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Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Τέχνη' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος gallant, στις 15 Ιανουαρίου 2009.

  1. Georgia

    Georgia Owned Contributor

    Nouvelle Vague - In a Manner of speaking

    In a Manner of speaking
    I just want to say
    That I could never forget the way
    You told me everything
    By saying nothing

    In a manner of speaking
    I don't understand
    How love in silence becomes reprimand
    But the way that i feel about you
    Is beyond words

    Oh give me the words
    Give me the words
    That tell me nothing
    Ohohohoh give me the words
    Give me the words
    That tell me everything

    In a manner of speaking
    Semantics won't do
    In this life that we live we only make do
    And the way that we feel
    Might have to be sacrified

    So in a manner of speaking
    I just want to say
    That just like you I should find a way
    To tell you everything
    By saying nothing.

    Oh give me the words
    Give me the words
    That tell me nothing
    Ohohohoh give me the words
    Give me the words
    That tell me everything

    Oh give me the words
    Give me the words
    That tell me nothing
    Ohohohoh give me the words
    Give me the words
    That tell me everything
  2. kardy_

    kardy_ Regular Member

    Accept-Winter Dreams

    There's snow on the mountain
    And fog in the street
    Flickering candles in the room
    Hear the church bell ring
    See the children playing
    I feel their pure delight
    And the snow is falling
    Taking me away

    Cold winter nights, cold winter dreams
    Reflecting the sound of my heart
    It's my taste of freedom
    Cold winter nights, cold winter dreams
    Don't try to tear me apart - cold winter dreams

    Find myself in peace
    Warm from underneath
    Wish you would be here
    In this magic scene
    I've escaped from reality
    Dancing in the snow
    Cold blue sky gives me
    The innocence I need

    Cold winter nights, cold winter dreams
    Freezing the heat in my heart
    It's my taste of freedom
    Cold winter nights, cold winter dreams
    Chill me and tear me apart - cold winter dreams

    The world seems so clear
    Like a wonderful diamond
    Can't imagine there's meanness
    Can't imagine one lie
    But when I'm dead and gone
    And snow's pouring down
    I'm buried and covered
    Peaceful under millions of stars

    Cold winter nights, cold winter dreams
    Reflecting the sound of my heart
    It's my taste of freedom
    Cold winter nights, cold winter dreams
    Don't try to tear me apart - cold winter dreams
  3. gallant

    gallant Regular Member

    Are ye Sleeping Maggie?
    (Dougie MacLean)

    Mirk and rainy is the night,
    there's no a star in a' the carry.
    Lightnings gleam athward the lift,
    the cauld wind blows wi' winters fury.

    Oh, are ye sleepin', Maggie?
    Oh, are ye sleepin' Maggie?
    Let me in, for loud the linn
    is roarin' over the warlock craigie!

    Fearful soughs the boortree bank,
    the rifted wood roars wild and dreary.
    Loud the iron yet does clank,
    the cry o' howlets makes me eerie.

    Oh, are ye sleepin', Maggie?
    Oh, are ye sleepin' Maggie?
    Let me in, for loud the linn
    is roarin' over the warlock craigie!

    Aboon my breath I daurna speak,
    for fear I rose your waukrife daddy.
    Cauld's the blast upon my cheek,
    Arise, arise! my bonnie lady.

    Oh, are ye sleepin', Maggie?
    Oh, are ye sleepin' Maggie?
    Let me in, for loud the linn
    is roarin' over the warlock craigie!

    Sheop'd the door, she let him in,
    his coost aside the dreepin' plaidie.
    Blaw your warst, ye rain and win,
    since, Maggie, now I'm in aside ye.

    Now since ye're waukin', Maggie,
    now since ye're waukin' Maggie,
    what care I for howlets cry,
    for boortree bank or warlock craigie?

    Η μετάφραση άλλη φορά... τώρα βαριέμαι χιχιχιχιχι.
  4. Animator

    Animator Regular Member


    Barbaras With pointed heels. Victorious,
    victorious, kneel. For brand new spankin' deals.
    Marching forward hypocritic And hypnotic
    computers. You depend on our protection,
    Yet you feed us lies from the table cloth.

    La lala la la la la la la, Everybody’s going to the
    party have a real good time. Dancing in the desert
    blowing up the sunshine.

