Απόκρυψη ανακοίνωσης

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What Turns You On/Off?

Συζήτηση στο φόρουμ 'Σεξ και Σχέσεις' που ξεκίνησε από το μέλος íɑʍ_Monkeץ, στις 19 Ιανουαρίου 2015.

  1. BaD_HabitS

    BaD_HabitS Regular Member

    κατι μου λεει οτι σου αρεσουν τα καλσον χεχεχεχε
  2. Elune

    Elune Priceless

    -What is your favorite word?
    Σε έπιασα
    -What is your least favorite word?
    -What is your favorite curce word?
    -What/Who do you hate?
    Τους ψεύτες/ψεύτρες
    -What smell are you?
    -What turns you on?
    Το μεγάλο και ωραίο στήθος
    -What turns you off?
    Τα άσχημα πόδια
    -What do you concider your best asset?
    Το βλέμμα μου και το στήθος της!
    -What sound or noise do you love?
    -What sound or noise do you hate?
    -What's one thing you haven't done that you really want to do?
    Ταξίδια all around the world
    -Does sex without pain interest you?
    -When i say pain, what do you think of?
    -Do you like to be beaten?
    -Does the thought of being hurt sexually turn you on?
    -Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?
    Fuck Yeah!!
    - What is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone?
    Δεν φοβάμαι τίποτα, είμαι ελεύθερος
    -What is your biggest weakness?
    Τα μάτια της...
    -What makes you passionate?
    Her sex
    -Would you ever want your partner to bite you till you pass out,.. or bite you till you bleed and they lick it off?
    Bite her...
    -Do you think you are a masochist/sadist?
    -Have you ever think play porn?
    Yeahhhh!! We record it
    -What's your favorite game/play?
    Να με υπηρετεί
    -Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
    -Do you watch/read pornography?
    -How do you enjoy sex the most, lights on or off?
    Lights on, so i can see her
    -Have you ever been caught masturbating?
    -Love or sex?
    1) Sex, 2) Her hug
    -What's more important to you, intelligence or beauty? Why?
    Το μεγάλο στήθος
    -What's your obsession?
    Orgy (+5 fems)
    -What is your secret?
    Feetlover <3
    -What's your deepest fear?
    Never Fear, Elune is here
    Were you turned on by any of these questions?
    Οχι, μόνο το... τσουλάκι μου μπορεί να με ανάψει
  3. Verana

    Verana New Member

    -What is your favorite word?
    Θα δείξει...

    -What is your least favorite word?
    Δε θυμάμαι...

    -What is your favorite curce word?
    Στην αρχοντομουνάρα μου!

    -What/Who do you hate?
    Το κέρατο.

    -What smell are you?
    Φρεσκοψημένο κεκάκι.

    -What turns you on?
    Σχεδόν τα πάντα.

    -What turns you off?
    Η μπίχλα.

    -What do you concider your best asset?
    Το ότι δεν είμαι απόλυτη.

    -What sound or noise do you love?
    Οι ψίθυροι στο αυτί.

    -What sound or noise do you hate?
    Της μύγας που γυρίζει τριγύρω μου όταν κοιμάμαι.

    -What's one thing you haven't done that you really want to do?
    Να μάθω μουσική.

    -Does sex without pain interest you?

    -When i say pain, what do you think of?
    Το χάσιμο...

    -Do you like to be beaten?

    -Does the thought of being hurt sexually turn you on?
    Αν κατάλαβα σωστά την ερώτηση όχι.

    -Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?

    - What is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone?
    Ε αφού ντρέπομαι δε το γράφω...

    -What is your biggest weakness?
    Το φαγητό.

    -What makes you passionate?
    Γενικότερα σε όλα με τα μούτρα πέφτω.

    -Would you ever want your partner to bite you till you pass out,.. or bite you till you bleed and they lick it off?

    -Do you think you are a masochist/sadist?

    -Have you ever think play porn?

    -What's your favorite game/play?
    Καθηγητής με φοιτήτρια.

    -Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?

    -Do you watch/read pornography?

