
  5. Marqui

    Marqui sitting on a park bench

    Σαν σήμερα, 25 χρόνια πριν, άνοιξε για όλους το πρωτοκολλο www.
    Μύθος = Σήμερα έχει "γενέθλια" το bdsm στην Ελλάδα.
  6. Justmeandme

    Justmeandme Status astatus

    Οι Κυρίαρχες γυναίκες δεν κάνουν σεξ με τους υποτακτικους τους γιατί η διείσδυση είναι κυριαρχικη πράξη.  
  7. Dark_Explorer

    Dark_Explorer Κλωθώ: ἄτρακτον στρέφειν Contributor

    Διείσδυση από ποιον σε ποιον;
  8. πάντος γενικα υπαρχει μια ταση στις κυριαρχες γυναικες να μην δεχονται διεισδυση απο τον υ ....και το παροδοξο για μενα ειναι οτι ενω υπαρχει αμοιβαια ελξη με τον υ προτιμουν να δεχθουν διεισδυση απο καποιον αλλο για να ταπεινωσουν τον υ... 
  9. Justmeandme

    Justmeandme Status astatus

    Ο υποτακτικός στην Κύρια του.
  10. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    ΒΡΕ, τι πάθαμε, άλλο ταπείνωση στο BDSM και άλλο να μην πηδάς το υπό από επιλογή.
  11. με βραχυκυλωσες.....  την ταπεινωση την καταλαβενω...(κανω προοδους) εκεινο που δεν καταλαβα ειναι οτι μια κυριαρχη για να εχει εναν υ υπαρχει καποια αμοιβαια ελξη....και εκει ειναι που δεν καταλαβαινω πως μπορει να υπαρξει αρνηση διεισδυσης...??? 
  12. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Για τους δικούς της λόγους, δε γνωρίζω, να ξες ό,τι το BDSM, δεν είναι μόνο διείσδυση.