    Kneeling roses disappearing, Into Moses’ dry
    mouth, Breaking into Fort Knox, Stealing our
    intentions, Hangars sitting dripped in oil, Crying
    FREEDOM!Handed to obsoletion, Still you feed us lies from
    the table cloth.

    La la la la la la la la la,
    Everybody’s going to the party have a real good
    time. Dancing in the desert blowing up the
    sunshine. Everybody’s going to the party have a
    real good time. Dancing in the desert blowing up
    the sunshine.

    Blast off, its Party time, And we don't live in a
    fascist nation, Blast off , its party time, And
    where the fuck are you? ….. Yeah Where the fuck
    are you? Where the fuck are you?

    Why don’t presidents fight the war? Why do they
    always send the poor? Why don’t presidents fight
    the war?

    Why do they always send the poor? [X4]

    Kneeling roses disappearing, Into Moses’ dry
    mouth, Breaking into Fort Knox, Stealing our
    intentions, Hangars sitting dripped in oil, Crying
    FREEDOM! Handed to obsoletion, Still you feed us lies from
    the tablecloth.

    La la la la la la la la la,
    Everybody’s going to the party have a real good
    time. Dancing in the desert blowing up the
    sunshine. Everybody’s going to the party have a
    real good time. Dancing in the desert blowing up
    the sunshine.

    Where the fuck are you! Where the fuck are you!

    Why don’t presidents fight the war? Why do they
    always send the poor? Why don’t presidents fight
    the war?

    Why do they always send the poor? [X3]

    Why, do, they always send the poor [X3]

    They only send the poor [x2]

  5. Georgia

    Georgia Owned Contributor

    The ghost of you - My Chemical Romance

    I never said I'd lie and and wait forever
    If I died we'd be together
    I can't always just forget her
    But she could try

    At the end of the world or the last thing I see
    You are never coming home
    Never coming home
    Could I?
    Should I?
    And all the things that you never ever told me
    And all the smiles that are ever ever

    Get the feeling that you're never
    All alone and I remember now
    At the top of my lungs in my arms she dies
    She dies

    At the end of the world
    Or the last thing I see
    You are never coming home
    Never coming home
    Could I?
    Should I?
    And all the things that you never ever told me
    And all the smiles that are ever gonna hold me

    Never coming home
    Never coming home
    Could I?
    Should I?
    And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
    For all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me

    If I fall
    If I fall

    At the end of the world
    Or the last thing I see
    You are never coming home
    Never coming home
    never coming home
    Never coming home
    And all the things that you never ever told me
    And all the smiles that are ever gonna hold me
    Never coming home
    Never coming home
    Could I?
    Should I?
    And all the wounds that are ever gonna scar me
    For all the ghosts that are never gonna
  6. Georgia

    Georgia Owned Contributor

    Chemicals Collide - Cloud Cult

    I was out paying close attention
    Or was I lost inside my thoughts
    These days it's hard to tell what's outside from what's in my mind
    And oh god, it's beautiful
    The way our chemicals collide

    I was out catching up to tomorrow
    Or was I caught up in the past
    These days it's hard to tell what's out in front from what's behind
    And oh god, it's unforgettable
    The way our chemicals collide

    I was sleeping in the lilies
    Or was I up all night
    These days it's hard to tell what's half asleep from fully alive

    We were loving like a landslide
    Or were we in a fight
    These days it's hard to tell what's right from wrong and wrong from right

    And oh god, it's beautiful
    The way our chemicals collide

    And oh god, it's unforgettable
    The way our chemicals collide
  7. llazouli

    llazouli Contributor

    Απάντηση: Lyrics

    Happiness Is A Porpoise Mouth
    Country Joe and The Fish

    The white ducks fly on past the sun,
    Their wings flash silver at the moon.
    While waters rush down the mountain tongue
    My organs play a circus tune.

    I dance to the wonder of your feet
    And sing to the joy of your knees.
    The cold white dress on the mountain breast
    Paints the frozen trees.

    The maple plants patterns in the sky
    Its leaves to kiss the wind
    While scores of glittering bugs and flies
    Dance polkas on her limbs.

    I whistle symphonies of your face
    And laugh for your hair so fine.
    In startled greens of playground grass
    A child jumps rope to rhyme.