    -How do you enjoy sex the most, lights on or off?
    Χαμηλός φωτισμός.

    -Have you ever been caught masturbating?
    Μια και δυό;

    -Love or sex?
    Συνδυασμός των δύο.

    -What's more important to you, intelligence or beauty? Why?
    Η εξυπνάδα, δεν ξέρω γιατί, απλώς το έχω διαπιστώσει.

    -What's your obsession?
    Η περιέργειά μου.

    -What is your secret?
    Το πού μπορεί να με οδηγήσει η περιέργειά μου.

    -What's your deepest fear?
    Ο θάνατος.

    Were you turned on by any of these questions?
  4. dimfetishman

    dimfetishman Ζεις μονάχα μια φορά. Ενίοτε και καμία. Contributor

    - What is your favorite word?
    "Θα είμαι εδώ για σένα".

    - What is your least favorite word?

    - What is your favorite curce word?
    Δεν με εκφράζει ιδιαίτερα καμία.

    - What/Who do you hate?
    Τα μισόλογα.

    - What smell are you?
    Κέικ με σοκολάτα μέσα, έξω, πάνω και κάτω. Χυμένη και ζεστή πάντα.

    - What turns you on?
    Ακόμη και κάτι πολύ απλό και αθώο. Σημασία έχει πότε και πως θα μου το πουν.

    - What turns you off?
    Η ασυνέπεια. Η βρωμιά, κυριολεκτικά και μεταφορικά. Καθώς και οι εκ πεποιθήσεως απεριποίητοι άνθρωποι. Κατά συνθήκη όλοι μπορεί να γίνουμε.

    - What do you concider your best asset?
    Προτιμώ να "κρεμαστώ" εγώ, παρά να "κρεμάσω" κάποιον.

    - What sound or noise do you love?
    Κάτι γλυκό, ψιθυριστό. Επίσης λατρεύω τη μουσική.

    - What sound or noise do you hate?
    Κάθε μορφή ηχορύπανσης.
    Καθώς και τα βογγητά της ρουφιάνας γειτόνισσας.

    - What's one thing you haven't done that you really want to do?
    Ένα μόνο δικαιούμαι να πω;
    Να κλειδωθώ σε ένα δωμάτιο με 2 γυναίκες και να πετάξω το κλειδί.

    - Does sex without pain interest you?
    Πολύ σπάνια.

    - When i say pain, what do you think of?
    "Κοφτερό" μυαλό και αποφασισμένα χέρια.

    - Do you like to be beaten?
    Αν είναι ξαφνικό, ναι.

    - Does the thought of being hurt sexually turn you on?
    Ανάλογα με την περίσταση. Αν είναι να με πιάσουν 2 μαύροι με τίποτα. Αν είναι μαύρες, λευκές ή κίτρινες, δεν το βρίσκω καθόλου κακό.

    - Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?

    - What is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone?
    Δε ντρέπομαι για κάτι.

    - What is your biggest weakness?
    Ευαίσθητος και φιλότιμος στα όρια της ηλιθιότητας. Και συχνά ανυπόμονος σε ορισμένα πράγματα.

    - What makes you passionate?
    Η εμπιστοσύνη και η δοτικότητα, εφόσον όμως τα κερδίσω.

    - Would you ever want your partner to bite you till you pass out,.. or bite you till you bleed and they lick it off?
    Δύσκολα αλλά τελικά αυτά αξίζουν περισσότερο.

    - Do you think you are a masochist/sadist?
    Τίποτα δεν αποκλείω.

    - Have you ever think play porn?
    Παίζουν και γέροι σε πορνό;

    - What's your favorite game/play?
    Μονόπολυ από τα αθώα. Και από τα ακόμη πιο αθώα οι "κουμπάρες". Στην έκδοση γιατρού-ασθενή ή ψυχολόγου-ασθενή.

    - Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?
    Μπα... δεν πιάνω ούτε φράγκο.

    - Do you watch/read pornography?

    - How do you enjoy sex the most, lights on or off?
    Ο χαμηλός φωτισμός με χαλαρώνει και με απελευθερώνει.

