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Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Off Topic Discussion' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος Elysium, στις 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2009.

  1. mona

    mona mea_maxima_culpa

    Απάντηση: Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

    "Κόψε τη γλώσσά σου, κόψ'την αμέσως.
    Δεν έχεις περιθώρια.
    Γίνε μουγκός.
    Αφού δε θα μιλήσεις , καλύτερα να το τολμήσεις.Κόψε τη γλώσσα σου.

    Για να είσαι τουλάχιστον σωστός στα σχέδια και στα όνειρά μου
    ανάμεσα σε λυγμούς και σε παροξυσμούς κρατώ τη γλώσσά μου,
    γιατί νομίζω πως θα'ρθει η στιγμή που δεν θα αντέξω
    και θα ξεσπάσω και δεν θα φοβηθώ και θα ελπίζω
    και κάθε στιγμή το λαρύγγι μου θα γεμίζω με ένα φθόγγο ,
    με έναν ψιθυρο , με ένα τραύλισμα , με μια κραυγή που θα μου λέει:

    (Σώπα, μη μιλάς!, Αζίζ Νεσίν)
  2. Elysium

    Elysium Contributor

    Απάντηση: Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

    There's nothing

    No education
    No family life to open my arms to.

    You'd say that my job's today, yet gone tomorrow
    I'll be broke in a gutter

    I know the opinion
    A broken record
    Fuck you and your college dream
    Fact is, we're stronger than all

    You're working for perfect bodies
    Perfect minds, perfect neighbors
    I'm helping to legalize dope on your pristine streets
    And I'm making a fortune

    You're muscle and gall
    Naïve at best
    I'm bone, brain and cock
    Deep down stronger than all

    A sad state of affairs
    Crippled America
    Pipe dream buttfucked

    Stronger than all

    We've grown into a monster
    An arrogant, explosive motherfuck
    Hard as a rock
    Shut like a lock

    The president in submission
    He holds out his hand on your television and
    Draws back a stump

    It's too late for some
    Far too late

    Far too late
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  3. Animator

    Animator Regular Member

    Born again harder
    Than I was before
    Bringing the hammer down
    Is more than metaphor
    I live by the steel
    Die by the blade
    What reason is there to be
    If you're living life afraid?

    The hammer is my symbol
    The banner that I wave
    The motto of my creed
    Carved upon my grave
    I life for the here and now
    I live for the knife
    My coat of arms
    Is the hammer and life

    Fear and cowardice
    Harbingers of demise
    Strength and the will to fight
    Will lead you to the prize
    Glory to all of those
    Who conquer to the end
    Honor the hammer
    On it you can depend
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  4. Ninevi

    Ninevi Regular Member

    Απάντηση: Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  5. mona

    mona mea_maxima_culpa

  6. Elysium

    Elysium Contributor

    Απάντηση: Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

    Θολοκουλτουριάρης. Όλοι ίδιοι είναι.

    Αν του βίαζε βέβαια τη θυγατέρα κανένας τοξικομανής με ηπατίτιδα θα μιλούσε για κακούς ανθρώπους που καταπατούν τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και τις ελευθερίες των άλλων παρακινούμενοι από τα κτηνώδη και απολίτιστα ένστικτά τους.
  7. Elysium

    Elysium Contributor

    Απάντηση: Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  8. Animator

    Animator Regular Member



    edit: to 666o μου ποστ εγινε στο καταλληλο thread.  ​
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  9. mona

    mona mea_maxima_culpa

    Απάντηση: Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

    I refuse to be part of a world, refusing learning, refusing thought.

    Refusing feeling, refusing heart.
    Open our eyes so we can see again, unclench our fists so we can feel again
    We're forward thinking, but no one cares

    Instead we open our hearts to greed, and it's a fucking killer, it's a fucking disease
    It's the cancer in our bones that brought us to our knee's
    Where do you turn when everyone is as guilty?

    I refuse to be part of a world, encouraging the suffering. the decline of beauty.
    The oppression. the depression. though no deliberation to this fucking tragedy?

    Who will be the voice for those who haven't one?

    Who will be the first to show humility?
    Who will be the first to show morality?
    Who will be the first to show empathy?
    Who will be the first to show sincerity?

    To teach me?

    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  10. Animator

    Animator Regular Member

    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  11. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    Απάντηση: Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

    Collect the blood of Kingu from the great old sea
    And arrogate the primeval waters
    Inside your veins the power of the demon flow
    Have you ever searched for your descent?

    Gaze into your soul, we are the children of the ancient ones
    On the thin facade we are the kindred of the benign God's

    Take up and read the tables of your destiny
    They hang around the neck of Kingu
    Prepare the war between God's deep inside your soul
    Your the one to fight in this war

    March for war in your soul, hail
    Demon Kingu rise, rise, rise from the void, hail
    Kingu rules the horned dragons, ugallu, fishmen
    Mushussu, umu, bulls frogs, scorpions, dogs, Kingu rules the void

    Kingu is the blood of man drawn off from this early war
    In your veins you find the strength from the demon's heritage

    Chaotic waters covered every part of earth
    The old God's split it like a shellfish
    But in the shells the blood of chaos still remain
    Mother Habur suckle her children

    March for war in your soul, hail
    Demon Kingu rise, rise, rise from the void, hail
    Kingu rules the horned dragons, ugallu, fishmen
    Mushussu, umu, bulls frogs, scorpions, dogs, Kingu rules the void

    Kingu is the blood of man drawn off from this early war
    In your veins you find the strength from the demon's heritage

    Kingu, general of the host of chaos, fighting for Tiamat
    Bearer of sky and earth

    Kingu, the mighty master ruling eleven demons
    Kingu, your blood is running inside the heart of mankind

    The ancient demons, they will return
    The blood of Kingu, the open gate
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  12. Elysium

    Elysium Contributor

    Απάντηση: Evil thread (For Thy is the Kingdom)

    Πριν αρκετά χρόνια έβλεπα μια γυναικεία μορφή στα όνειρά μου με την οποία θα έλεγα πως είχα αναπτύξει τα πιο έντονα συναισθήματα που είχα ποτέ για γυναίκα. Το ίδιο έντονα για κάποιες ώρες ήταν ακόμη και όταν ξυπνούσα κι ας γνώριζα πως επρόκειτο για όνειρο.

    Έχω την εντύπωση (ή την ελπίδα - κάποιες φορές αυτά μπερδεύονται) πως όταν θα φύγω, θα την ξανασυναντήσω.

    Υ.Γ. Arioch, πρέπει να διάβαζες Moorcock.
    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014