    Reeds and brass, the marching drums
    Make a joyous sound
    Trees bend low with nuts and plums
    Then fall to find the ground.

    I hunger for your porpoise mouth
    And stand erect for love.
    The sun burns up the winter sky

    And all the earth is love.

    Last edited by a moderator: 17 Απριλίου 2014
  8. Georgia

    Georgia Owned Contributor


    Αυτό που οι σκύλοι βαφτίσαν αγάπη

    Είμαι η θεά που ποθεί να σε κάψει
    Στήνοντας γλέντια με σκιές και με λάμψεις
    Βουλιάζω μέσ' στο μολυσμένο μετάξι
    Μ' αυτό που οι σκύλοι βαφτίσαν αγάπη

    Είμαι θεός πληγωμένος, σακάτης
    Γιος της φωτιάς, της βροχής και της σταχτής
    Πιασμένος στον ιστό μιας γριάς αράχνης
    Μ' αυτό που οι σκύλοι βαφτίσαν αγάπη

    Είμαστε ήρωες μιας άτολμης πράξης
    Δυο ραγισμένοι αχώριστοι βράχοι
    Καθηλωμένοι στην σκιά μιας ανάγκης
    Μ' αυτό που οι σκύλοι βαφτίσαν αγάπη


    Από μια άδεια καρδιά

    Πίσω μου πάγοι που προσεύχονται ν' αρπάξουν φωτιά
    μπρος μου φωτιές που περιμένουν να παγώσουν
    κι ανάμεσα τους μια άγρια πεινασμένη στιγμή
    που περιμένει πληρωμή, που περιμένει πληρωμή
    από μια άδεια καρδιά κι από ένα άδειο κορμί

    Πίσω μου πόρτες που προσεύχονται ν' ανοίξουν ξανά
    μπροστά μου δρόμοι που βιάζονται να κλείσουν
    κι ανάμεσα τους μια άγρια πεινασμένη στιγμή
    που περιμένει πληρωμή, που περιμένει πληρωμή
    από μια άδεια καρδιά κι από ένα άδειο κορμί

    Πίσω μου άηχες κραυγές συμφωνημένη σιωπή
    μπρος μου λυγμοί που αρνιούνται να ξεσπάσουν
    κι ανάμεσά τους μια άγρια πεινασμένη στιγμή
    που περιμένει πληρωμή, που περιμένει πληρωμή
    από μια άδεια καρδιά κι από ένα άδειο κορμί


    Δεν υπάρχω

    Βάλε με μέσα στα πιο κρυφά
    στα πιο απαίσια όνειρά σου
    Είμαι δικιά σου είμαι ολότελα δικιά σου

    Κάνε με ό,τι θες
    Σχίσε με, κάψε με, γάμα με
    Γάμα με όσο θες, όπως θες
    Κατέβασέ με στης ψυχής σου τον πάτο
    Κι ακόμα πιο κάτω
    Δε μιλάω, δε γελάω, δεν πονάω
    Κατέβασέ με στης ψυχής τον πάτο
    Έτσι κι αλλιώς δεν υπάρχω, δεν υπάρχω

    Άδειασε πάνω μου τη θλίψη σου τη σιχασιά σου
    Είμαι δικιά σου είμαι' ολότελα δικιά σου


    Δωσ' μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη

    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη
    Οδήγησε με στο φρικτό της τοπίο
    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη
    Θέλω να γίνω βασιλιάς των γελοίων
    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη
    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη
    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη…

    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη
    Μη μ’ αφήσεις σαν σκυλί πεινασμένο
    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη
    Θέλω να μπω στη τροχιά των χαμένων
    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη
    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη
    Δωσ’ μου λίγη ακόμα αγάπη…


    Είδα έναν άνδρα να πέφτει

    Είδα έναν άνδρα να πέφτει
    είδα έναν άνδρα να πέφτει
    ...να πέφτει

    Είδα έναν άνδρα να πέφτει
    είδα έναν άνδρα να πέφτει
    ...να πέφτει

    Είδα έναν άνδρα να πέφτει
    όμως δεν πρόλαβα να κάνω ευχή
    δεν πρόλαβα να κάνω ευχή


    Ό,τι σκοτώνεις είναι δικό σου για πάντα

    Σε θάβω και κλαίω,
    κουρασμένη φωτιά,
    το ξέρω πως φταίω,
    που δεν υπάρχεις πια.