    - Have you ever been caught masturbating?

    - Love or sex?
    Love for sex.

    - What's more important to you, intelligence or beauty? Why?
    Ένα "γλυκό" προσωπάκι μου αρκεί. Επομένως ψηφίζω κατά βάση "εξυπνάδα".

    - What's your obsession?
    Να ζήσω... γενικά και ειδικά.

    - What is your secret?
    Δύσκολα μπορεί να φανταστεί κανείς, ακόμη και όσοι με γνωρίζουν χρόνια, πόσο "βρώμικα" σκέφτομαι ώρες-ώρες.

    - What's your deepest fear?
    Ο θάνατος. Όχι ο δικός μου αλλά κάποιων πολύ αγαπημένων προσώπων.

    Were you turned on by any of these questions?
    Στη σκέψη και μόνο ναι.
  5. sweet_release

    sweet_release ~she looks like the moon~

    - What is your favorite word?

    - What is your least favorite word?

    - What is your favorite curce word?
    όλες! αν πρέπει να διαλέξω μια.... "Γαμιέσαι"

    - What/Who do you hate?
    ουυυυ πολλά...Βλέπε νήμα "Μίσος"

    - What smell are you?
    Mix : Γιασεμί ,Γαρδένια,Λεβάντα,Τήλιο,Λεμονιά,Σανδαλόξυλο

    - What turns you on?
    Η μουσική και η ζεστασιά

    - What turns you off?
    Η βρωμιά

    - What do you concider your best asset?


    - What sound or noise do you love?
    Κάτι που τσιγαρίζεται,το θρόισμα των φύλλων,το γέλιο ενός παιδιού, ο ήχος από το βιολί

    - What sound or noise do you hate?
    το ξυπνητήρι

    - What's one thing you haven't done that you really want to do?
    Τον γύρο του κόσμου

    - Does sex without pain interest you?

    - When i say pain, what do you think of?

    - Do you like to be beaten?
    Γιες...στα παιχνίδια όχι...<_<

    - Does the thought of being hurt sexually turn you on?

    - Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?

    - What is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone?
    Εδώ θα το πω?? 

    - What is your biggest weakness?
    Υπερβολικά καλή ώρες ώρες

    - What makes you passionate?

    - Would you ever want your partner to bite you till you pass out,.. or bite you till you bleed and they lick it off?

    - Do you think you are a masochist/sadist?

    - Have you ever think play porn?

    - What's your favorite game/play?
    jungle speed /πονηρά:δάσκαλος -μαθήτρια

    - Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?

    - Do you watch/read pornography?
    Υπάρχει κανείς που δεν??

    - How do you enjoy sex the most, lights on or off?
    Ο χαμηλός φωτισμός

    - Have you ever been caught masturbating?

    - Love or sex?
    Love (with love comes great sex)

    - What's more important to you, intelligence or beauty? Why?
    Εξυπνάδα...με φτιάχνει

    - What's your obsession?

    - What is your secret?
    Δεν τα λέμε αυτά 

    - What's your deepest fear?
    Ο βιασμός, paranormal activities, έντομα

    Were you turned on by any of these questions?
  6. Xarhs

    Xarhs Hard limits: Μπουζούκια, Δράκοι και Μονόκεροι

    -What is your favorite word?

    -What is your least favorite word?

    -What is your favorite curce word?
    Καριόλη / Motherfucker (αλλά με συναίσθημα... Mootheerfuuuucker  )

    -What/Who do you hate?

    -What smell are you?
    Hugo Boss (The Scent)

    -What turns you on?

    -What turns you off?

    -What do you concider your best asset?


    -What sound or noise do you love?

    -What sound or noise do you hate?

    -What's one thing you haven't done that you really want to do?

    -Does sex without pain interest you?

    Maybe (?)

    -When i say pain, what do you think of?

    -Do you like to be beaten?

    -Does the thought of being hurt sexually turn you on?
    Μερικές φορές

    -Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?

    -What is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone?
    Δεν μπορώ να σκεφτώ κάτι.

    -What is your biggest weakness?

    -What makes you passionate?

