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Sounds like BDSM to me...

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'BDSM Art and Literature' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος margarita_nikolayevna, στις 27 Νοεμβρίου 2015.

  1. underherfeet

    underherfeet πέρα βρέχει Contributor

    I'd love to kill you with a kiss
    I'd like to strike you down with bliss
    I'd like to tie you up in knots
    until your heart stops

    I'd love to kill you with a glance
    I'd like to put you in trance
    I'd like to drug you with my scent
    And use you in the moment

    I'd love to kill you as you eat
    The pleasure would taste so sweet
    I'd like to open up your skin
    And wander there within

    I'd love to kill you by a stream
    Where no one can hear my baby scream
    And then I'd run away and be free
    The sweetest victory

    I love to watch you in your sleep
    Cause you don't have power over me
    And when you're awake I'm undone
    Under you spell, in hell

  2. Νηρηίς

    Νηρηίς Guest

  3. margarita_nikolayevna

    margarita_nikolayevna Captain's property Contributor

    Σε αυτή την εκτέλεση απαραιτήτως!!!!!!!!!!!! Γεεεεεεεεεεεεεαααααααα!!!     
  4. estelwen

    estelwen χρήσιμη Contributor

    April is in my mistress' face,
    And July in her eyes hath place;
    Within her bosom is September,
    But in her heart a cold December.

    Thomas Morley (1557-8 – 1602)

  5. Moira.mad

    Moira.mad New Member

  6. margarita_nikolayevna

    margarita_nikolayevna Captain's property Contributor

    Ε και όχι μόνον to me νομίζω...   
    Ε; Ε;

    I could not decide between pleasure and pain/
    I was begging for you
    To treat my body
    Like you wanted to....

  7. whisperer

    whisperer Regular Member

    της εποχης μου   
  8. whisperer

    whisperer Regular Member


    Heartborne, 7th Seeker
    In me the Wishmaster


    A dreamy-eyed child staring into night
    On a journey to storyteller's mind
    Whispers a wish speaks with the stars the words are silent in him
    Distant sigh from a lonely heart
    "I'll be with you soon, my Shalafi"
    Grey Havens my destiny



    Sla-Mori the one known only by Him
    To august realms, the sorcery within
    If you hear the call of arcane lore,
    your world shall rest on Earth no more
    A maiden elf calling with her cunning song
    "Meet me at the Inn of Last Home"
    Heartborne will find the way!


    Crusade for Your will
    A child, dreamfinder
    The Apprentice becoming...


  9. Hush-a-bye
    Don't you cry
    Go to sleepy little baby
    Go to sleepy little baby
    When you wake
    You shall have
    All the pretty little horsies
    All the pretty little horsies

    Blacks and bays
    Dapples and greys
    All the pretty little horsies

    Way down yonder
    In the meadow
    Lies a poor little lamby
    Bees and butterflies
    Flitting round his eyes
    Poor little thing is crying

    Go to sleep
    Don't you cry
    Rest your head upon the clover
    Rest your head upon the clover
    In your dreams
    You shall ride
    Whilst your mammy's watching over

  10. _DaRkNiGhT_

    _DaRkNiGhT_ femdom art

    Έσβησα τα φώτα κι άναψα κεριά
    Τράβηξα στην άκρη την κουρτίνα
    να 'ρθει αεράκι σαν παλιό τανγκό
    και πως δήθεν θα 'ρθεις σαν μια σερμαντίνα.

    Κάθε γυρισμό σου τον σκηνοθετώ
    και στολίζω μ'άστρα όλο το σπίτι
    Κι όλο λέω θα 'ρθείς και ακροβατώ
    κάπου ανάμεσα σ'ελπίδα και σε τύχη.

    Έσβησαν οι ώρες μέσα στη σιωπή
    σαν ρολόι μόλις ανασαίνω
    Πότε θα 'ρθεις πάλι σαν αστραπή
    Μηπως δεν υπάρχεις και άδικα προσμένω;
  11. underherfeet

    underherfeet πέρα βρέχει Contributor

    Κοίτα να δεις τώρα τι τραγουδούσε η Rosa Henderson το 1923...


    I'’m not ashamed to say what'’s in my heart I'’m not ashamed -- to say what’s in my heart
    Because I know -- the best of friends must part
    You came to me --
    you said my dog was your's
    You came to me --
    you said my dog was yours
    I’m not ashamed -- to speak my mind because....

    He may be your dog but he'’s wearing my collar
    I'’m putting you right
    He may be your dog but it’s me he'’ll follow when he wants good exercise....
    .....All day long -- you treat him right
    But you'’ll find him at my house every night
    He may be your dog but he’s wearing my collar
    How you gonna keep him home?

    I'’m not ashamed to say when I am wrong
    I'’m not ashamed -- to say when I am wrong
    Because I know a lie can'’t stand up long.
    Down in my home to lie is something strange
    Down in my home -- to lie is something strange
    That'’s why I mean to tell you to your face

    He may be your dog but he’'s wearing my collar

    I’m putting you right
    He may be your dog but it’'s me he'’ll follow when he wants good exercise
    He might eat right off your hand
    But you can’'t make him beg like mamma can

    He may be your dog but he’s wearing my collar

    How you gonna keep him home? He΄’s with you each night till six
    Then he comes over here and does his tricks
    He maybe your dog but he’s wearing my collar
    How you gonna keep him home?

  12. margarita_nikolayevna

    margarita_nikolayevna Captain's property Contributor

    Βαρύ ρεμπέτικο το πράμα ενίοτε...    

    Ορκίστηκα στα μάτια σου
    που τα ‘χα σαν βαγγέλιο
    τη μαχαιριά που μου ‘δωκες
    να σου την κάμω γέλιο

    Καίγομαι καίγομαι
    ρίξε κι άλλο λάδι στη φωτιά
    πνίγομαι πνίγομαι
    πέτα με σε θάλασσα βαθιά

    Μα συ βαθιά στην κόλαση
    την αλυσίδα σπάσε
    κι αν με τραβήξεις δίπλα σου
    ευλογημένος να ‘σαι

    Καίγομαι καίγομαι
    ρίξε κι άλλο λάδι στη φωτιά
    πνίγομαι πνίγομαι
    πέτα με σε θάλασσα βαθιά...