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Συμβόλαια / contracts

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Κυριαρχία - υποταγή D/s' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος de7, στις 17 Ιουνίου 2016.

  1. dina

    dina Σκλαβα της Brt Contributor

    Απο τα πολυ αρχικα τασκ,που μου ειχε αναθεσει ο πρωτος Κ μου,ηταν η μεταφραση του κατωθι συμβολαιου.
    Αυτο που θυμαμαι πιο εντονα ομως,οσο το μετεφραζα,ηταν η σκεψη ''Δεν πιστευω να τα εννοει αυτα,γιατι αν τα εννοει ειναι τρελος!''.
    Αργοτερα καταλαβα...

    Master & slave "Slavery" Contract

    Of my own free will and out of a desire to express my love and devotion to the man I love and adore, I offer myself in slavery to my Master for the period beginning on __________ and ending at noon on_____________.

    Although I consider myself to be a slave full-time to Master, during the time period expressed above, I will devote myself completely and totally to the pleasure and desires of my Master, without hesitation or consideration of myself or others.

    General Rules:

    • The slave agrees to obey her Master in all respects. her mind, body, heart and time belong to Him. The slave accepts the responsibility of using her safeword when necessary, and trusts implicitly in her Master to respect the use of that safeword. If a condition arises in which the slave needs to use the safeword or gesture, her Master will assess the situation, and determine an appropriate course of action.

    • The slave shall keep her body available for the use of her Master at all times. In addition, the slave agrees that her Master possesses the right to determine whether others can use her body and what use they may put it to. The Master will discuss all such instances in advance with the slave, to be certain that such play with others will not violate any established limits. The slave shall demonstrate her acceptance of her role of service and availability at all times while at home and at other times and places specified by her Master. The slave acknowledges that her Master may use her body or mind in any manner He wishes within the parameters of safety. He may hurt her without reason to please Himself. The slave enjoys the right to cry, scream or beg, but accepts the fact that these heartfelt expressions will not affect her treatment. Further, she accepts that if her Master tires of her noise, he may gag her or take other actions to silence her.

    • The slave will answer any questions put to her honestly and directly, and will volunteer any information her Master should know about her physical or emotional condition. While her Master expects His slave to speak honestly and forth rightly about anything that bothers her, she is not to interpret that as permission to whine or complain. she will phrase her concerns politely and respectfully, and then gracefully accept her Master's judgment in these matters without further complaint.

    • The slave will always speak of her Master in terms of love and respect. She will address Him at all times as either "Master" or "Sir," ( see Public Rules of Conduct)

    • The Master may give the slave "free periods" in His presence during which the slave may express herself openly and freely. There will be no punishments applied during "free periods." It is understood, however, that the slave will continue to address her Master with respect and love at all times and that deviations from this rule are subject to punishment at a later time.

    • The slave agrees that severe punishment may be assessed for any infraction of the letter or spirit of their contract, and will accept the correction gratefully. The form and extent of the punishment shall be at the Master's pleasure, and the Master shall make it clear to the slave that she is being punished when punishment occurs. The Master shall endeavor not to inflict physical harm upon the slave that might require the attention of anyone outside the relationship. Master and slave agree that in extremes either may activate a free period by using the safeword. The free period will continue until both parties agree that the problem(s) concerned are resolved.

    • The slave is permitted to engage in any and all activities not actively forbidden by their contract or by later edict of the Master. All rights and privileges not otherwise noted in this contract belong to the Master, and He may exercise them as He chooses.
    Private Rules of Conduct:

    • On days when her Master is at work, the slave will greet Him wearing her collar, wrist restraints, and a shirt belonging to her Master. She will wear no underclothes in His presence unless given permission. On days when the Master is home, the slave will wear whatever is deemed appropriate by her Master. When in the same room as her Master, the slave will ask permission before leaving the room, explain where she is going, and why. At mealtimes, the slave will serve her Master, and sit at His feet while He eats. Food for the slave will be given by the Master at His discretion. When speaking to her Master or being spoken to by Him, the slave will assume a demeanor of alert attention and will meet her Master's eyes directly, unless instructed to do otherwise.
    Public Rules of Conduct:

    • The slave will conduct herself at all times in such a manner as to not call attention to Master and slave. she will call her Master by His name only if the use of "Master" is inappropriate. The slave will defer to her Master in public. The slave may dress herself, but must seek approval of any clothing she wishes to wear in public. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the slave may not wear panties.
    Work Rules of Conduct:

    • No part of their agreement is intended to interfere with the slave's career. The Master wishes the slave to work hard and honestly, in general to conduct herself in a manner calculated to bring honor and respect to them both. During periods of work, the slave is permitted to schedule appointments, to dress in a manner appropriate to work, and to leave the house when necessary. During periods of work, the slave may answer the telephone and discuss business without the expressed permission of her Master.
    With my signature below, i agree to accept and obey all preceding rules as well as any rules my Master may choose to issue at a later date. I gratefully consign by body and soul to my Master for His pleasure and use for the contract period noted above.