    Μα τώρα μπορώ να σωπαίνω,
    μπορώ να γελάω,
    μπορώ να πετάω,
    με δυο σπασμένα φτερά.

    Μπορώ να πετάω,
    με δυο διαλυμένα φτερά,
    να σ' αγαπάω,
    κι ας μην υπάρχεις πια.

    Μπορώ να σ' ακούω,
    μπορώ να σε βλέπω,
    μπορώ να σ' αγγίζω,
    κι ας μην υπάρχεις πια.

    Σαν πέφτει η νύχτα όλα γλυκαίνουν στην ψυχή μου,
    γίνονται οι φόβοι μου χαρούμενα σκιάχτρα,
    στήνουν χορό μεσ' στο θεόρατο κελλί μου,
    μου τραγουδάει μια ξεκούρδιστη μπάντα...

    Ό,τι σκοτώνεις είναι δικό σου για πάντα,
    ό,τι σκοτώνεις είναι δικό σου για πάντα...

    Σε θάβω και κλαίω,
    ξοδεμένη φωτιά,
    το ξέρω πως φταίω,
    που δεν υπάρχεις πια.

    Μα τώρα μπορώ να θυμάμαι,
    μπορώ να ξεχνάω,
    μπορώ να πετάω,
    με δυο σπασμένα φτερά.

    Μπορώ να πετάω,
    με δυο διαλυμένα φτερά,
    να σ' αγαπάω,
    κι ας μην υπάρχεις πια.

    Μπορώ να σε φτάνω,
    μπορώ να σε χάνω,
    μπορώ να σ' αγγίζω,
    κι ας μην υπάρχεις πια.

    Σαν πέφτει η νύχτα όλα γλυκαίνουν στην ψυχή μου,
    γίνονται οι φόβοι μου χαρούμενα σκιάχτρα,
    στήνουν χορό μεσ' στο θεόρατο κελλί μου,
    μου τραγουδάει μια ξεκούρδιστη μπάντα...

    Ό,τι σκοτώνεις είναι δικό σου για πάντα,
    ό,τι σκοτώνεις είναι δικό σου για πάντα...
  9. Georgia

    Georgia Owned Contributor



    Help me sometimes, I need that much
    Don't you think it's strange
    How we can turn to dust

    Think it's strange, like really strained
    We'll never run when we've got all these broken bones

    It's so hard to let you go
    It's so hard to let you go
    I will make you change your mind
    I will make you change your mind

    I think of me sometimes, I'd never tell
    Do you recognize me, think that you know me well
    I think you're changing, configurating
    Destroyed the lines that fed the goods to your heart

    It's so hard to let you go
    It's so hard to let you go
    Run with the hunted (as you come)
    Run with the hunted
    I will make you change your mind
    I will make you change your mind
    It's so hard to let you go
    It's so hard to let you go (run with the hunted)
    As you come
    I will make you change your mind
    I will make you change your mind


    The chemicals between us

    I want you to remember
    A love so full it could send us all ways
    I want you to surrender
    All my feelings rose today
    And I want you to remain
    The power of children can amaze
    Ill try not to complain
    I know thats a pisser baby

    The chemicals between us
    The walls that lie between us
    Lying in this bed
    The chemicals displaced
    There is no lonlier place
    Than lying in this bed

    I want you to remember
    Everything you said
    Every driven word
    Like a hammer, hell, to my head

    The chemicals between us
    There is no lonlier place
    Then lying in this bed
    The chemicals displaced
    There is no lonlier place
    Than lying in this bed

    The chemicals between us
    The chemicals between us
    Lying in this bed

    Were of the hollow men
    We are the naked ones
    We never meant you harm
    Never meant you wrong
    Id like to thank
    All of my lovers, lovers, lovers

    The chemicals between us
    The army of achievers
    Lying in this bed
    The chemicals displaced
    There is no lonlier face
    Than lying in this bed

    The chemicals between us
    The chemicals between us
    The chemicals

    The chemicals between us
  10. Georgia

    Georgia Owned Contributor



    No-one said
    We'd ever known each other
    And new evidence is what we require
    In this world

