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Sounds like BDSM to me...

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM Art and Literature' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος margarita_nikolayevna, στις 27 Νοεμβρίου 2015.

  1. Ο αφέντης έφυγε πρωί,
    σκύλος τα μεσάνυχτα

    κι ως τη χαραυγή.
  2. margarita_nikolayevna

    margarita_nikolayevna Captain's property Contributor

    Ω ναιιιι  
  3. no_Taboo

    no_Taboo Αείκαυλος

  4. ..Κι οι μικρές αναπνοές σου
    πυρκαγιές στο πρόσωπό μου,
    το λαχάνιασμα του κόσμου στο κορμί σου,
    τα μαλλιά σου τυλιγμένα
    στη γροθιά μου, στον καρπό μου,
    έτσι θέλω να πεθαίνω παραβγαίνοντας μαζί σου.

    Πώς ανάβεις τους καημούς στον αναπτήρα,
    κι ανατρέπεις την απόφαση που πήρα,
    πώς κυλάς από τα όρια του κόσμου
    σα σκιά, σαν μαχαιριά, σαν άνθρωπός μου.
    Last edited: 19 Μαρτίου 2018
  5. Stilvi

    Stilvi Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition! Contributor

    She'll come, she'll go
    She'll lay belief on you
    Skin sweet with musky oil
    The lady from another grinning soul

    Cologne she'll wear. Silver and Americard
    She'll drive a beetle car
    And beat you down at cool Canasta

    And when the clothes are strewn
    don't be afraid of the room
    Touch the fullness of her breast
    Feel the love of her caress
    She will be your living end

    She'll come, she'll go.
    She'll lay belief on you
    But she won't stake her life on you
    How can life become
    her point of view

  6. sweet_release

    sweet_release ~she looks like the moon~

    ~...This is ultraviolence
    I can hear sirens, sirens
    He hit me and it felt like a kiss
    I can hear violins, violins
    Give me all of that ultraviolence

    He used to call me poison
    Like I was poison ivy
    I could've died right then
    'Cause he was right beside me
    Jim raised me up
    He hurt me but it felt like true love
    Jim taught me that
    Loving him was never enough

    This is ultraviolence
    I can hear sirens, sirens
    He hit me and it felt like a kiss
    I can hear violins, violins
    Give me all of that ultraviolence

    We can go back to New York
    Loving you was really hard
    We can go back 'til it's dark
    Where they don't know who we are
    Heaven is on earth
    I will do anything for you, babe
    Blessed is this union
    Crying tears of gold, like lemonade...~
  7. goodevil

    goodevil arcade

    Back down
    And touch
    The door is shut
    In the end

    You're just too close
    There's no-one here
    There's no-one there
    I still can't tell

    Try this
    And you might find
    I'm in your face
    I see your face

    The air is cold
    I'm still on hold
    I still can't tell
    What's been said

    Your Hands around my throat
    Ask me to let go
    Your Hands around my throat
    Your Hands around my throat
    Your Hands around my throat


  8. Θα πάρω κάνα χάρακα,
    θα πάρω καμιά βίτσα
    και θα σ’ τα κόψω μια και μια
    τα κόλπα, τα καπρίτσια.
  9. cadpmpc

    cadpmpc Contributor

    U know there is no need to... Ραβέρσο ανάποδο, που λέει κι ο ποιητής..!

  10. X-east

    X-east Guest

  11. gazza

    gazza Regular Member

  12. Arioch

    Arioch Μαϊμουτζαχεντίν Premium Member Contributor

    High noon
    Oh I'd sell my soul for water
    Nine years' worth
    Of breakin' my back
    There's no sun in the shadow of the wizard
    See how he glides
    Why he's lighter than air
    Oh I see his face

    Where is your star
    Is it far, is it far, is it far
    When do we leave
    I believe, yes, I believe

    * In the heat and the rain
    With whips and chains
    Just to see him fly
    So many die

    We built a tower of stone
    With out flesh and bone
    Just to see him fly
    Don't know why
    Now where do we go

    Hot wind moving fast across the desert
    We feel that our time has arrived
    The world spins while we put his wing together
    A tower of stone to take him straight to the sky
    Oh I see his face

    Where is your star
    It is far, is it far, is it far
    When do we leave, yeah
    I believe, I believe


    All eyes see the figure of the wizard
    As he climbs to the top of the world
    No sound as he falls instead of rising
    Time standing still
    Then there's blood on the sand
    Oh I see his face

    Where was your star
    Was it far, was it far
    When did we leave
    We believe, we believe, we believe

    In the heat and rain
    With whips and chains
    To see him fly
    So many die
    We built a tower of stone
    With out flesh and bone
    To see him fly
    But why, it don't rain
    With all our chains,
    Did so many die
    Just to see him fly
    Look at my flesh and bone
    Now look, look, look, look
    Look at this tower of stone
    I see a rainbow rising
    Look there on the horizon
    And I'm coming home
    Coming home, I'm coming home

    Time is standing still
    He gave me back my will
    Oh, oh, oh, oh
    Going home
    I'm going home
    My eyes are bleeding
    And my heart is weeping
    We still hope, we still hope, oh
    Take me back
    He gave me back my will
    Oh, oh, oh, oh
    Going home
    I'm going home
    My eyes are bleeding
    And my heart is weeping
    but it's not home, but it's not home oh

    Take me back, take me back
    Back to my home, oh, oh...