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Color Test for submission

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Νέοι στον χώρο του BDSM' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος DeSade, στις 29 Ιουλίου 2005.

  1. vussinada

    vussinada ελεγχόμενη Contributor

    Your Existing Situation

    "Outgoing but unpredictable and unstable. Likes things to go her way, otherwise she becomes agitated, indecisive, and fake in her activities."

    Your Stress Sources

    "His current situation or relationship is not up to par, but cannot improve it without help. Hides her vulnerability by holding back affection or being overly expressive. The relationship may be depressing, but the fear of losing too much keeps her around. she wants to be independent and free, but fears the future will be just as disappointing. her situation leaves her sensitive and impatience, seeking a quick escape. her restlessness may destroy the ability to concentrate."

    Your Restrained Characteristics

    "Emotionally withdrawn, feels forced to make compromises which makes emotional attachments difficult."

    "Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."

    "Feels she is not receiving her fair share and is unable to rely on anyone for support or sympathy. she keeps her emotions bottled up, leaving her quick to take offense to small things. she tries to make the best of her situation."

    Your Desired Objective

    "Searching for a life free of problems, stress, and drama. Wishes to find security and peace, so that she may relax."

    Your Actual Problem

    Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situation or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. Tries to escape into a conflict free environment where she feels a sense of security and can relax and recover.

    Your Actual Problem #2

    Searching security and a position in where the demands of others is not put
  2. ἀστράρχη

    ἀστράρχη an asteroid ☆•○•°¤●° Contributor

    Wow πάντως

    Your Existing Situation
    "Creative and emotional, looking for ways to further expand those qualities. Looking for a partner who enjoys the same activities. Seeking adventure and new and unusual activities."

    Your Stress Sources
    "Current problems are seen as dangerous and threatening. she is angry a the thought she will have to continually put off her own goals for the time being, leaving her feeling powerless to change things. she feels used, overwhelmed, and exhausted at the demands placed on her. "

    Your Restrained Characteristics

    Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

    Has strong emotional demands and is picky when it comes to choosing a partner. she chooses to remain emotionally distant and uninvolved in relationships.

    "Although she is able to find contentment through sexual activity, she feels hopeless to change her problems and difficulties and continues to make the best of what she has."

    Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

    Your Desired Objective
    "Wants interesting and exciting things to happen in her life. she is able to make others like him, because of her genuine concern for them. she is charming and open and makes friends easily. she can have an over-active imagination, which leads her to fantasize and daydream."

    Your Actual Problem
    "Feeling a lack of energy, she does not wish to be involved in further activity or give in to demands. she is feeling powerless causing her stress, agitation, and irritation, all which she tries to escape by refusing to participate altogether. she tries to escape into a fantasy world where things go her way and her desires are easier to reach."
  3. p0ltergeist

    p0ltergeist Regular Member

    Your Existing Situation
    "Is lazy when it comes to further himself or his career and lacks the ambition to change things. Does not like to put to much effort into things, except sexual activity. He would rather feel comfort and security, than success."

    Your Stress Sources
    "Needs to feel as if he belongs and is accepted, and will stay in an unsatisfying relationship in order to fulfill that need. Feels a sense of vulnerability, which he hides from others, and feels dependant on his partner and therefore continues the relationship. He feels depressed and irritable due to his situation which then causes him to feel restless and desperately needed to escape, yet his insecurities keep him tied down. His concentration may suffer due to his current situation. "

    Your Restrained Characteristics

    Emotionally demanding and will involve himself in close relationships but won't get too involved or give too much of himself.

    "Current situation makes him feel unable to prove himself, but tries to make the best of things."

    "Believes his hopes and dreams are realistic and sticks to them stubbornly, even though circumstances are forcing him to compromise. Very precise in the qualities he seeks in a partner."

    "Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief. He is able to find pleasure and happiness in sexual activity, as long as there is not a lot of conflict or emotional difficulty."

    Your Desired Objective
    Seeks to be known for something he has accomplished and uses his social abilities to win people over. Emotional and sensitive and romantic.

    Your Actual Problem
    "Feeling anxious and restless frustration toward current situation or unfulfilled emotional requirements are causing stress. Tries to escape into a fantasy-type environment full of sympathy, understanding, and artistic beauty."