    -Would you ever want your partner to bite you till you pass out,.. or bite you till you bleed and they lick it off?

    -Do you think you are a masochist/sadist?


    -What's your favorite game/play?
    This question is not suitable for a gamer

    -Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?

    -Do you watch/read pornography?
    Ναι, όποιος λέει όχι ψεύδεται...  

    -How do you enjoy sex the most, lights on or off?
    Doesn't matter

    -Have you ever been caught masturbating?

    -Love or sex?
    What are those..?  

    -What's more important to you, intelligence or beauty? Why?


    -What's your obsession?
    Gaming and Cars (how original)

    -What is your secret?
    Ειμαι Ninja

    -What's your deepest fear?


    -Were you turned on by any of these questions?
    Last edited: 18 Μαρτίου 2016
  7. sweet_release

    sweet_release ~she looks like the moon~

    ντάξει π'εθανα και με το lag   
  8. Xarhs

    Xarhs Hard limits: Μπουζούκια, Δράκοι και Μονόκεροι

    Στο 0:06 με 0:10 του βίντεο συνήθως είμαι εγώ ...  

    BTW Hank Moody ματς λαβ

    "Don't say motherfucker like that, it makes me miss you"
    -----so many feels
    Last edited: 18 Μαρτίου 2016
  9. Λύσανδρος

    Λύσανδρος Hide' n' seek... Contributor

    Last edited: 18 Μαρτίου 2016
  10. SAP

    SAP η καλή νοικοκυρά είναι δούλα και κυρά Contributor

    -What is your favorite word?


    -What is your least favorite word?


    -What is your favorite curce word?


    -What/Who do you hate?


    -What smell are you?


    -What turns you on?

    my self

    -What turns you off?

    ο εμετός

    -What do you concider your best asset?

    η ψυχή μου

    -What sound or noise do you love?


    -What sound or noise do you hate?


    -What's one thing you haven't done that you really want to do?

    have sex with him

    -Does sex without pain interest you?


    -When i say pain, what do you think of?

    πόνος είναι όταν το δέρμα δεν αντέχει άλλο

    -Do you like to be beaten?

    όχι γενικά

    -Does the thought of being hurt sexually turn you on?

    ίσως αρκετά αλλά πάντοτε εξαρτάται από πολλά άλλα

    -Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?

    almost every friend

    - What is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone?

    δεν υπάρχει κάτι τέτοιο που να ντρέπομαι να πω.

    -What is your biggest weakness?


    -What makes you passionate?

    η ζωή

    -Would you ever want your partner to bite you till you pass out,.. or bite you till you bleed and they lick it off?

    μάλλον όχι

    -Do you think you are a masochist/sadist?


    -Have you ever think play porn?


    -What's your favorite game/play?

    μ' αρέσει να παλεύω

    -Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?


    -Do you watch/read pornography?


    -How do you enjoy sex the most, lights on or off?

    lights off

    -Have you ever been caught masturbating?


    -Love or sex?

    love is the answer

    -What's more important to you, intelligence or beauty? Why?

    beauty. επειδή η ομορφιά βρίσκεται παντού ενώ η εξυπνάδα είναι σχετική σε κάθε πλαίσιο.

    -What's your obsession?


    -What is your secret?

    δεν έχω μυστικά.

    -What's your deepest fear?

    ο θάνατος

    Were you turned on by any of these questions?

    maybe, maybe not.
  11. Ana Steel

    Ana Steel 7.585,145,542...

    -What is your favorite word?

    Ματάκια μου

    -What is your least favorite word?


    -What is your favorite curse world?

    Πολλές και καμία.

    -What/Who do you hate?


    -What smell are you?


    -What turns you on?

    Η ζωή

    -What turns you off?

    Η αρρώστια.

    -What do you concider your best asset?


    -What sound or noise do you love?

    Αναπνοή και κύμα που σκάει στην ακροθαλασσιά.

    -What sound or noise do you hate?


    -What's one thing you haven't done that you really want to do?

    Ταξίδια... Πολλά!

    -Does sex without pain interest you?

    Χαλαρά ναι!