    _______________________________ slave___________ date

    I accept My slave's desire to serve Me more fully, and take responsibility for her well-being, training and discipline to more perfectly serve My will.

    _____________________________ Master _________________ date
  2. de7

    de7 s

    @thief @dina28 Ενδιαφέροντα συμβόλαια, δημιουργούν πολλά ερωτήματα. Ευχαριστώ.
  3. E. Dantes

    E. Dantes Uno, nessuno e centomila

    Κι οταν αθετηθει καποιος ορος του συμβολαιου απο καποιον απο τους δυο, εστω τον Κ/Μ τι γινεται?
    Θα εχει το συμβολαιο ποινικες ρητρες, κυρηξη εκπτωτου του παραβατη και ορους για μονομερη τροποποιηση η αυτοδικαιη παυση της ισχυος του σε περιπτωση παραβασης ορου?
    Η θα γινει προσφυγη απο τον θιγομενο στο Τριμελες BDSMοδικειο με μαρτυρες και τα ρεστα?
  4. postman

    postman New Member

  5. Tenebra_Silente

    Tenebra_Silente Contributor

    Για την πραγματική ισχύ των bdsmικών συμβολαίων, τα έχουμε ήδη πει αρκετές φορές ( Στο συγκεκριμένο νήμα βλέπετε την αρχή αυτής της παρεμβάσεως... #2 ).
    Από κει και πέρα μάλλον για κάποιους/ες η σύνταξη και η υπογραφή ενός "συμβολαίου" παράγει στ' αλήθεια δεσμευτικά αποτελέσματα ( τουλάχιστον ανά την υπογραφή του ).
    Για κάποιους/ες άλλους/ες είναι μέρος ενός role play/κάϋλας/ενισχύει μια φαντασίωση ( πως, τι και γιατί, το γνωρίζουν μόνο εκείνοι/ες και μάλλον δεν πέφτει λόγος σε κανέναν άλλο πέρα απ' τους συμβαλλόμενους ).


    Αυτή η παρέμβαση γράφτηκε από κάποιον, για τον οποίο η bdsmική σκλαβιά είναι μια μορφή σχετίζεσθαι που ξεπερνά κατά πολύ την λογική του.
    Αυτό δεν σημαίνει, ότι δεν αποδέχεται την πιθανότητα να υπάρχει για τους άλλους/ες ( βέβαια διατηρώντας τις επιφυλάξεις/αμφιβολίες του, μα που θα παρέμεναν στο τέλος καθαρά "φιλολογικές" ).  
    Last edited: 18 Ιουνίου 2016
  6. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Αφού το κανες το τάσκ, τι δεν μάς έβαλες την μετάφραση εδώ; Βάλε, να την να διαβάσουν και οι μη αγγλομαθείς...
  7. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Μπούρδες, απροσάρμοστες στην πραγματικότητα, ούτε τα μισά δεν τηρούνται, εκτός κι αν όντως ζεις έτσι, οπότε τι να το κάνεις το συμβόλαιο;
  8. dina

    dina Σκλαβα της Brt Contributor

    Η μετάφραση έγινε χειρόγραφα σε μια διπλή κόλλα,υπογράφηκε από εμένα και του το έστειλα.
    Μη με βάλεις να το μεταφράσω ξανά...
    Τώρα μου φαίνεται πιο τρελό από τότε.
  9. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Έχει και μεταφράσεις στο διαδίκτυο. Το πόιντ ήταν ότι δεν γίνονται έτσι οι δουλειές, ακόμη και συμβόλαιο να σου χει μπει στο κεφάλι να υπογράψεις, δεν παίρνει κάποιος μια αμερικανιά, βάζει κάποιον άλλον να το μεταφράσει και ''ααααα, τι ωραία, να το, το συμβόλαιό μας, που θα δεσμεύει την ζωή μας''.
    Θεωρώ εντελώς μη ρεαλιστική την συζήτηση και την προσέγγιση, σχωρνάτε με.
  10. MindFeeder

    MindFeeder Η ζωή Μου, να το ξέρεις, είναι επικηρυγμένη. Contributor

    Ερώτημα (καθώς κι εγώ έχω απορίες σχετικά με συμβόλαια):
    Υπήρχε δλδ κάποιο χρονικό διάστημα ισχύς του συμβολαίου???
  11. dina

    dina Σκλαβα της Brt Contributor

    Αυτό του άρεσε σαν σύνολο,αυτό μου έβαλε,αυτό μετέφρασα.

    Η άποψη μου συνοψίζεται στην προηγούμενη πρόταση "Τώρα μου φαίνεται πιο τρελό από τοτε".
    Ναι,στο δικό μας είχε βάλει 1 χρόνο.
    Δε με άντεξε όμως και το έσκισε νωρίτερα...   
  12. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Το περίεργο δεν είναι ότι αυτός το έσκισε, αλλά το ότι εσύ το υπέγραψες. Σοβαρά τώρα?