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Sounds like BDSM to me...

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM Art and Literature' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος margarita_nikolayevna, στις 27 Νοεμβρίου 2015.

  1. Dom_Apache

    Dom_Apache Regular Member

  2. underherfeet

    underherfeet πέρα βρέχει Contributor

    Τώρα που το άκουγα για να το βάλω στις διασκευές λέω ρε συ αντερ, αυτό το αϊ γκατ μάϊ μάιντ σετ ον γιου παράδοση του ελέγχου του μυαλού δεν είναι;  

  3. brenda

    brenda FU very much

    Μπα, δε νομίζω, αυτός την εθέλει, την λέει και μικρή, απλά το μυαλό του το έχει συνέχεια σ΄αυτήν.
    Δεν της έχει παραδώσει τον έλεγχο, εκτός κι αν τον έχει υφαρπάξει η μικρά... 
    Κι άμα το πάμε έτσι, θα τα βγάλουμε όλα τα τραγούδια σχετικά με τον έλεγχο, τι, όχι? 

  4. underherfeet

    underherfeet πέρα βρέχει Contributor

    ολα είναι θέμα οπτικής γωνίας που παρατηρείς τα γεγονότα.
    Να ,αυτό το τραγουδάκι ας πουμε, περιγράφει την αγωνιώδη ικεσία της υποτακτικής Ζοζεφίνας να θέσει τα σκληρά της όρια στη σχέση... 

  5. fragile figure
    I want to make you scream
    the texture of your cries
    pleasures me

  6. Missophia

    Missophia I always hoped for light to take you

    Talk show host Radiohead

    I want to
    I want to be someone else or I'll explode
    Floatin' upon this surface for the birds
    The birds
    The birds

    You want me?
    Fuckin' well, come and find me
    I'll be waitin'
    With a gun and a pack of sandwiches
    And nothin'

    You want me?
    Well, come and break the door down
    You want me?
    Fuckin' come and break the door down
    I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready
    I'm ready,
    I'm ready
  7. Missophia

    Missophia I always hoped for light to take you

  8. Master-Yoda

    Master-Yoda Αρχή άνδρα δείκνυσι

  9. Seras Victoria

    Seras Victoria "Fire walk with me" Contributor

    How do you do that cool dance?
    Baby don't split those hot pants
    I got these moves that we can do to and sing
    I don't look too good in pink
    I use to slash myself up
    I like to play it tough
    Cuts, bruises, blood oozes, bones breaking rough
    You gotta handle that stuff
    Yeah yeah, tear it up, rip it up, kick it up
    Yeah yeah, tear it up, rip it up, kick it up
    Yeah yeah, kick it, kick it, kick it
    I want to be your cat
    Screw that!
    I'm not sixteen but I got leather boots and suede
    Ah go fuck your pain away
    I heard you like kinky shit
    That just depends who I'm with
    What is it S&M or some kind of toy?
    Like you said search and destroy
    Some people don't like my crotch
    Because it's got fuzzy spots
    But if you flame it, It's a neat burning bush baby
    And that is just what I've got
    Yeah yeah, tear it up, rip it up, kick it up
    Yeah yeah, tear it up, rip it up, kick it up
    Yeah yeah, tear it up, rip it up, kick it up
    Yeah yeah, kick it, kick it, kick it
    And if you lay down with sin
    Escape the city I'm in
    Come on and knock'em where its rocking non-stop
    Make your way to Berlin

  10. espimain

    espimain Contributor

  11. espimain

    espimain Contributor