    -When i say pain, what do you think of?


    -Do you like to be beaten?


    -Does the thought of being hurt sexually turn you on?

    Αρκετές φορές.

    -Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?

    Ποτέ όμως...

    - What is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone?

    Δεν υπάρχει τέτοιο μυστικό.

    -What is your biggest weakness?


    -What makes you passionate?

    Η ζωή.

    -Would you ever want your partner to bite you till you pass out,.. or bite you till you bleed and they lick it off?

    Δεν είμαι σίγουρη...

    -Do you think you are a masochist/sadist?

    Το ψάχνω ακόμη.

    -Have you ever think play porn?

    Μπα, όχι.

    -What's your favorite game/play?

    Taboo.. (Τι, όχι επιτραπέζια;  )

    -Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?


    -Do you watch/read pornography?

    Σπάνια και αυτό παλιότερα.

    -How do you enjoy sex the most, lights on or off?

    Συνήθως on.

    -Have you ever been caught masturbating?


    -Love or sex?

    Sex with love!!

    -What's more important to you, intelligence or beauty? Why?

    Intelligence. Η ομορφιά είναι πρόσκαιρη το μυαλό κρατάει.

    -What's your obsession?

    Πολλές και όσο κυλούν τα χρόνια αυξάνονται!

    -What is your secret?

    Δεν έχω!

    -What's your deepest fear?

    Η αρρώστια.

    Were you turned on by any of these questions?

    Θα έπρεπε;;
    Όχι, καθόλου.

    MASTER--YODA Vincit qui se vincit

    -What is your favorite word?
    -What is your least favorite word?
    -What is your favorite curce word?
    -What/Who do you hate?
    -What smell are you?
    one million (πλέον έχει ποτίσει το κορμι μου !!! )
    -What turns you on?
    -What turns you off?

    δήθεν συμπεριφορές

    -What do you concider your best asset?
    -What sound or noise do you love?
    ήχοι απο την φύση και ειδικά το τρεχούμενο νερο

    -What sound or noise do you hate?
    αυτοκίνητα και της πόλης γενικότερα

    -What's one thing you haven't done that you really want to do?

    θα φανώ κάπως αν πώ παιδιά???

    -Does sex without pain interest you?
    και ναι και όχι

    -When i say pain, what do you think of?


    -Do you like to be beaten?

    -Does the thought of being hurt sexually turn you on?

    -Is there anyone of your friends that you would ever consider having sex with?
    ναι και δεν το έχω κρύψει!!

    - What is your biggest secret desire that you are ashamed of telling anyone?
    δεν υπάρχει κάτι μιας και δεν ντρέπομαι να μιλήσω για οτι έχω κανει σωστο η λάθος

    -What is your biggest weakness?
    φαγητό !!!!
    -What makes you passionate?
    ενα καλό φιλί .. απίστευτο εεε??

    -Would you ever want your partner to bite you till you pass out,.. or bite you till you bleed and they lick it off?


    -Do you think you are a masochist/sadist?
    ένας μικρός σαδιστάκος

    -Have you ever think play porn?
    ναι πολλές φορές
    -What's your favorite game/play?
    μικρή και άτακτη μαθήτρια .

    -Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?


    -Do you watch/read pornography?

    -How do you enjoy sex the most, lights on or off?
    με φώτα αν και χωρίς έχει και αυτο μια χάρη !!!

    -Have you ever been caught masturbating?
    -Love or sex?

    lovex ( και τα δύο συνυπάρχουν )

    -What's more important to you, intelligence or beauty? Why?
    εξυπνάδα.. γιατι με εκλύει ένα άτομο που μπορεί να μου πειράξει τον δικο μου εγκέφαλο

    -What's your obsession?
    οι δασκαλίτσες

    -What is your secret?
    ειμαι ο batman

    -What's your deepest fear?
    Μοναξιά.. αλλα κυρίως μοναξια στην ψυχη..
    Were you turned on by any of these questions?
    ναι και ήταν η ερώτηση με το αν μου αρέσει το να κάνω σεξ με ή οχι φώτα !!!