    I stand on the edge of a broken sky
    And I will come down; don't know why
    And if I should fall, would you hold me?
    Would you pass me by?
    For you know I'd ask you for nothing
    Just to wait for a while

    So confused
    My thoughts are takin' over
    Unwanted, arising space me instead
    Won't let go

    I stand on the edge of a broken sky
    And I will come down; don't know why
    And if I should fall, would you hold me?
    Would you pass me by?
    For you know I'd ask you for nothing
    Just to wait for a while


    Magic Doors

    I can't deny what I've become
    I'm just emotionally undone
    I can't deny I can with someone else
    When I have tried to find the words
    To describe this sense absurd
    Try to resist my thoughts but I can't lie

    All the muse in myself
    My desire I can't hide
    No reason and I thought

    I can't divide they'll hide from me
    I don't know who I'm meant to be
    I guess it's just the person that I am
    Often I've felt that I don't wade
    Into the gift of my mistake
    Again, again I'm wrong, and I confess
    All the muse in myself
    My desire I can't hide
    No reason I thought

    All the muse in myself
    My desire I can't hide
    No reason I thought


    The Rip

    As she walks in the room
    centred and torn
    hesitating once more
    as I take on myself
    and the bitterness I felt
    I realise that love lost
    While white horses
    they will take me away
    and the tenderness I feel
    will send the dog home to me
    will I follow ?

    Through the glory of life
    I will scatter them on the floor
    disappointed and soar
    in my thoughts I have bled
    from the riddles I've been fed
    another light moves over
    While white horses
    they will take me away
    and the tenderness I feel
    will send the dog home to me
    will I follow ?
  11. íɑʍ_Monkeץ

    íɑʍ_Monkeץ Contributor

    Daniel Merriweather - Impossible

    Oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, oh
    Oh, oh, for your love

    I would do anything
    I would say anything
    I would try anything
    For you love

    I would climb anywhere
    I would go anywhere
    I would walk anywhere
    For your love, oh


    Girl I'v probably said some corny lines
    That I know you've heard a thousand times
    I would do anything and everything to express my love for you
    I don't care what I've gotta do, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

    A thousand armies couldn't stop me, no
    Cause there ain't nothing impossible
    There ain't nothing, nothing, nothing impossible for your love, your love

    No matter what people say
    No matter how far you stray, yea
    I would go all the way
    For your love, your love

    No matter how great or small
    No matter how tall the wall
    Winter, spring, summer, fall
    I'll do it all for your love, your love

    And I know I've said some corny lines
    That I know you've probably heard a thousand times
    I would do anything and everything to express my love for you
    I don't care what I've gotta do, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

    A thousand armies couldn't stop me, no
    Cause there ain't nothing impossible
    There ain't nothing, nothing, nothing impossible for your love, your love

    Stormy weather couldn't stop me, no
    Cause there ain't nothing impossible
    There ain't nothing, nothing, nothing impossible for your love, your love, your love

    There is nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing impossible
    Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing impossible
    Oh no, nothing, nothing, for your love, your love

    There ain't nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing impossible
    Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing's impossible
    Oh no, nothing, nothing, for your love, your love, your love, your love

    A thousand armies couldn't stop me, no
    Cause there ain't nothing impossible
    There ain't nothing, nothing, nothing impossible for your love, your love

    Stormy weather couldn't stop me, no
    Cause there ain't nothing impossible
    There ain't nothing, nothing, nothing impossible for your love, your love, your love.
  12. Απάντηση: Lyrics

    Bi/ i do chodladh liom
    Ar mhiste leat a insint dom?
    Cad is mian leat?
    An dtiocfa/ liom?
    Cad is mian leat?
    An dtiocfa/ liom?

    Nuair a leagan mo chrann
    An ndeireadh tusa liom?
    Cad is mian leat?
    An bheidh tu/ liom?
    Cad is mian leat?
    An dtiocfa/ liom?

    Bi/ i do chodladh liom
    Ar mhiste leat a insint dom?
    Cad is mian leat?
    An dtiocfa/ liom?

    An ndeireadh tusa liom?
    Cad is mian leat?
    Cad is mian leat?
    An tiocfa/ liom?
    Cad is mian leat?
    An dtiocfa/ liom?

    Bi/ i do chodladh liom
    ar mhiste leat a insint dom?