    Your Actual Problem #2
    Fears others will try to hold him back from achieving his goals and the things he wants. Puts on the charm and can be manipulative towards others hoping he can get them to do as he wishes and making it easier for him to reach his own goals.
  4. ή, έστω, μανάβη;
  5. Queen87

    Queen87 Contributor

    Καλό αλλά δεν είχε μώβ.

    Your Existing Situation

    Constantly moving forward in her life and career in order to gain a higher position and more recognition. Unhappy with current circumstances and needs to constantly make changes to herself in order to become a better person.

    Your Stress Sources
    "Demands to be noticed by others as an important individual, needs attention and recognition. her current situation is leaving her dissatisfied. she feels she needs to make friends with those who hold the same high standards she does. Wants to stand out as someone at the top of her class and be admired by others. she needs to feel in control which makes it difficult to give of herself to another person. she feels isolated and alone but refuses to appear weak and continues to be emotionally distant from others in order to keep her attitude of superiority. "

    Your Restrained Characteristics

    "Self-centered, tends to take this personally and is easily offended, which leaves her feeling isolated."

    Is feeling emotionally drained from stressful and tense situations. she is in need of peace and quiet in order to overcome her lack of energy and may become irritable if she does not recover.

    "Feels she is carry more than her share of problems. she is flexible and laid back, sticking to her goals and working to overcome any difficulty."

    "Although she feels isolated and alone, she is afraid of forming deep, meaningful relationships. Is conceited and is easily offended."

    Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

    Your Desired Objective
    "His current situation is viewed as unpleasant and demanding to much out of her. she is stubborn and close-minding, feeling her way is the only correct way."

    Your Actual Problem
    "Struggles with her need for respect and admiration from others; feels she needs to make a name for herself and stand out from the crowd. she acts out by insisting she be the center of attention, and refuses to step back, stand down, or take on a minor, insignificant role."

    Your Actual Problem #2
    "Fear of being prevented from achieving the things she wants causes her to take advantage of all types of other experiences, but then denies any of them have value to her. her destructive behavior is her way of escaping and hiding the helplessness she feels."
  6. cadpmpc

    cadpmpc Contributor

    Αυτό είναι που λένε outing και έκθεση...
  7. Dom_Apache

    Dom_Apache Regular Member

    Να προσθέσω πως και το βιβλίο '' Χρωμοτεστ " είναι καλό.Παλιο μεν αλλά σε γενικές γραμμές πέφτει μέσα.Βεβαια όλα αυτά κυμαίνονται σε πολύ γενικό πλαίσιο.Για διερεύνηση σε βάθος πρέπει να λαμβάνονται πολλά υπόψιν..
  8. sweet_release

    sweet_release ~she looks like the moon~

    Your Existing Situation
    "Organized and detail-oriented, she has a very precise and methodical manner. she needs relationships which offer her understanding, respect, and approval."

    Your Stress Sources
    "Feels unappreciated and in an unpleasant position. Needs personal recognition and the respect of others, since she has not been about to find partners who value the same things she does. she holds back her emotions and is unable to give fully of himself, but lasting isolation makes her want to change those ways and surrender to her deep urges. Giving in to her natural instincts and urges is a sign of weakness, so feeling this way makes her weak and irritable. Fighting these urges makes her feel stronger, as if she can take on anything that comes her way. Longs to be valued as an important associate and admired for her personal qualities."

    Your Restrained Characteristics

    "Self-centered, tends to take this personally and is easily offended."

    Feels trapped in a helpless situation and is desperately seeking relief. she is able to find pleasure and happiness in sexual activity.

    "Believes her hopes and dreams are realistic and sticks to them stubbornly, even though circumstances are forcing her to compromise. Very precise in the qualities she seeks in a partner."

    Current situation is leaving her doubtful and cautions about becoming intimately involved with others.

    Current situation is leaving her doubtful and cautions about becoming intimately involved with others.

    Your Desired Objective
    "Looking to make a good impression and be recognized for her achievements. she has a strong need to feel appreciated and look up to. she is very sensitive and will be hurt if she is rejected, unnoticed, or not given adequate acknowledgement."

    Your Actual Problem
    "All energy has been used and she has none left to engage in anymore anxiety or demands. Feeling powerless to change the situation, leaving her frustrated, agitated, irritated, and annoyed with himself. Tries to escape by acting stubbornly sticking to her opinions, but her helplessness leads to some insecurities. Is very sensitive to criticism and easily offended."

    Your Actual Problem #2
    "Needs to be viewed and respected as an outstanding individual, in order to build her self-esteem and self-worth. Resists any type of weakness and sets high standards for himself."

  9. Lady in Corslet

    Lady in Corslet Mind the gap...

    Your Existing Situation
    "Craves change and new things, always looking for new adventures and activities. Becomes restless and frustrated when she has to wait to long for things to develop. her impatience leads to irritability and a desire to move on to the next project."

    Your Stress Sources
    "Demands to be noticed by others as an important individual, needs attention and recognition. her current situation is leaving her dissatisfied. she feels she needs to make friends with those who hold the same high standards she does. Wants to stand out as someone at the top of her class and be admired by others. she needs to feel in control which makes it difficult to give of herself to another person. she feels isolated and alone but refuses to appear weak and continues to be emotionally distant from others in order to keep her attitude of superiority. "

    Your Restrained Characteristics
    Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.
    Giving more than she is getting back and feels misunderstood and unappreciated. Feels she is being forced into compromising and even her close relationships leave her feeling emotional distant.
    "Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs to escape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."
    His arrogance causes her to take offense quickly. Only those closest to her know deep down she is sensitive and sentimental.
    Open and emotionally involved in relationships and easily finds satisfaction through sexual activity.

    Your Desired Objective
    "His current situation is viewed as unpleasant and demanding to much out of her. she is stubborn and close-minding, feeling her way is the only correct way."

    Your Actual Problem
    "Struggles with her need for respect and admiration from others; feels she needs to make a name for herself and stand out from the crowd. she acts out by insisting she be the center of attention, and refuses to step back, stand down, or take on a minor, insignificant role."

    Your Actual Problem #2
    "Fear of being prevented from achieving the things she wants causes her to take advantage of all types of other experiences, but then denies any of them have value to her. her destructive behavior is her way of escaping and hiding the helplessness she feels."
  10. annubis69

    annubis69 hold the 'S' cause Im an aint

    Your Existing Situation
    "Is strong willed and unwilling to take advice from others; however, finds himself currently in a dangerous situation which finding a solution should be top priority."

    Your Stress Sources
    "Enjoys the refined, kind, and sensitive, but can be harshly critical unless he is guaranteed the act is honest and truthful. Keeps his eyes open and his emotions in check so that he always knows where he stands. Tends to be a bit too trusting and therefore expects sincerity and honest from those closest to him."

    Your Restrained Characteristics

    "Believes his hopes and dreams are realistic and sticks to them stubbornly, even though circumstances are forcing him to compromise. Very precise in the qualities he seeks in a partner."

    Conceited and is easily insulted. Holds back emotionally but is able to find satisfaction through sexual activity.

    Your Desired Objective
    Is extremely determined to make his presence known as an important part of any team. He is flexible and able to do what is necessary to stand out from the crowd. Is willing to overcome any conflicts and difficulties that may stand in his way.

    Your Actual Problem
    Works toward building his position and increasing his self-esteem by viewing his accomplishments (and those of others) critically and harsh judgment. Insists on things being straightforward and clear.
  11. Just_Me

    Just_Me Contributor

    Το έκανα το τεστ όπως κάναμε τα quiz παλιά στο σχολείο και με αυτή τη σειρά επέλεξα τα χρώματα 6ο το κίτρινο και 1ο το μπλε και ναι ενθουσιάστηκα χαχα!
  12. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    Αρκετά ακριβές

    Εδώ μου τα χαλάει μετά το keeps his emotions in check.

    Τελείως off

    Αρκετά κοντά στην πραγματικότητα.

    Αληθές κατά το πρώτο ήμισυ ωστόσο δεν πιστεύω ότι έχω μη ρεαλιστικές προσδοκίες.

    Τελείως off

    Συναισθηματικό δε με λες αλλά στα άλλα spot on.

    Καμία σχέση...